Return to Index › LoveTEFL, Bangkok, Beijing
#1 Parent LMason - 2013-02-27
Re: LoveTEFL, Bangkok

I would recommend to anybody thinking of travelling and teaching in Thailand for the best part of a year to go through LoveTEFL. If you want a constant support network of people who have traveled the world and know what they are talking about go through LoveTEFL. I came here in May 2012 and I have never looked back. Get in touch with them and have a brief conversation and you will see how passionate and genuine they are. I believe they are different to other agencies out there and they have helped made my experience a really enjoyable one, one that I will never forget.

ickey - 2012-06-01
LoveTEFL, Bangkok, Beijing

You will hate LoveTEFL. It's run by an Englishman named B[edited] who tells lots of lies. I and another teacher were hired by LoveTEFL to teach EP English in Thailand. When we got to the school we found out I was hired to teach social studies and the other guy was slated to teach chemistry. That was what the school was recruiting for, not English teachers. I have a BS in Education with a social studies major, TEFL certification and experience teaching both. Because of my social studies background and the school's need, the school won't let me teach English. I have no curriculum and most of my students are A2-B1 and unable to understand and learn concepts. We also found out we are underpaid for our positions as specialty teachers. LoveTEFL is now expanding to China and offering very low salaries. Beware of this unethical company.

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