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#1 Parent A concerned resarcher - 2012-11-07
Re: Knight ESL, easternesl, ClickCn, ELSHR, and edcomasia

correction, in 2010 this was originally posted on the aforementioned link

#2 Parent A concerned resarcher - 2012-11-05
Re: Knight ESL, easternesl, ClickCn, ELSHR, and edcomasia

Hi, I'm just reading up on some similar offers and from what I can see I'd be careful of "Ken Stuart". He (or someone else) posted exactly the same response about Edcomasia in 2006 which suggests that this offer was received four years ago (which would be 2002 at the time of posting) under the username Khun And. Unless he has since then suffered from some severe memory loss or indeed has made some startling discoveries in the field of time travel I would suggest that this is a fake (as 4 years ago from the current post would be 2008, a good 6 years after the supposed original job)

There is of course a possibility that this is entirely unjustified and is a mere oversight from dear old Ken, but just to draw attention to these apparent inconsistencies.

#3 Parent Ken Stuart - 2012-09-15
Re: Knight ESL, easternesl, ClickCn, ELSHR, and edcomasia

I first used this company 4.5 years ago when I was looking for a job in Thailand. They were very helpful and I had 2 positions at 2 different schools - one in Bangkok and the other in Hua Hin. Then when I decided to move to China in late 2011, and I contacted them and was able to get a job in a school in Guangzhou.

Yes it is true they are Aussies and have been finding teachers for Thai schools for a number of years. As for China, they moved into this country 3 years ago. But one thing they don't do is they do not deal with Chinese recruiters but contact schools and institutions directly. One of the guys there had had a bad experience with Chinese recruiters when he was looking for a teaching job in the past, which is the reason why they do not touch them.

If anyone's wanting a recruiter who cares, then I'd recommend these guys.

#4 Parent Magister - 2012-06-15
Re: Knight ESL, easternesl, ClickCn, ELSHR, and edcomasia

It certainly seems that any Tom, Dick or Harry can open up a recruitment agency these days (legal or not). I guess it's the low to non-existant start up costs. However, i'm sure you're right that some are willing and able to do a more professional job than others and as always it's good that teachers can share their positive and negative experiences on boards like this to help guide those who are looking for work.

#5 Parent Kanadian - 2012-06-15
Re: Knight ESL, easternesl, ClickCn, ELSHR, and edcomasia

I will agree most employment agents are morons ! However it is my observation those such agents are illegal and don't really care... established and processional agents are better. I am dealing with CCESL and I think she did an excellent job.. Not all are crap but I would and could say 90%

#6 Parent Magister - 2012-06-15
Re: Knight ESL, easternesl, ClickCn, ELSHR, and edcomasia

I might be wrong but i believe that Edcomasia is based out of Thailand. Therefore you could ask yourself the question, how qualified are they to speak about positions in China?

As with my previous reply on a different thread to you, i think you need to consider the quality of the information that a recruiter can provide given that all they are doing is passing on what the school has told them. Therefore it's like a big game of Chinese whispers with the risk that by the time the information reaches you it has been corrupted. That doesn't mean that if you go direct to the source that schools won't lie to you (check all the threads on this forum) but that you should at least cross check any information the recruiter tells you with the school itself.

jlobkowicz - 2012-06-13
Knight ESL, easternesl, ClickCn, ELSHR, and edcomasia

Has anyone worked with any of the above recruiters? I posted my resume on a few websites and they have all contacted me. I would like to know early if any have a poor reputation.
Knight ESL, easternel, ClickCn, ESLHR, and edcomasia


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