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#1 Parent Kanadian - 2012-06-18
Re: VIP China of Beijing - Goldwyn Zhang

I guess you learned your lesson.. If you don't have a Z visa and residency permit from the Public Security Bureau, you can't work. Sometimes schools don't offered medical and in lieu of that offer what they claim to be a higher way, so in turn, you can purchase your own medical insurance, it's allowed but it's not a good deal

#2 Parent foxy - 2012-06-18
Re: VIP China of Beijing - Goldwyn Zhang

Indeed, Goldwyn is a peeny-pincher. Those Beijing recruiters/agents are all bottom-feeders, every last one of them. If you intend to work for a Chinese recruiter/agent, you should be offered a contract for either a whole semester or for two whole semesters. Your contract should offer you at least 3,000 RMB air fare allowance for one semester, and twice that for two. Also your holiday travel allowance should be at least 1,000 RMB/semester. Your monthly salary should be at least 4,500 RMB regardless of official vacations, and you should be paid a daily rate equivalent to the fraction of the days of the month for part months worked at the beginning and at the end of your contract. It's also advantageous to have a teaching assistant in class to assist you with the teaching, and you should expect between 16 and 20 classes/week. Your flat should be rent-free with all the necessary appliances, including a desktop connected to the Internet, and you should be the sole tenant. Your contract's clauses are of paramount importance - remember, the devil is in the detail! For anyone interested, a superior alternative to Goldwyn is Yuncheng IELTS "School".

#3 Parent Nolan Smith - 2012-06-17
Re: VIP China of Beijing - Goldwyn Zhang

Goldwyn Zhang is not to be trusted. I'm still owed reimbursement for expenses accrued after having to go to Hong Kong to get my visa stamped. I was told back im America that I would receive insurance and my visa would be properly handled once I arrived in China. Upon arriving Goldwyn Zhang claimed that I could work here legally and I didn't require insurance while in China.

He lied to my first school in Jian Shi about my qualifications and visa. And signed me up for only a 3 month contract. After 3 months I had to move to a new city and start all over again. Do not trust this organization. You will regret it Now I'm owed 1892 rmb from Hong Kong and another 2122 for working and I'll be damn surprised if I see any of it

#4 Parent Spares - 2011-02-23
Re: VIP China of Beijing

I apologise profusely Turnoi. I thought you were a flamer and I was annoyed that this was one of the few posts on google that I could find about VIP China, but it had little information. I now see why you hate them so much.

They deal in deception, greeting you in one hand while slowly inserting and twisting the knife with the other. So experienced are they at the art that you won't even feel it as they know the points in which to inflict damage without you knowing until they withdraw the blade. At which point it becomes all to obvious what they had intended as your life blood seeps onto the floor.

Sorry if it's a bit over the top, but I am so pissed off right now.

#5 Parent Mitch - 2010-06-13
Re: VIP China of Beijing

I agree with haha and want to suggest that Into... is one of those people who has lot's of textbook knowledge but no common sense. Goldwyn told me that I'd be getting a job in Xinjiang. then as soon as I turn up in Beijing, a 42 hr, 550 yuan detour, he tells me that in fact they don't have a job for me in Xinjiang. You might say that the time and cost of the trip to Beijing is neither here nor there since I knew all along that I had to go there, but not when they change the deal like that. I ended back up in Yunnan, by choice over a few other places I admit, but it really wasn't necessary for me to go to Beijing.

#6 Parent Into English Idioms - 2010-01-03
Re: VIP China of Beijing

You wrote "... and Goldwyn is as honest as the day is long."
Well, the days are quite short at this time of the year.

Does Haha not realize that the expression 'as honest as the day is long' is an idiom that means 'to be completely honest', and therefore does not depend on actual daylight hours as per time of year/location? Is Haha really an EFL teacher, or merely a joker in search of a laugh?

#7 Parent Haha - 2010-01-03
Re: VIP China of Beijing

You wrote "... and Goldwyn is as honest as the day is long."
Well, the days are quite short at this time of the year.

#8 Parent A former client of Goldwyn - 2010-01-03
Re: VIP China of Beijing

Pay no heed to what Turnoi says about VIP China, whose HQ is in Beijing. It's a legit organisation, and Goldwyn is as honest as the day is long. If you're after a teaching job in China, please don't be put off by wha Turnoi says. You could do a lot worse than to contact Goldwyn. He'll do his best to place you well. Most of his partner schools are middle schools in the public sector, but he does supply foreign teachers of English to a few colleges as well.

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