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#1 Parent Oil workers - 2012-10-09
Re: Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan - NOW called: SAGE Educational Group

There is a lot of corruption and mixing involved between FT's in songyuan, the locals, and the oil industry.

One such gw yuppie type FT was exposed on these boards a couple of years back, and by all accounts is still in songyuan itself.

Disgusting to the bottom of the limits of human corruption and greed!

#2 Parent fuckbill - 2012-10-09
Re: Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan - NOW called: SAGE Educational Group

now the school is using the new name ,so the school can still hire new foreigners

About SAGE

SAGE Educational Group was founded in 2004 and has two centres — one is located in Songyuan, Jilin Province, and the other in Tianjin. Both centres provide quality teaching to meet the high expectations of our students at each stage of the learning process.

Songyuan Academy of Foreign Studies (SAFS)

The Songyuan Academy of Foreign Studies is a three-year community collegeaccredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is located in Songyuan City, Jilin Province’s third largest prefecture-level city, at the same latitude as Detroit City in America, Songyuan City has always been known as "an oil city, a grain store, a meat store, a sea of forest and a fish producer.” The China-Petrol Jilin Oilfield is located here and ranked as No.9 among the land-based oilfields in China.

#3 Parent Anderson - 2012-07-05
Re: Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan

Bill likes people to believe his “school” is called Songyuan Foreign Studies college, and does not want to give its real name in his posts. We now know the name is Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan. Thanks to the Internet! You have information that Bill had been to Hong Kong. He will stoop so low to achieve what he wants to achieve.

In order to attract people to his “school” (and make a lot of money from them), he tries to make his “school” famous by organizing a foreign language speaking contest in Songyuan (again, thanks to the Internet for the information). He charges very high fees – he milks those Chinese who have a lot of cash.

What rubbish that his "school" is "highly prestigious." If it is “highly prestigious,” how can it have three Filipinos who are not native speakers of English teaching English at his school? (This information is taken from a website.) If it is “highly prestigious,” how can it be housed in such a small place?

Bill's "school" does deserve a police raid!

I think Bill laughs when he sees this - the police are his friends!

#4 Parent Coyo - 2012-07-03
Re: Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan

I have heard Bill just returned from a triad meeting in Hongkong. There, they decided to use his "school" for other business like...have a guess!
Bill's "school" does deserve a police raid!

#5 Parent Anderson - 2012-07-03
Re: Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan

Bill is writing again, this time using the alias Sam Cong instead of tbill. He is trying to deceive us. His school Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan is really a crap. The picture of the school itself tells us he is operating in a small place and making a lot of money out of it – imagine the students and teachers being confined in such a small space. I have other pictures of the school and even a picture of Bill himself.

San Migs, you are right, he is crap. He is boasting he has “50,000 students . . . and 3,000 teachers” but actually they do not belong to his school in Songyuan. Bill is trying to mislead us and show how great his school is with so many thousands of students and teachers. He is a great liar and deceiver.

He boasts of 36 foreign teachers but an online check does not reveal that figure – Bill is trying to mislead us by including teachers who have left his school. He boasts about the pay he offers the teachers but that’s much lower than that of other schools – really good schools don’t offer such low pay. His certificates are like toilet papers stamped with the name of his crappy school. Many parents and students have been deceived by Bill. “Ask our government” – we know Bill is a congressman and has many connections (triads, as Turnoi calls them) and so knows how to manipulate and hoodwink government officials and others into endorsing his school. He says his “school is fine,” “highly prestigious and successful school.” Is it really true??? One day the bubble will burst.

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college


#7 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college


Do you expect anyone to believe your spiel! [edited]

#8 Parent Sam Cong - 2012-07-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

No, this fine school is no crap! We have 50,000 students of the English and 3000 teechers. There are also 36 foreign teechers, we pay 9000 RMB a month.
And the certificates we hand out to successful graduates are much more worth than only toilette paper!
Our school is fine, highly prestigious and successful school - ask our government, please!

#9 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-02
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

Bill is crap, Dell is crap, and Songyuan is crap....that's all that needs to be said on this matter.

#10 Parent Anderson - 2012-07-02
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

Bill doesn't care the place is small for teachers and students as long the place can bring in a lot of money for him. He is a greedy boss, that's all.

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