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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-30
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

People like you are why other expats think that English teachers are bums, and why the profession gets the low level of respect that it does. Go dance somewhere else, dancing bear.

Never been a dancing bear, but have been known to dance all night when I was younger, with younger knees, lol.

Did TEFL EVER have any respect? Grow up and smell the coffee, it is just a sinecure in China, even many Chinese know now it is not a real profession, there is no pension or benefits conferred.

Or you can look at it like me and silverboy do before moving onto another asian country, just a good place to drink cold beer, date women, eat jiaozi.

Your call man.


#2 Parent Dante - 2012-07-30
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

" have your fill of cute chinese female students?" with that comment I think you are the last one who should be commenting on the ethics of anyone. People like you are why other expats think that English teachers are bums, and why the profession gets the low level of respect that it does. Go dance somewhere else, dancing bear.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-03
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

Still cheers and beers englishgibson?

Why aren't you moving to Canada yet?

#4 Parent englishgibson - 2012-07-03
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

On mainland China, most foundation programs are similar and as San Migs has described. What s*cks with the GAC is that it is owned by the American college entry exam institution called the ACT which siphons off money and which cares little about who enters the higher education abroad and in its own country, the US. Needless to go on debating the scarry opportunities the program provides the foreign facilitators with.
Cheers and beers to all the pro foreign facilitators with elephant skin :)

#5 Parent juanisaac - 2012-07-02
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

They are low balling you. Rule of thumb is that the closer you are to coast the more they should pay because the cost of living is more expensive. I am sure they fed you "It's close to Hong Kong" stuff, right? Good luck to you.

#6 Parent Kanadian - 2012-07-02
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

A buddy emailed me, his word was the same as yours... The school or potential school is outside of Guangzhou and the salary should be near 7 000 G's - they offer 5500 ha ha ha no thanks

#7 Parent juanisaac - 2012-07-01
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

To going rate now for a public middle school teacher is 5500-6000 Yuan, depending on where you want to go. These are low hours, low stress positions. However, you kind of have to play a psychological mind game with the students if you want to really teach them something.

Bigger cities like Nanjing are on the low end because they are highly sought after. However, they offer more opportunities for side jobs that can double, and in the case of my friend, triple your salary for side work and tutoring.

Country schools, like where I am at, offer a higher base salary and there are opportunities for side jobs- if the school is not banal about you working outside of school you can increase your salary from 50 to 60%. Moreover, the cost of living is low.

Also, the closer the city is to Shanghai the more they seem to pay. Nantong averages about 7,000 and Suzhou about 9,000.
I once asked a Chinese friend of mine if he had to choose between 7.5 K in a small Chinese town where I am now, or 9 k in Suzhou where I was offered a job, he recommended to stay in a small town: so I did.

I wish you luck.

#8 Parent Kanadian - 2012-07-01
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

Juanisac what is the going rate for an expat in a middle school ? I have an offer just outside of Guangzhou.

#9 Parent juanisaac - 2012-06-30
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

I would second the "public schools" line of employment. No stress and as long as you show up sober and on time, or close to it, your fine.

I prefer public middle schools since I worked in high schools in the states. Also, I am free to experiment to see what works with middle school
school students and what does not. Just keep it simple stupid. Explain and show them how to do certain things for no more than 3-4 minutes and let them practice. Change exercise every 10 to 15 minutes and it becomes a fun class. After the first month when they are not motivated to speak- show a short movie to get their interest back.

I have one rule- they can choose to do English in Class or homework. On a good day I get 80% speaking, on a bad day about 30%. I just got tired of screaming and tearing up homework.

#10 Parent San Migs - 2012-06-30
Re: Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

I personally would avoid having anything to do with the GAC programme schools, they are just as bad as training centres, they rip off the Chinese students, who are normally lazy and spoiled on these courses to begin with, having been coerced into studying for the GAC by rich parents, and they will "advise" you on your teaching methods.

Avoid! Get a public uni job instead, where you can have your fill of cute chinese female students, and plan your own lessons in a free apartment, with no stress!

Daryl Barnum - 2012-06-29
Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program

Good Morning Friends; Just got an offer from, "Jiangsu Changshu High School GAC Program", "Kingstar Overseas Education Service co.,ltd of Jiangsu Province", please, anyone have any comments about these people?

Thank you

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