Return to Index › Re: Ivy English School / Jiamusi, China
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-06
Re: Ivy English School / Jiamusi, China

I couldn't give a hoot about how qualified you are as a teacher. You may be more qualified than me academically, so what? You are not qualified to say you are better and more knowing on what it is like to work in China. This thread as well as the other one that you have started is nothing but an EGO trip that you have taken to apparently root out all voices of opposition which disagree with you and you only.

You have failed to properly address the issues brought up by not just me but by other posters. You treat every single disagreement as an attack on your own personal character. You believe that you always have to be right when you really have absolutely nothing useful to say. Worst of all you deride others who contribute to this board as being "unqualified" and being dishonest with their views.

I brought proof to this forum on why Ivy English School is not a good school to work at. You failed to counter with proper evidence on why my points are flawed. Instead you respond to me as well as to others with emotion, rather than logic and appeal towards the masses with a victim mentality, which is disgusting and shows you are quite naive. Either it's that or you have a wicked agenda to denounce and defame the regular posters who come on here.

You say nobody knows who we are, well nobody knows who the hell you are either. For all we know you are a manager/teacher at this training center who was just biding his/her time to come on this board and attack us and hopefully make us go away. You may have your hand in the pot at the company that you work for. They may even be paying you to post on here. Who knows how many teachers you have already pissed off in the past with your incompetence and idiocy? I'm sure your chinese boss loves having you around, since you cause division in the ESL community rather than unity with your attitude and your outlook on these issues we talk about regularly on this forum.

You are not in the right. You do not work for a real school. You are merely playing with semantics and telling us we didn't make this right statement or that right statement. Your pathetic attempts to discredit others will only get you more opposition, and you deserve whatever brunt that is thrown your way.

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