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#1 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-26
Re: get out now

Thailand is one that comes to mind.

I have heard the Thais,while perhaps being more smiley, can be just as devious and racist. I would certainly NEVER trust a Thai woman after all the horror stories I have heard and read about.

Well, lots of the businesses in Thailand are owned by Chinese businessmen to begin with. Anyway, I have known a couple Thai women very well, and I would trust either of them completely. However, a lot of Western men get involved with, let's be frank here, prostitutes, because that's who they can meet easily. Some will be so naive they don't realize their English speaking, tattooed, beer-chugging, sex-crazed "girl-friend" is or was a sex-worker, but it can be pretty obvious to the not-so-naive unbiased observer. In an case, rather than say that one wouldn't trust Thai women, I think it would be more accurate to say one wouldn't trust "sex workers" as serious romantic partners (probably for the very logical reason that THEY are probably not seeing it that was at all themselves, but rather that the new "boy friend" is a longer-term singular client. When he stops giving money and gifts, she moves on, and he doesn't understand what happens, and there we have a "horror story" from his perspective. But, Thai women who are NOT in the sex trade are very lovely people. The other women may have good qualities as well, but are probably damaged goods. What else would one expect.

But, yes, in neighboring countries there is also corruption just as there is in China. But the countries themselves are a bit more pleasant, and there isn't that sense of oppression, or the blocked internet.

#2 Parent anon - 2012-07-26
Re: get out now

have to agree with most of the comments not just here but on other forums about 2012 and the anti foriegner feeling in China. That recent '100 Day Crackdown' scenario was totally out of order. In a few years, maybe 10, I cannot see many foreigners being welcome in this country once half of the school kids learning english take up jobs here.

#3 Parent Mr Motivator - 2012-07-17
Re: get out now

What a fantastic post. I feel really sorry for you, but 'i wish i'd punched myself in the face before i got on the plane' - gold. I couldn't agree more. Take care of yourself

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-13
Re: get out now

Thailand is one that comes to mind.

I have heard the Thais,while perhaps being more smiley, can be just as devious and racist. I would certainly NEVER trust a Thai woman after all the horror stories I have heard and read about.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-13
Re: get out now

can say I've bought two apartments in Hohhot, and supported a Chinese family partly by selling GBP. but that cuts no ice with those gits. What's more, I've seen them dishing out poison to other laowai there in need of new visas/ Residence Permits.

I would agree. They do not give a solitary rats arse. I have been to Hohhot incidentally, not a place I would like in the winter, extremely freezing.

It might be better to work somewhere where the visa policy is more friendly (not an autonomous region) or Guangdong, but I would imagine Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian are still all ok.

#6 Parent Maxi - 2012-07-13
Re: get out now

The problem is that in Asia there are many countries that are much more user-friendly than China. Thailand is one that comes to mind. Why should foreigners stay in China and face racism and hostility on a daily basis, when they can feel welcome in other countries?

I am not saying there is no hope for China, just that the Chinese are making life needlessly difficult for many foreigners, especially with the stupid visa restrictions/regulations and the over the top xenophobic nationalism that is becoming endemic in China. Also, work visas should be valid anywhere in China, not just in one city or region, and foreigners should be able to transfer to different universities more easily.

The letter or release/reccomendation note thing is a lot of rubbish!

#7 Parent foxy/Turino - 2012-07-12
Re: get out now

I can say I've bought two apartments in Hohhot, and supported a Chinese family partly by selling GBP. but that cuts no ice with those gits. What's more, I've seen them dishing out poison to other laowai there in need of new visas/ Residence Permits.
It's worth adding that I met a fellow FT there the other day who told me a local training centre and its associated private university emplpoys louwai on L visas. This is despite the compulsory homeland police check rule that is enforced here on foreign teachers with Z visas requiring Residence Permits.
By the way, when you renew your L visas in your neck of othe woods, do you get 6 months or 1 year? My passport is fast losing its free pages because they won't give me 1 year visas. Paasport renewal in Beijing for a UK biometric passport cost me around 1,200 Yuan last time.
Some more - please visit the link below:;read=55496

#8 Parent Matthew - 2012-07-12
Re: get out now

You were clearly not dumb enough to answer their questions in such a way that what you sad contradicted what you had put on your visa form. If you had contradicted yourself like so, they could have accused you of telling lies on the form, and then they would have had the right to disqualify your application!

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-13
Re: get out now

Holy shyte that is a lot of bull you are going through. The system set up in china seems to encourage stupidity and incompetence and it's getting worse by the day!

#10 Parent Toffee Hammer Pants Jack Hammer - 2012-07-12
Re: get out now

I cant say I ever had any problems with the PSB, in fact none. On visa renewal there were never any questions asked. They are usually quite good and the process takes a only few minutes after they have processed the initial paperwork. Very strange they should ask questions?

#11 Parent foxy - 2012-07-12
Re: get out now

Certainly, Matthew. But I will firstly explain about the visa application form, and the way I completed it. Also what else I believe is needed to give you some context.
My current visa is an L that will last for 6 months, and will expire very soon. I applied for a new L visa, ticking 2 boxes, one for visiting a Chinese relative, and the other for touring. This means I have 2 reasons to be in China, to be with my Chinese wife, and for travelling, maybe alone. It's okay to tick 2 boxes, as the form doesn't restrict you to tick just one.
My most recent date of entry into China was of the order of four years ago. The questions were asked after my application form had been submitted and checked.

Question 1: Why am I applying for an L visa?
Question 2: Why have I been in China for four years without going to my homeland?
Answer,Q1: for two reasons, visting my wife, and touring
Answer Q2: Because I prefer living in China

My answers were grudgingly accepted!

By the way, I had applied for a 0 entry L visa. But they wanted to issue me a single entry L visa. The latter is 145 yuan more expensive than the former! I didn't even get an apology!
As usual, I have asked for a new one-year L visa. But though they could give me one, as happens in most other places when a foreign applicant has a Chinese relative, they won't, and needn't. But they are obliged to give me at least a 6-month visa.
I paid the visa fee, 160 yuan, without knowing what I have paid for re visa duration. The clerkess can't decide that. The big cheese will decide it at his convenience. I don't think he trusts laowei!

#12 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-12
Re: get out now

The thing is english gibbo how long will people stay with the new draconian rules:)

Cheers and beers to those who choose to get out!

#13 Parent Matthew - 2012-07-12
Re: get out now

I am dealing with my local PSB at this time re my new visa; this has already entailed bloody stupid personal questions,

Could you please list said questions and your answers? Thanks in advance.

#14 Parent foxy - 2012-07-12
Re: get out now

I am dealing with my local PSB at this time re my new visa; this has already entailed bloody stupid personal questions, misinterpretation of their visa application form that would have resulted in issuance of the wrong (of course, more expensive!) visa by the clerkess to me which I didn't request, at first being unable to pay the fee in cash, whereas able to do so for a set of new mugshots - they're only set up to accept payments for visas by bank card! A load of crap, as usual.
It seems because my Chinese wife didn't accompany me there the other day as my agent - I don't think I need an agent, but I do think they need to improve their English and learn how to process visa application forms correctly, they requested her to go there the next morning. She didn't, called them instead - it turns out they wish to visit my accommodation, despite the fact that the local police stamped the form saying I'm living here, and the head policeman for the city/autonomous region had counterstamped it! It seems they distrust their own!
My wife will guide them here next week. I can't envisage what trouble they have in mind for me. We'll see, but I don't think they can land me in it. I'm not worried in the slightest. Anyway, I will re-post after the upcoming visit!

#15 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-11
Re: get out now

As an old poster going by the name of "Foxy" said not too long ago on one of his posts, in China there is no such thing as a "good working experience". There is only "intolerable crap", and "tolerable crap". I think this is quality advice that borders on sagehood for anyone looking to come to china.

There is no gratefulness towards the expats anymore. I think the idealists, creative types, travelers, and folks who just like to explore need to take any of the supposed positive working experiences in China with a big pinch of salt(this is in any industry or job in China) and realize that they will never be accepted or even welcomed. In China, from one of my working experiences, the janitor/cleaning person at whatever place you work at has more leverage than you and can get even get away with abusing the dignity of expat teachers.

#16 Parent englishgibson - 2012-07-11
Re: get out now

Foreign Teachers are liabilities and so the local system is attempting to eliminate its exposure to anything that may "hurt" the collectivism. You may choose to either get out or stay and support locals that've been abused for ages. The employers I work for take a rather large share while leaving little for their employees who have to work unspecified amount of hours, job duties, and who have to live and work under some grossly unreasonable conditions. Everyone is supposed to act uniformly and anyone who doesn't is considered an outsider. This seems to be a pretty good plan of the few filthy rich locals that hope to keep it under their control for decades to come. Most students of the local educational system have been well brain washed to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors.

Cheers and beers to the ones that choose to stay to clean up the brains of a few :)

Red 5 - 2012-07-11
get out now

Jesus C what the hell is wrong with ESL schools. I have never had so many bad experiences in my life. It just gets worse and worse... I am a former EF employee now working at a big name training school and I thought EF was hard... trust me it can be much much MUCH worse. Man the place I'm at right now has turned over its staff twice in 1 year. Both students and staff treat westerners like utter crap. If anyone is reading this DONT COME HERE... RUN AWAY!!!! I would take living at home with mum and dad while working at Taco Bell my whole life over teaching in China... and I make over 10,000 per month here.

This is not a sarcastic post... there are so many better places to teach in the world, why on earth would you choose this one?!?!? I must stay as I have a longterm Chinese gf and I would hate myself for leaving her to this hell. I have taught for much more than 5 years (would rather not give myself away to snoops) and I have to say man.... China makes me hate teaching at least three times per week. I have had no end of bad experiences with students, staff, and other westerners.... I am pretty tame by most standards. I have taught in a few different countries and there is simply no comparison.. I was having a helluva fun time bouncing around the world until I came here... Now I'm depressed on a daily basis. If I could travel back in time, I would punch myself in the face before I got on that flight to China.

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