Return to Index › The Exodus of Religious Cult Members to Russia
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-12
Re: The Exodus of Religious Cult Members to Russia

While I agree with you that it is disgusting that members of these groups go to China and pose as teachers, it is also equally wrong that the CCP does not allow any religion or belief besides faith in it's own version of Chinese socialism.

Interestingly, when I was recently in HK, all the posters condemning the coverup of [edited] and water torture and the repression of [edited] were taken down. But no, surely the HK police wouldn't kowtow to a dictator from the mainland...or would they? And mainlanders wonder why HK people are scared and want some say in their own future....

Toffee Hammer Pants Jack Hammer - 2012-07-12
The Exodus of Religious Cult Members to Russia

Most of the people that go to China and Russia go under the pretext as missionaries for their Churhces, Cults and Sects, this is especially true concerning EF and their support of the Jehovah's Witness Watchtower Cult [which is now banned in Russia].

These people dont go to experience culture, learn a new language, but to push their own culture and views down the throats of others, and there a great nimber of JW's that work for Ivor Galea of EF Moscow Corporate.

But, Russia has now taken steps to ban Jehovah's Witnesses, and some have been deported.

So, if you really are a teacher and going to any one of these lands, then you have a duty to your employer to give your very level best and to contribute to the growth of the land. Its not what the land can do for you, but what you can do for it. You must also respect and obey the laws of the land.

I could name names [Galea for one] who are all part of some religious Cult or Sect in Russia, but what would it achieve, but Galea, being a Christian [so called] should act like one and stop telling lies, and doing what is right [regardles of the costs] instead of looking after himself and the interests of his company.

But, I guess that asking this of Galea [and Co Inc] is like asking a bear [and there are many of them in Russia] to shit in a toilet.

These people should take a long hard look at themselves and ask what it is they really do believe in, because whatever it is, its not anything to do with people. Teaching is a people centred business, and from what I have seen so far people dont figure into any of the business that Galea and others like him potray themselves to be.

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