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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-19
Re: Wall Street English, China

I can happily say that about Wall Street because I work there and have experienced teaching there. Most people it seems here, haven't.

You don't need to justify how happy you are if you had confidence in what you are saying about being happy working there in the first place. Trying to win an argument for the sake of just "winning" isn't going to persuade others. I doubt you actually care to read into what other people say and interpret the meaning, you just go right in and counter the opposing stance. Hardly a convincing way to show your boss and your colleagues what a good job you're doing on this board.

#2 Parent Adam - 2012-07-19
Re: Wall Street English, China

But San Migs. This basically takes the discussion away from Wall Street and more specifically the pros and cons of teaching selfish rich people. He is right, selfish rich people are selfish rich people in any situation and in any country too. But I don't teach selfish rich people. I can happily say that about Wall Street because I work there and have experienced teaching there. Most people it seems here, haven't.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-18
Re: Wall Street English, China

Silverboy is right again.

The only good thing that can come from teaching rich students, is you may meet the odd bored and hot rich girl who might want to take you out. You may just get a free dinner out of it, but if you are lucky, perhaps more, and nothing wrong with that in my book!

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