Return to Index › Re: HUFS language institute in Dongducheonsi, Gyunggido
#1 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-06
Re: HUFS language institute in Dongducheonsi, Gyunggido

Not because I think that means you shouldn't be in a classroom (although I do believe that's true, also) but because if you don't love teaching, if teaching is not something you want to do for life, then spending X number of years teaching is not going to present you with great employment opportunities when you tire of life abroad and want to go home. An employer is going to take a look at a (for example) 5 year employment gap on your CV where you've been working for around 15 hours a week teaching at a public school in China and ask themselves what kind of employee are you going to be? How is your recent experience relevant to the job advertised? There is an unemployment problem in a lot of places and there has been for some time, you are going to lose out on positions to people with more relevant experience to the field and end up stacking shelves, or some other menial job because more qualified and experienced people will take the positions you would like.
I wouldn't wish a job somebody loathes on anybody for life, you spend too much of your life working to not do something you enjoy. Hence why I say if you don't really like teaching, and you're using it to travel, then it might be wise to reconsider that move in the first place as gaining employment once your jaunt is over may prove difficult.

LondonGirl, hallo
You start by saying "Not because I think that means you shouldn't be in a classroom (although I do believe that's true, also") Because I've already claimed that teaching can be done successfully without loving teaching. I think you should say, in some cases that's true, when dealing with very young children for example. I once worked alongside a very stern old teacher. He refused to to give the time of day to any other FT, he refused to talk to any student outside the classroom, he used to bang his head on the blackboard if he got a delayed or stupid answer from a student, he denied any access to Chinese teachers having the impudence to want to sit in on his lessons. He only appeared to enjoy squireling himself away in his own flat, studying Greek or something. Now, you would think that this bloke would be a prime 'bow-legged monkey candidate. You'd think that this grouchy old dog would not have his contract renewed at the least. Not so, because his University students to the man, although admitting, they were frightened of him, also claimed that they learned more from him than any other teacher.

I see your point about the risk of leaving big gaps in one's CV, yet this wouldn't be a worry for all, for say, gap- year students, there's supposed to be a gap; that gap could be a very useful gap on your CV, it can tell a future employer a lot about somebody, it can say, here's a young person, an adventurous young person, capable of looking after herself, thinking for herself, etceteras.

As for San Mig, we don't know how old he is, he may be no spring chicken, he may be on a hiding for nothing trying to find himself a decent job, up against hundreds of thousands of eager young Easter Europeans. And even if he managed to get a position, say cleaning out dog-shit bins in the park; that will really look good on his CV for the future. Times are difficult in the West at the moment-maybe best to sit it out in China, even if you don't like teaching.

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