Return to Index › Re: HUFS language institute in Dongducheonsi, Gyunggido
#1 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-10
Re: HUFS language institute in Dongducheonsi, Gyunggido

Quite the opposite. It's those who either don't know enough about education or don't care enough about teaching that have allowed disreputable Chinese bosses to put profit above education in the first place. If there weren't so many 'Tourist Teachers' in China who didn't give a sh1t what they were doing in the classroom, it would never have degenerated in to the farcical mess it is now. Where real teachers then come in and see the mockery that is education in China, we try and do what we can about it. I've spent 3 years here trying very hard to get good conditions for both the students and the teachers and it's worked, my current school has a a good hiring policy and I even negotiated a raise for the teaching staff, local and foreign. So don't try and make out that because I care, I'm giving you a bad name. You give me and other real teachers like me (of which thankfully there are quite a few) a bad name by witnessing decisions and policies detrimental to good education but doing sod all about it. If TT's more about their jobs than they did about using their students as a visa, then the education system in China would be much better.
I'm sorry I don't have time to answer all of your posts today, LondonGirl. Let's see ,where were we?..............identities...well, I'm obviously using my own at the moment, am I not? A little while ago I put my mobile number on the site, as I thought SM might need a bed, but he has obviously decided to stay in Manchester and get his job search under-way from there. You then, quite manically it seems, decided to spy on me, and smugly announced to all that my location was California. So, I provided my landline number in Ipswich. If you don't wish to confirm my number, LG, why don't you just drop this sillyaccusation? If I can bother to get out an external hard drive, I will put a face to my name, very old face, not as pretty as yours, but it's the only one I have.

You, in one sentence talk about how brave and caring for Chinese students you are and have been, by taking on an evil Chinese education system, and in the next you tell us that you bottled out of teaching in your own country because our education system is not to your liking. You my dear are just as much of a tourist visa teacher as you accuse the rest of us as being. I think, your Chinese very appreciative students, flatter you, appeal to your vanity. I think you have copped- out my dear. I think it was your job to support your own countrymen students, struggling to get an education in a system that youtell us has gone just as much awry as the Chinese system. I think you have deserted English English students. I think you have thrown them to the dogs, all for vanity.

Me and my old gal.

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