Return to Index › Re: hampson english guangzhou
#1 Parent Monica - 2012-08-14
Re: hampson english guangzhou

Hampson is the closest thing you can probably find on this globe to what one could describe as “educational prostitution.” Spoiled brats from wealthy families get their pick at their own personal entertainer (since they’re not really seriously considering doing any work in order to improve their English level) according to looks and age.
If they get bored with their personal foreign monkey they can complain about them and get a new one.
Classes are held in tiny glass cubicles where everyone can show off which one they got.
Teachers from non-English speaking countries are prodded to lie about their nationality to the students during 10-minute, often totally unannounced “demos” during which they’re supposed to “make friends” with the student.
If the Study Advisors, and any of the gazillions of local folks “working” there mess up a teacher’s schedule, they lie to the student and blame the mess-up on the teacher.

Hampson is taking education to the hard-core level of the dirtiest kind of business you can find in the world, and just like with their red-light district counterparts, if you, the merchandize, become too old, boring, or useless to the dame in charge of the establishment, they’ll drop you like a hot potato.

Like so many other products in this country, Hampson is “education,” faked in China.

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