Return to Index › Guangdong Ocean University
#1 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-16
Re: Guangdong Ocean University

Due dilligence on these boards and the search function would have been your friend.

As for the here and now, you better have a plan b. If it is the uni in Zhanjiang, and I think it is, expect to hear nothing and be left in Guangzhou. I'd get applying in Guangzhou and elsewhere in China if I were you, the FAO at that uni CANNOT be trusted!----

Everything seems to be primed to bring out all the experts, unleash the hounds. Newbie to China. Why he or she is booked into a hotel for three weeks, I can't get my head around. Being ignored by an employer who fortuitously turns out to be infamous according to the experts. The nice little finishing touch(so far) is that he has arrived with a tourist visa. All a bit reminiscent of the 'Romeo" post which caused such an uproar. Totally different topic of course.

#2 Parent croydonboy - 2012-08-15
Re: Guangdong Ocean University

Due dilligence on these boards and the search function would have been your friend.

As for the here and now, you better have a plan b. If it is the uni in Zhanjiang, and I think it is, expect to hear nothing and be left in Guangzhou. I'd get applying in Guangzhou and elsewhere in China if I were you, the FAO at that uni CANNOT be trusted!

#3 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-15
Re: Guangdong Ocean University

I arrived 3 days ago here in Guangzhou China and Im sitting at a hotel I booked for 3 weeks before I start teaching business English at Guangdong Ocean University beginning September 3rd. It seemed to be a decent one to teach at and now Im a bit worried. Im new to China and something doesnt feel right.
I called them informing I arrived but Im not getting any calls answered by land line or cell phones or emails and its been 3 days now.
My goodness, should I forget these people and take the advice from the poor internet ratings concerning this college and return home?
Ive a bad feeling about this move.
If they went to the trouble of sending you an invitation letter and you arrived with a Z Visa, I should just sit back and enjoy China. I expect they are all taking some holiday now while they can. Your FAO could be hundreds of miles away in her home village, the last thing on her mind being you. All a bit scary for you but I doubt you are in any trouble. They will contact you. Welcome to China. (I'm not actually in China but England.) Welcome to China meant, you will get used to their insensitive ways. Let us know when you hear please-maybe another few days.
Redhead - 2012-08-15
Guangdong Ocean University

I arrived 3 days ago here in Guangzhou China and Im sitting at a hotel I booked for 3 weeks before I start teaching business English at Guangdong Ocean University beginning September 3rd. It seemed to be a decent one to teach at and now Im a bit worried. Im new to China and something doesnt feel right.
I called them informing I arrived but Im not getting any calls answered by land line or cell phones or emails and its been 3 days now.
My goodness, should I forget these people and take the advice from the poor internet ratings concerning this college and return home?
Ive a bad feeling about this move.

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