Return to Index › Re: World International English , Nantong China
#1 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-16
Re: World International English , Nantong China

Oh well, I'm sure in the course of time we'll find areas of agreement. I hope you have a splendid weekend.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-16
Re: World International English , Nantong China

I was not pointing that post to you. I have ignored your posts and your responses towards me as I don't think they are worth addressing for they can start useless arguments. I don't frankly care if you know the real identity of the Londongirl poster. People can post as more than one person, and the patterns displayed by a couple of posters from last month as well as "their" motivations leads both me and other people to think there was a clear agenda. I will leave it at that.

#3 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-16
Re: World International English , Nantong China

Disagree about what? Teacher qualifications in China or about the London "Girl" [edited]
Hehe it's good that both you and I see something going on with this poster.

On a lighter note, have you tried going on one of those scooter boats?
What does "Hehe it's good that both you and I see something going on with this poster" mean, and to which poster do you refer? Are you referring to the articulate LondonGirl poster, the one who supplied without a shadow of doubt, evidence of her whereabouts, evidence of her gender and her name.We know what she looks like. Definitely got to be something gong on with that one?

Or perhaps you are referring to me? Now, I have to be really dodgy because I not only revealed my name and location , displayed a picture of myself and my wife, but put my mobile and landline number on the site for all to see. NOW, that is dodgy with a capital D .Certainly no flies on you, is there?

I have also claimed to be nothing more than an extremely unqualified teacher. Things get more and more suspicious, don't they, Dragonised with a Z...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-16
Re: World International English , Nantong China

Disagree about what? Teacher qualifications in China or about the London "Girl" [edited]

Hehe it's good that both you and I see something going on with this poster.

On a lighter note, have you tried going on one of those scooter boats?

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