Return to Index › Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-21
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

No, it shows the type of company EF Dongguan is. Just because one is bad doesn't mean all are; there are hundreds of EF schools in China, some are bad, some are good. To tar all with the same brush irrespective of whether or not you've got experience at a specific school is ludicrous. If you got food poisoning from a restaurant in Glasgow, it wouldn't stop you eating at a similar restaurant in London because it's a different place! Same here, there are some bad schools and they should be highlighted, however there are also good schools and they shouldn't be written off simply because of the name above the door.

Your argument here is still weak, no offense personally. If a franchise is behaving like this they deserve to lose the EF name if EF as a company really cares about ethics, which it doesn't. One mistake that all westerners make (including me) is when judging other countries we tend to take an intellectual mindframe that is supported by a standard of ethics, something that china does not abide by. I would agree with the poster Turnoi who said that the systematic flaws that cause these types of "schools" to exist means we really shouldn't do anything but try and give them as much bad publicity as possible. You have somehow made it through these years, others haven't been as fortunate.

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