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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-28
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

You can speak all you want about your self righteous beliefs on what you can say on this board, it doesn't convince me of the fact that Londongirl or you as being honest individuals. The "Englishgibson" poster already presented facts that he worked at possibly the same EF in the same city that Londongirl worked at, and what he states as how business is done at that EF is completely different with what Londongirl states.

You sided with an abusive individual, nothing more than that. You made a poor judgement decision which came back to bite you in the arse on this board when you and this poster had your own little argument. For Londongirl to feel like he/she is entitled to a better standing of ethics than anyone else on this board is laughable. Look how she compared the sexpat situation in EF Dongguan as akin to eating a bad doughnut at a franchise restaurant in Glasgow but not necessarily getting the same experience in London at the same franchise restaurant. This poster blatantly admitted EF as being no better than a chain restaurant in other words. It goes to show how much effort a person will go through to cover up their own flawed logic and NEVER be willing to admit to any mistakes.

You have shown nothing but a penchant for riding the fence on this board. The last thing I want to see is this board going back to how it was before 2008 and 2009 when new posters posting about bad experiences were interrogated and questioned with a sense of cynicism and sarcasm that would drive them away, which is what your attitude is doing exactly.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-20
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

Actually, I do not know perfectly well what other name you may have posted under regarding yuncheng ielts. I am not always able to come to this board every day. The point you made about Londongirl being embarrassed was an interesting one, though.

#3 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-20
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

This post was made but only a little over a year ago, and shows the type of company that EF is. It is also the same company that the Londongirl post proudly boasted of working for, someone whom you openly state you admire in past posts. For you to feel comfortable supporting this poster's view but being suspicious of mine is enough for me to tell you to re-examine your own values and judgments of others. I specifically made statements directed at posters without the "tianjindave" moniker so unless you have posted under other pseudonyms and are not getting offended by what I have written then it is you who can't control your emotions. I will not say anything further.

The school EF has never registered in my memory before my defending Londongirl on one topic and bitterly disagreeing with her on another,concerning unqualified teachers. Her main and only supporter on the latter was Turnoi-everybody else kept quiet-I suspect they didn't agree with him but blind loyalty won the day.

I do believe LondonGirl to be a honest, very sincere, intelligent. The fact that EF has many skeletons in its cupboard does not detract from her main argument which as you know in episode 2 had nothing to do with EF but what you should or shouldn't do as an FT in any school. Maybe she is embarrassed about her schools reputation, you'll have to ask her; she couldn't very well have used that as an arguing point when up against all you big brave lads, could she?

You know perfectly well I have posted under another name, otherwise, how would I have known about the mammoth battle you all had with Yuncheng IELTS years ago. I am now playing myself and have recently posted my mobile number and landline in Ipswich on this forum-please feel free to check it out. LondonGirl has also posted all her details, but you still choose to doubt her gender. Are you suggesting she is too good and articulate to be a female?

The day I cannot praise somebody about something because I can't agree with him about something else will be a bad day. The moment I feel I cannot criticise somebody when i feel they are wrong will be another bad day.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-20
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

[previous post deleted];read=70057

This post was made but only a little over a year ago, and shows the type of company that EF is. It is also the same company that the Londongirl post proudly boasted of working for, someone whom you openly state you admire in past posts. For you to feel comfortable supporting this poster's view but being suspicious of mine is enough for me to tell you to re-examine your own values and judgments of others. I specifically made statements directed at posters without the "tianjindave" moniker so unless you have posted under other pseudonyms and are not getting offended by what I have written then it is you who can't control your emotions. I will not say anything further.

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