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#1 Parent Alternate - 2012-09-27

I know right?! To think that great companies like EF, Aston, Web, Wall Street, and others would affect teachers' lives so much is ludicrous. After all they are all professional, outstanding companies who have built their reputation on improving the quality of education that students receive. Not to mention changing the world for the better by bringing in a more free, open view of education which has helped developing countries in countless ways. Why if it wasn't for the fact that tens of thousands of teachers had their careers saved by these companies they wouldn't even have a chance to complain about anything! How dare these 4 or 5 select few be so ungrateful with the fact that they are in fact beneficiaries of these corporations that uphold the integrity of the global economy with their flawless and unwavering values!

WAIT, WHOOPS. I just received the signal that we went through the wrong jumpgate on our spaceship and we are not in the Kha'ak Sector of the universe! Sorry these words were not meant for earth sector organisms. You haven't evolved into a high enough life form to practice this thing called corporate honesty.
#2 Parent David - 2012-09-27

Every time I come to this website it's like the same four or five guys whinging about the same schools. Let it go.

Seriously, do you guys ever think you might be wasting your time sitting at your computer pouring out rage and bile on to the internet every night?

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-09-09

About the flat, still can't agree. Better to live off campus, you might be lucky at yours, I never used to get many visitors at my last gig, but I still think living off campus is better. Why you may enquire? Well unlike the students, I like to not be a prisoner, and if I want to go to a bar at midnight, I don't want to have to wake up some bitter, chainsmoking moody seccer who might argue with me, or snitch to the school on me for coming back drunk with a chinese girl and offending their morality.

No, living off campus is the way to go, freedom from hawk like eyes....

#4 Parent foxy - 2012-09-08

We value our free time. It's non-negotiable, under any and all circumstances.
True, but unfortunately the chinese don't get that concept.

They presume we'll gobble up any overtime classes offered us happily. Some contracts stipulate overtime pay rates, but they don't say overtime's voluntary, which it damn well oughta be! They assume we're as greedy as they are. I have made a point of declining it when offered it.

1 reason an on campus flat can become intolerable. Unless you disconnect the landline, doorbell, and just ignore the rude hammering on a steel door at any time of day, your free time WILL be infringed upon. The only answer at a public school is to have your own apartment, off campus, to which you have keys.

I haven't had this kinda trouble. But maybe I'm rather solemn-faced, which puts uninvited visitors off calling on me. Just as I like it to be. I have no cellphone either nor a fixed line phone.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-09-08

We value our free time. It's non-negotiable, under any and all circumstances.

True, but unfortunately the chinese don't get that concept.

1 reason an on campus flat can become intolerable. Unless you disconnect the landline, doorbell, and just ignore the rude hammering on a steel door at any time of day, your free time WILL be infringed upon. The only answer at a public school is to have your own apartment, off campus, to which you have keys.

#6 Parent foxy - 2012-09-08

Teaching for EF and its like in China is tantamount to slavery! I'm glad I have been able to live well enough in China without having to make my living by being a training school lackey or a grovelling weasel! As you and I know, there's a world of difference jobwise between teaching at a public school or many private schools in China, and teaching at a training center. We value our free time. It's non-negotiable, under any and all circumstances.

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