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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2012-09-24
Re: Meten Science center

Joan, you are lucky you can experience varieties of foreign faces, accents, and ways of teaching. The internet and students like you will assist Terry in keeping it all "scientifically" educational.
Cheers and beers

Joan - 2012-09-22
Meten Science center

MY Name is Joan I am business student at Meten. I am writing here today because I have witnessed so of the worst treatment of a teacher I have ever seen. There is a teacher at a center near the Jusco in Shenzhen. The teacher I am speaking about is very kind and is loved by us students. We all give him 5 stars he is very popular and is a fare teacher. In his classes he always gives us extra materials and works very hard for us. When I learned that the Meten school was not going to rehire this teacher I was very angry and upset and very sad. The teacher is very good and the center director by the name of terry is the meanest man in Shenzhen. He has disrespected all foreigners. This terry is an embarrassment for Meten. When I asked the teacher who was doing this he said the center director so I asked around then I found the snake hiding in his glass office. What a mean man. I also found he lies to his workers. Makes promises then never keeps them. He fired the # 3 teacher who had a score of 4.85 the highest score is 5.00. This teacher is very nice and always prepares for class and is very nice to students. This terry does not know how to run a center. Later they sent the teacher to work at another center and this terry made sure he could not get a contract at that center even after the teacher became the #1 teacher there. The man terry is a weak stupid man. Meten should fire him. He is out of touch and does not know anything about teaching or the classes. He has never been inside any classes. What he did to this foreign Teacher is disrespectful to china as well. Meten what kind of company are you

How can you treat your teachers with such disregard and malice? I am angry as a student and Meten did nothing to help this teacher. I will tell all my friends not to go to this school. They treat the teacher very badly. If Meten would do a survey asking us if they should keep this teacher he would get 99% vote yes to keep this stupid man terry. is a bad egg of a man . and a liar.

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