Return to Index › Re: EF Hangzhou is finally Blacklisted! Tax Avoidance Scam unveiled
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-10-25
Re: EF Hangzhou is finally Blacklisted! Tax Avoidance Scam unveiled

but telling all that EF in China is the worst is a FALLACY

Why do you care? Are you being paid to protect their interests?!

#2 Parent englishgibson - 2012-10-24
Re: EF Hangzhou is finally Blacklisted! Tax Avoidance Scam unveiled

Doctor T; "you don't tell us nothing new". Who is "us"? Lower your high horse! Blacklisting EF is alright with me, but telling all that EF in China is the worst is a FALLACY. [edited]

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