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#1 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-09
Re: Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China

Can you elaborate, because if it means 90 minutes on a bone shaking bus on dangerous roads in the cold to get to one place, with other classes afterwards, then to some FT's that would be a big deal.

Arne't these bone-shaking experiences an integral part of the rich tapestry of an FT's life in exotic China? What about building up those little Pickwickian anecdotes to thrill customers in The Great White Horse, Ipswich, when you get to sixty? We all need to be interesting, so we need to have roughed it a bit. Isn't China all about roughing it? What if everything went according to plan during your stay in China; not many anecdotes to be gleaned out of went-to-plan. I don't feel we should always be complaining; that's not very character building? Cheers&beers.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-12-09
Re: Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China

Yes, you do work at a couple of public schools contracted by Fei Fen but it is no big deal.

Can you elaborate, because if it means 90 minutes on a bone shaking bus on dangerous roads in the cold to get to one place, with other classes afterwards, then to some FT's that would be a big deal.

#3 Parent The Dude - 2012-12-09
Re: Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China

Actually, I can chime in on this one.

I had short look at Fei Fen back in the day (2006). I had just come from two horrid experiences out in western China and I after some continuous discussion with the Head Foreign Teacher, I decided to make my way out there.

The apartment I stayed in, was really nice. It was fully furnished, spacious and in a nice area.
The owner and her husband were nice people. They knew why I had made my way there (nothing illegal) and were very empathetic.
The co-workers were polite and did their jobs.
Yes, you do work at a couple of public schools contracted by Fei Fen but it is no big deal.
No, the school did not make judgments based on color of ones skin.
The contract was not ideal but...I think they made improvements (regarding vacation days, how salary is arranged, etc).
The foreign manager was laid back, worked hard and made every effort to work with all members of the staff ( as long as you were not POS, lazy douche bag). In fact, I chat with him every now and again.

Unfortunately, my time there was very short. I was confused as to what I wanted to do, where I wantd to go and it just did not feel that was where I needed to be. Granted, my exit was spurt of the moment...but sometimes in life, you have have to trust your gut. Nothing bad would have happened if I had stayed. I would have been paid on time, had good coworkers and nice apartment.

Yes, not everyone is happy all the time. Yes, there are three sides to every story. BUT...I"m just giving some credit to the school. I'd go back if they would have me, actually.

Best of luck.

What's up Larry?!

#4 Parent Curious - 2012-10-27
Re: Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China

Good reasoning, Turnoi!

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