Return to Index › ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-10
Re: ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.

Why do I "owe" a lot to the readers on these boards?

I am only a poster here the same as you are!

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-11-10
Re: ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.

We all benefit from being born into the world. That includes voicing our opinions. You may not like folks who say things you do not understand and cannot accept, but that is because you benefit from the system in china or at least you accept that in some way in your own mind. Others who post on here don't, and you cannot change that.

#3 Parent englishgibson - 2012-11-10
Re: ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.

SM, you owe a lot to the readers on eslteachersboard. You are on virtually every topic regardless whether you have knowledge about it or not. Worse than that, you derail at many occasions and your attitude suggests it's as purposeful as it is. So, the previous poster is rightfully questioning you.

Now, I hope my post gets through 'cause clearly SM enjoys a hell lot of support from the administrative staff here.

Cheers and beers to freedom of speach and the fairness we all deserve

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-09
Re: ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.

I don't have to reveal any information to you, nor am I obliged to. I used to teach in guangdong for a good number of years, past tense.

Hope that clears it up for you.

#5 Parent Mr Dargy - 2012-11-07
Re: ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.

If you are not teaching in Shenzhen, then where? Guangxi, read what silvb has said about that. No, SZ is not the problem, the corrupt TC's are!

And where in China r u teaching? Pray tell!

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-06
Re: ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.

Avoid teaching in Shenzhen, there are too many westerners there.

I don't see what that has to do with it? There are plenty of public jobs, and not every "westerner" need work at a TC. And Shenzhen is so big (i lived there for 1 year, and still have friends there) that actually in some areas your chances of seeing westerners are zero to nil.

If you are not teaching in Shenzhen, then where? Guangxi, read what silvb has said about that. No, SZ is not the problem, the corrupt TC's are!

#7 Parent Mr Dargy - 2012-11-06
Re: ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.

Avoid teaching in Shenzhen, there are too many westerners there. You'll be relieved of your teaching duties fast if you disappoint your training center boss. He (or she) can find your replacement too easy there. Another thing is salaries are low there because the supply of laowai outstrips the demand for them in the EFL field.
In any case, best to give all training centers a miss. You don't want to be exploited by such lousy employers!

#8 Parent Matthew - 2012-11-05
Re: ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.

Thank you for replying, I'll keep that in mind. But it would be nice to get more information on them, so if anyone has had any experience with them please write :)

#9 Parent extc - 2012-11-05
Re: ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.

We have said it many times on this board; if you go with a private training centre it is likely your life will be made very difficult. It is in your's and other's interests that you stay away from this place, or work there temporarily with a hidden camera poking out of your pocket.


Matthew - 2012-11-05
ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English located in Shenzhen.


I am currently looking for an English teaching position and after some searching I came across ICC (International Children’s Club) and Real English that are both located in Shenzhen.

I was wondering if anyone has heard of those and could provide a review as I can't much on the internet about them. Any information will be appreciated. Thanks!

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