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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-13
Re: Best Learning Shenyang

This school is completely different from all the others, in the good way.

Can you elaborate further?

#2 Parent Marcus - 2012-11-13
Re: Best Learning Shenyang

I used to work there. They are great actually. I don't know who Turnoi is. Probably some other school's Principal trying to trash them because they are hurting everyone else's business. The guy that owns the school is really nice, although their Head Teacher can sometimes annoy you. But, all the teachers there are great and they are doing really well. The one thing that is most important for the head teacher is that you truly care about whether your students are learning. If you go there, you will be with a great group of other foreigners and, if you really want a job that pushes you to do great with your children, then they will fit you. I had experience with lazy people when I worked in Beijing too. This school is completely different from all the others, in the good way.

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