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#1 Parent Matthew Roberts - 2011-09-03
Re: inlingua - Avellino, Southern Italy - ESL school review

I really wish I'd read this before I went to Inlingua Avellino! It is all still just as bad.
Very disorganised, I was sent to Salerno every afternoon. Twice on arrival there was no manager to unlock the door - I sat outside for over an hour, and of course I was not paid for my time.
Sent to teach at companies by myself by bus, and being new I got very lost a couple of times.
Spending most of my time alone and on the road, I felt alone and underpaid. I wanted to quit after 24hours, but lasted 3 weeks (and less than 30 euros in my hand).
Italy, Salermo and Avellino are beautiful, but stay well clear of this school.

#2 Parent Anon - 2008-11-17
Re: inlingua - Avellino, Southern Italy - ESL school review


I hope you didn't take the job. The fact that three people have already written bad reviews about this school, should send alarm bells ringing. I also worked there. Don't let this discourage you. There are lots of schools in Italy to choose from. An idea is to ask the school if you can email one of the teachers to ask what it's like to work at the school. If the boss says no, then that is a clear sign not to take a job.
Reply on 'ESL Teachers board' directly to let us know how you got on and what you decided to do in the end :)

#3 Parent Michelle Maree - 2008-08-27
Re: inlingua - Avellino, Southern Italy - ESL school review

Hi... wondering if anyone can assist me.... I have been offered a job opportunity in Inlingua Avellino and know nothing about it...

Can anyone help me with some up and down sides to it please? Any input would be advantages in making my decision as I have only read negative aspects.
Regards Mich

#4 Parent Mark - 2007-01-10
Re: inlingua - Avellino, Southern Italy - ESL school review

Anon???? From Inlingua Salerno too??? If it's you good for you for finally quitting!!!!!!

John when did you work there at Inlingua avellino???

I worked for both once upon a time....both owned by the same administration and yes one more disorganized than the other.


#5 Parent Anon - 2007-01-04
Re: inlingua - Avellino, Southern Italy - ESL school review

I also worked at Inlingua Avellino and it was the worst teaching experience I have ever had.

It was a traumatic experience, especially since it was my first teaching job abroad and it almost put me off teaching forever. Luckily, I went on to work in Spain and I love teaching EFL.

DON'T work for these people they are really awful, manipulative and intimidating.

Everything John says is right - no block hours at all - you work 6 days a week - you start at 8am and won't leave til 10pm - not paid for cancellations - no holiday pay and when they do pay you, they pay you late and make you wait weeks - no training given in fact when I arrived there from the airport I was told to put my luggage in the office and I was hurried down the hall to give a class!

I'm sure other Inlingua schools are OK, but not this one!

John - 2006-05-24
inlingua - Avellino, Southern Italy

You will be asked to sign a contract for 34 hours teaching - you may think this is not a realistic situation and sign regardless you would be wrong!
They also dont mention the possibility of an 8.00am start, and a 9.30pm finish, in fact at the interview they will stress an early start gets and early finish wrong!
You will be offered initial accommodation in a village close to Avellino. The accommodation is great (you pay of course), and they tell you the buses are regular wrong!
Well in fact the buses are supposed to be regular, but unfortunately this is on the worst bus route in Southern Italy coming direct from Naples - & you never know when a bus will arrive (if at all).
Also they tell you the bus home from town leaves the bus station in Avellino at 9.20pm, so if you run from your lesson which finishes at 9.30 youll make it easily wrong!
It took me a week to discover that the bus officially leaves at 9.20 and you will always miss it! (they are on time going towards Naples),so you then have to wait in the open air until 10.35 for the next one!
So you arrive home at 11 to leave the next morning at 8? Nice.

I was working between 34 & 38 hours a week, but actually spending 60 or 70 hours out of the house every week.

They will show you an apartment or two in the town, but the norm in Italy is to rent without furniture (or even a kitchen) so your choices are severely limited.

You arrive, and your first days training is to watch the inlingua DVD and thats it! Now this is not a normal TEFL method, in fact its awful, but you must learn it because next comes your practice lesson teaching the boss. You will say the exact words laid out in the method or you will repeat it again & again until you reach robotic tendencies! When youre in the classroom you can do what you want, but in the training you will do it the inlingua way!

inlingua is of course a franchise but this school strays so far outside the inlingua way of operating its ridiculous- no pay for no-shows, no holiday pay, working hours overload, etc etc.

Not a pleasant experience and one to be avoided

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