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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-22
Re: Livng a TC life

TO be fair, some school owners are former on-line game operators or former women's clothes vendors. At least in the town where I live.

Yep, TCs can be a great way to launder money, some say.

Some rich blokes even set them up for their wives to run for a reason, to clean up that dirty money. Although I know one lady who was the wife of a successful lawyer in Shunde who ran a franchise of a group of private kindergartens, that actually seemed to have more honourable intentions. Maybe, the husband was helping her live a dream of some sorts or giving her a job just to keep her busy, I'm not sure.

#2 Parent juanisaac - 2014-02-22
Re: Livng a TC life

TO be fair, some school owners are former on-line game operators or former women's clothes vendors. At least in the town where I live.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-18
Re: Livng a TC life

However some training centres are really just run by rich people from a third world country who lack any kind of education when it comes to basic human resources management theory.

Let's not jump the gun too much, wouldn't call China a 3rd world country, maybe 1 foot in the first world, the 2nd in the developing country world.

Any country that is not in debt, practically owns the USA, and has a high speed rail network, when western countries have none,is not 3rd world.

However, I agree tc managers and tc's are crap. Former fruit market owners can't possibly do education. avoid them!

#4 Parent Magister - 2012-11-18
Re: Livng a TC life

The best part of working in public schools and universities is that they generally leave you alone. I doubt the average FAO has anymore human resource expertise than the owner of a private school. The only difference being that a private school will try and milk you for as much as they can before you inevitably leave. By contrast I haven't seen or heard from my FAO for about 6 weeks. Bliss!

#5 Parent Shei - 2012-11-18
Re: Livng a TC life

The fact that the writer called themselves 'Respond to question' rather than 'Response to the question' seems rather suspect... Probably just a good effort from a Chinese scam merchant recruiter. I'd give them good marks, but they aren't really good enough to trick anybody.

Universities and public schools do tend to handle the needs of foreigners better, was talking to a friend about this the other day. They tend to have more experience of dealing with foreign teachers and understand their needs better. Believe it or not, universities like a bit of stability for educational reasons and that can often involve teachers being happy and comfortable, rather than running away at the first possible opportunity.

However some training centres are really just run by rich people from a third world country who lack any kind of education when it comes to basic human resources management theory. However, most industries suffer from this issue in China due to a variety of factors; especially when you've got rich guys running an operation that are completely detached from the reality of ordinary citizens.

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