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#1 Parent The Responder/Punisher - 2012-11-30
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

Here are 10 more things for those stu*!@#! enough to be working for CrapHuijia:

1. "Laowai" - if you are of a certain ethnicity, aka "Laowai" *WH(#$E!" , if you dont know, you are merely a publicity tool for those snakes ie HR mgr A#**$*da! and U93-3ER Mgmt! to use to trick students and teachers!!

2. Snakepit - You are in a snakepit where those cobras constantly spy on you and leave you with PTSD!

3. Your career - You can NEVER find another gainful employment with CRAPHUIJIA on your plate!!

4. The food -- Yeck!! Its like eating dirt and arsenic!

5.Stoolpigeon - You are a mere stooge / stoolpigeon in that dungeon controlled by those snakes!

6.Education - What education?? Educational quality at CRAPHUIJIA!! HeeeheeehoooHooo!!

7.PTSD - Stands for pist off traumatic stupid damn I shouldnt be here in this shithole!!

8. Toldya - Heehee!! Should have listened to those who warned you NOT to work there which is NOT a statement, ITS a FACT!


10. Think about this....Heeeheeehoooohaaa!!!


#2 Parent The Responder/Punisher - 2012-11-25
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School


#3 Parent The Responder/Punisher - 2012-11-20
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

Here are some more thoughts about CrapHuijia Beijing:





#4 Parent The Responder/Punisher - 2012-11-18
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

That is a bunch of BULL about CRAPHUIJIA IF ANYONE THINKS THIS IS A GOOD "SCHOOL" for teachers to gain IB experience!! IT IS NOT! THE QUEEN WITCH WHO IS A PROFESSIONAL LIAR AND THOSE WHO ARE MERE PUPPETS OF THE HORSESHIT CALLED CRAPHUIJIA runs this sick asylum and any teacher or "professional" who wishes to gain experience BETTER think MANY TIMES before they even lay foot on this FILTHY CRAPHUIJIA or else they will be subject to LIES, BULLSHIT, deceit, and ALL OTHER CRAPHUIJIA(#+_$)+)!!!

#5 Parent The Responder/Punisher - 2012-11-15
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

I totally agree with this posting! Beijing Huijia is a HORRIBLE piece of CRAP!! The teachers there are all needing to quit and those who want to work there PLEASE DONT BE FOOLED! The HR leader (AM*)*@@A) is a PROFESSIONAL LIAR and the rest of those cronies are all HORRIBLE AND PATHETIC! The management only cares about making money and dont know the FIRST thing about real quality education! The fools who work there better look around and think about their professional careers or they will find NO OTHER schools will take them because they work at SUCH A CRAPOLA!!

#6 Parent The Responder/Punisher - 2012-11-07
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

Hey Alchemist, hows it going? Are you still at Huijia? If so, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????

#7 Parent The Responder/Punisher - 2012-11-06
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

I just wanted to help those who wish to teach in Beijing or around China and offer this advice. Stay away from Beijing Huijia!!

Ive heard this school and posts from teachers like Alchemist and students like Lily make it a wonder why and how a school like Beijing Huijia is allowed to even be in business.

Beijing Huijia is nothing but a crapshoot, a scam for a wannabe international crap that does not offer any real educational value for its students. Students who enroll
there are fooled and are disgruntled and unhapppy that they were forced into attending that craphole by ruthless bullshitters at Huijia!

And teachers who are in need of a job are totally disgruntled and dispirited that they were even fooled into wasting their energies and talents there! YECK!!

#8 Parent The Professor - 2012-10-30
Beijing Huijia

In response to the post in which I was mentioned by the Alchemist, I am going to thank the Alchemist for the support and also pray for the students. As for the school itself, well I am going to be "polite" and say nothing and only that I am putting it all behind me and moving forward from this B**#)(*)*$!! Also, good luck Alchemist for whatever you are doing and as for you teachers at this school "good luck" to you too....{Wink wink}

#9 Parent The Responder/Punisher - 2012-10-28
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

Hey Alchemist, good luck with that you have to deal with there...I am just working to move forward from that bullshit episode and say
I feel pity and sorry for all you still there and glad I aint there any more!!!!............

#10 Parent Liz - 2011-01-31
Re Beijing Huijia Private School

I am wondering why people keep bitching about how bad the Beijing Huijia Private School is. Those that work there should quit. Those that are thinking about working there should not think about it for another second. What it is, is a corrupt organization that makes money using low-life teachers that could not make it in their own countries as janitors. The students there, I would say, 90% of them are not ever going to make it in life anywhere and without a curriculum or licensed teachers at Beijing Huijia Private School, how much could they possibly learn after paying 70,000 RMB per year or more anyway?

What it isn't: The Beijing Huijia Private School is not a school of any kind. It is a rubbish collection center for Beijing's naughty brats and many of China's worst ex-pats. It is not a place for a balanced or well-rounded education. It is not a place for children or teenagers unless you like the idea of your child sucking on someone's private parts or doing the nasty with uncle nasty in the nearby village. It is not a place to take an exam, to learn, or to build a child's future. The Beijing Huijia Private School's kindergarten programs are some of the worst in the city. Their technical college is not very technical. Their primary school could hold its own to some extent but in very limited aspects. Their middle and high schools are both run by sturgeon that bottom feed all day long. The school principal is a fat pig that was left in the cold by her former high school and the owners of the school are a father and son team. They spend their days pumping hookers in 5-star hotels each week while their school is left to be run by the fat pig from Changping. Their affiliation to anything remotely Australian is arguable at best and I am Australian and I am quite familiar with their schemes that they try and run in my country. They gather up rich spoiled brats and ship them off to foreign lands. That is their main selling point and their main claim to fame.

It is a place to be lied to, cheated, taken for a ride, abused, neglected, endangered, harassed, victimized, and left stranded. It is a place not to consider as any form of option for gainful employment in China at any time. I just read some reviews today on Dave's ESL Cafe whereby some man interviewed for a chemistry teaching job and he met their queen of bitches, Amanda. She left him in the middle of no where with her cell phone turned off at a time when he was en route for an interview in an area he had never been to before. I found that in the teachers' forum. If you are a member of Dave's ESL, log in and look up what the many prior teachers had to say about the Beijing Huijia Private School.

If you want a real teaching job and if you have a license and a degree, don't waste a second at Beijing Huijia Private School. Save yourself a lot of miserable and unnecessary stress. I worked there in 2003. I would never go back for any amount of money. If you like abuse, roll down your window and yell the "N word" in New York City or Compton. You'll get all the abuse and stress that you can handle. The difference is that when the management of the Beijing Huijia Private School insults gays, lesbians, blacks, Jewish and Muslim people, and people that are a little on the hefty side, they get away with it in China. The woman that works there now doing their supposed HR work is on many people's shit list in Beijing. That will take care of itself in due course. People like that meet their end at some point.

Now go find a real job at a real school. You've just been schooled about the Beijing Huijia Private School.

#11 Parent HJ sucked because the arobic exercises were bull - 2011-01-30
Re Beijing Huijia Private School

I graduated, no, i finished my sentencing at Huijia Prison a few years back from the IB program.
And before i say anything else i just want to say how great this thread is!!!
I always asked myself how the FT's that taught us could possibly bare the wrath of HJ.
Now i know, they couldn't.
Yes, the staff are con artists. (i dont know who Amanda and Joy are, but they sound like bitches)
Yes the students are rich good-for-nothing idiots who couldn't get into better schools.
Yes the parents who send their kids to HJ could care less about their children.
And yes, the food tastes like shit.
But despite all this, there are students who care about their future, and those students truly do appreciate the teachers who are there trying to make a difference.
There were quite a few FT's who've made an impression on me and helped me realize my potential, despite the circumstances.
It's safe to say that i really didn't learn much during my time at HJ, except for the times when i had one on one time with well qualified FTs.
So on behalf of all the truly caring students of HJ's past, present, and future, i just want to thank the teachers who tried to teach us and overlook the fact that their situation is hopeless.
Lastly, if some of you somehow end up at HJ, just keep your eyes peeled for the students that aren't looking at their laptops but at you.
And if you think that all hope is lost, try to befriend a couple rich kids! Who knows, they'll probably pick up your tab when you end up in the same club on the weekend.

Concerning the anti-semitic and racism thing, i doubt there's anyway to fight it. It is China after all, and HJ does operate under some form of party influence. Furthermore, HJ doesn't play by the rules. They make students sign clauses prior to enrollment that violate basic human rights. More so, a friend of mine got outright beat down by a group of other students, and although HJ promised expulsion of the instigators, nothing was done and my friend left soon after.

If you guys don't mind me asking, how much did FT's make at HJ?
Just wanna see if it was in proportion to the tuition we were paying.

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