Return to Index › Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador
#1 Parent michelle - 2013-02-26
Re: Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

Well, here I am. Those who would like to comment on the CHC can now do it directly to me. I think it is about time that I make myself present in this post since so many of you seem to like to talk about me.

Before I begin I would like to advise everyone to remember that there are always two sides to every story and that many of the stories you have read here are blow way out of proportion.

With that said let us begin with the lovely visa situation that everyone seems to be pointing the finger at. Well, I would like to remind everyone out there that teachers always have the option to come with a visa from their home countries, no one forces them to come without one nor has anyone not provided any documents that they may have needed from the CHC to get them a visa. The option is always left to the teacher. For the most part any issues with visas have been dealt with and all our teachers have been here with visas. You might hear some complaints from those who I chose not to renew a visa since they no longer were teaching but wanted to stay on longer.
Next, I would like to mention that we have always been a school that gives new teachers the opportunity to work, but at times this has not worked out that well because they are not always prepared for what it takes to teach. Teaching is not just what you do in the classroom it goes beyond that and any teacher that takes pride in what they do knows they need to put a bit of extra time and effort to reach their students at times, that it is not always easy and it certainly is not a vacation. You need to commit as much to this job as you would commit to any other job back home unfortunately not all teachers seem to think that way when they head to a country like Ecuador. Unfortunately, even the so called experienced teachers who think of themselves as professionals choose to abandon their students and not finish what they start just because they do not like the fact that their luggage was lost. We did everything to help get those bags back but that was not enough. I guess it is for the best. If you do not take pride in the work you do as a teacher you should not be doing it.
Now don´t get me wrong, I know it sounds like I am complaining a bit about teachers but I must say that we have had some wonderful teachers too who have really contributed to our school and changed student´s lives. Many who keep coming back time and time again. Even a teacher whose life was supposedly threated returned to work with us and the two European girls too.

Now, the CHC is not a bad school nor am I a bad person. How many employers do you know that go the distance to take their teachers to the doctor when they do not feel well or even to the hospital in emergencies and then on top of all that pay their bills. I always have and always will because I know how it is to be far from home. My intention has never been to make anyone feel uncomfortable; I have always tried to help where ever I can. Have mistakes been made? Of course they have. Have we tried to fix them, of course we have. Think of it this way, Are you still the same person you were five years ago? Probably not. You have made mistakes and learnt from them too. Same here. In the long run I just want to provide a fun environment for the students to learn English and a safe environment for teachers to find their own style of teaching. I have always encouraged teachers to bring a bit of themselves to the classroom. Maybe that is where I have gone wrong.

#2 Parent pissed off teacher - 2013-02-06
Re: Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

The so called president Diego who is never around and [edited] appears for odd meetings with teachers and tries to lay down the law. Michelle knows nothing about teaching and passes kids so they return for the school. heard her talking she is so into her online teaching she has no time to really care about the school. The only director who did was a lady called Gloria. If interested in Ecuador steer clear of CHC.

#3 Parent BackintheUK - 2012-11-21
Re: Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

Ryan, I remember hearing about you when I was teaching in Guayaquil. I remember a teacher telling me he had met a teacher working at a school who had threatened to shoot him!

#4 Parent Former CHC teacher - 2012-11-02
Re: Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

As a former CHC Teacher I can tell you that they do not care about the Teachers. It's all about the money $$$. I wish I had seen these posts earlier.

It is true what the previous teachers have said about the pay. It doesn't cover lesson plans, prep work, teachers meetings. Teachers meetings are not for the teachers. Advertising is 2$ an hour. I never got fined because I always was on time and handed in the test scores etc on time. They are not organized and will blame you for their disorganization. If a student is failing they will pass them anyways. I taught some kids that were well above the level they should have been in. It's your fault if you don't have things ready while you are waiting for them to give you what is needed to be ready. It's your fault if the students are unhappy.

#5 Parent Lenore Catalogna - 2012-06-02
Re: Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

I loved Canadian House Center.

#6 Parent D-Dan - 2012-05-12
Re: Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

This sounds all too familiar! I have met a number of ESL teachers who have been fed nothing but lies and half truths in regards to visas in Ecuador. Southern Cross is without a doubt one hell of a corrupt and nasty place to work. I have seen the way they treat American teachers, it is not nice! I have even seen the way the treat Scottish teachers!! Avoid this school!!! The CELTA course is ran by jumped up social missfits with highly over inflated opinions of themselves. I have met a number of people who studied at their CELTA school and they said the environment was oppressive, unfriendly and upsetting. Enough said really.

#7 Parent Nicholas Tate - 2012-05-10
Re: Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

I´ve had contact with Southern Cross too, through the CELTA courses they run. Southern Cross people are really stuck up because they only will hire British and Scotish people, but not Americans. The director of Southern Cross actually admitted to me once that only allow people to do the CELTA course who have a worldview that is similar to them, unfortunately that leaves a lot to be desired and there was a very anti-Christian atmosphere. Even militantly atheistic. With Canada House Center, who are based in Machala, Cuenca and Loja, I got embroiled in a lot of complications with respect to the VISA. Somebody in the Loja department, a low level person---but who takes care of the passports, decided they didn`t want me working there and started lying and eventually sabatoged my migration status just by procrastinating. Although upon hiring me they promised a one year VISA and told me exactly how it would be arranged, they don`t follow through on their commitments and don`t communicate directly about it. It left me in a lot of trouble with regard to the immigration status. When they found out that I had taken matters into my own hands in terms of arranging the legality to stay in Ecuador then they tried to sabatoge it. In my case I was based in Loja and I saw similar things happen with other teachers. Two Europeans girls actually left when it became clear they were playing games. Some teachers were striking when they wouldn`t get payed on time. It`s easy to go on.

#8 Parent Dan Newts - 2012-05-09
Re: Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

I almost worked here! I have met a few teachers who actually did and they slated the place!! Not one teacher had anything good to say about CHC. I also remember the pay was a total joke as well! That was what turned me off accepting their offer of employment. I am starting to think that there are no honest schools left in Ecuador! If you think CHC is a scam you should try working at Southern Cross in Guayaquil!!!!!!!!! The WORST school I have ever worked at! A total con when it comes to pay, they lie to you about visas, the timetabling it a farce and the teachers are a nasty, cliquey bunch of social rejects!

#9 Parent alfonso - 2012-05-09
Re: Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

Canada House Center is such a scam for teachers. You wouldn`t believe the things I saw when I was there. None of the teachers I knew had any kind of work VISA and CHC was doing all kinds of things to keep the teachers under the radar. They became upset with me when it became clear I was insisting on doing things legally. You can actually get into a lot of trouble by the games they play because you wind up being forced to play fast and loose with immigration which can have consequences when you cross out or back into the country. The administration based in Loja, in my case, suffered from a serial mendacity. CHC has this idea that they own teachers and this manifisted itself once in them threatening us with deportation if we didn`t do things their way.

#10 Parent Ryan - 2012-03-02
Re: Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

I am the teacher that was threatened to be killed.... First off this was my first job in ecuador ... I sincerely hope that not one person judges Ecuador in comparasion to this place. I must explain.... One night we were not asked but forced to go to loja to attend a teacher's meeting there... While I was there all of the teachers had gone out for whatever reason and the owner was drunk(Diego) I had recommended that he not drive due to his intoxication when I suggested that he take a taxi this the owner responded "do you think you are better than me" which severly confused me.... I dismissed the comment and proceeded to my friend's house. However, they were having a party that night. Although, I had participated very little in that party I had gone outside to smoke a cigarette where once again without doing anything I was confronted by the owner where I was told " maybe you are someone in the us but here you are s$&* and if I want you dead I can have you killed for very little money" so obviously I am not a fan of this company. The frachise was sold to another person who was quite a good person however, with no ethics he opened a competing school in the same city and he controlled which students and which teachers taught where ....which eventually put the person who opened the franchise and paid for the license out of business. I had to contact to us embassy and report him as a threat to my life as to what he had commented to early in my job there. I would not recommend this school to anyone. There are no ethics there and the teachers are well underpaid. The us embassy is currently aware of his threats towards me and if anything is to happen to me he is to be held responsible. Do not accept a job here there are much better schools in Ecuador....

#11 Parent Dawna - 2011-02-20
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

Thank you for posting your personal experiences with CHC. I can appreciate how difficult it is to share a bad experience.
I am, however, grateful that you did share it.

I have been in contact with Gloria about accepting a position with them and as you said it seemed quite professional and didn't raise any flags.
Your comments allowed me to ask appropriate questions that I might not have thought of, like "do the accommodations come with pots/pans/dishes/linens/curtains/toaster/kettle/etc as teachers coming from around the world won't have these things nor want to go out and buy them?" I also asked her about obtaining working visas prior to entering the country because working with a tourist visa is illegal.

She answered my easy questions but ignored those questions.

There's my flag.

#12 Parent Jacque Raines - 2011-01-13
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

Good Luck in China.... I was there and over all it was a great experience....My location wasn't the best but I would not trade that experience for anything in the world. You will do great! I appreciate your kind words and support, I do not like being negative but my whole experience with CHC was so bad that i felt an obligation to pass on to others. I am still gun-shy after the CHC fiasco, so not sure if I will continue with the ESL teaching , maybe at a future date, who knows.... any way good luck in China and have fun!!!!!!!

#13 Parent Irish_10 - 2011-01-12
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

Dear Jacque,

I am so sorry to hear you had as unpleasant an experience with the management in CHC as I did. But I am ever so happy that you, like I, decided to post on here to warn other teachers who might be considering them as employers.
Unfortunately these people will continue to use and abuse teachers as long as there is a healthy supply of fresh young blood. This was my 1st posting in the world of TEFL, and I can happily say that both schools I subsequently worked for (in Colombia) blew CHC out of the water with their treatment of staff.
I think the sad thing is that management think they're doing a good job & treating the teachers with respect & really helping them, when that couldn't be further from the truth.
CHC has so much potential, pity it's weighed down by people in it for a quick buck.
Best of luck with the future - I'm off to China now myself :-) I hope you've perked up a bit about teaching since your last postings!


#14 Parent Dragonized - 2010-12-31
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

I been there bro I know how you feel. I have felt bad about myself for not being able to stay at a job and maybe beat myself up. However that is exactly what people at these places want you to feel so they can continue the cycle of manipulation and control over others who they see as below themselves. In real life these people are nothing but imbeciles who have nothing better to do than display immaturity and childishness while pretending their pretend "schools" mean anything to anyone.

As for mean people throwing stuff back at your face I've had that happen all too often when I post on these boards. But we live in a world full of stupid people and you just can't take what they say too seriously, just laugh it off. I've been posting on here for a while now and i think many people who would want to act mean and full of ill will have realized they're are not going to see me just go away when they do that. It's only going to make me stay on here permanently and I will always be ready to whack a weasel across the head, sending them back down to the holes they popped out from.

#15 Parent Jacque Raines - 2010-12-30
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

No offense taken.... most of this could have been avoided if I had done my is scary so far from home and being screwed, it don't come easy does it??? Have a great New Year.... better days are ahead... I am down on teaching also, understand exactly what you mean!

#16 Parent The Lawyer - 2010-12-29
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

Sorry if I caused any offence!

Just a bit down on teaching in general to be honest. I also got the shaft in China, so I know, it is not nice when you get screwed...even more scary when you are on your own, very far from your home country.

#17 Parent Jacque Raines - 2010-12-29
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

I did not research as I should have and take full responsibility for that, however, that still does not mean a school should be allowed to treat employees as they do.... are you saying that just because a country can be dangerous, then its okay for the owners of schools to take advantage of their employees? I normally do not post on these boards, this experience was so bad I simply wanted to alert others to what the situation was....I do concede to your point that if I had done the proper investigation all of this could have been avoided. I have been lucky to have been associated with very reputable schools and I suppose that I became complacent and did not research as I should have.... only myself to blame but I certainly hope that anyone who goes there will at least be aware of the situation..... Thanks for you comments and best of luck to you for the coming New Year....

#18 Parent Jacque Raines - 2010-12-29
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

One reason I have never replied to these boards is the meanness I have read from some of the people.... it seems that no matter how sincere they are , there is someone who wants to throw it back in their face... good people do make mistakes... in this business it is hard to really determine how good a school is until you get there.... Thank you for your kindness... when you make a bad move as I did... you are hard enough on yourself without others trying to place the entire blame at your feet..... I am the first to admit I screwed up, however, that still does not absolve the school for the way they treat their teachers.... I was simply trying to make sure others who follow are aware of the situation before they go......I feel I was very mild on my assessment of this school... I could have told so much more but since i feel that most of the blame lies in my failure to investigate further... enough said! I love what you said though.... when will people have a conscious about they way the treat others????

#19 Parent Dragonized - 2010-12-29
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

WOW one more country to feel fishy about. When will people ever have a conscious about how other people feel?

#20 Parent The Lawyer - 2010-12-29
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

I guess I am lucky to have lived my whole life and never had such a horrible experience... my ESL teaching days are over..... I will never get myself in a situation such as that again....

You state your ESL teaching days are over, yet in the same posting you call yourself a professional with a degree and many years of experience, and bemoan how shabbily they treated you.

You can/have read about how bad/dangerous Central and South America can be, so why even go there?

GL for the new yr

#21 Parent Jacque Raines - 2010-12-29
Re Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

I have never replied to any of these boards until now. I want to express my experience with Canadian House in Loja, Ecuador. I had just left a teaching position in China, my first contact with Gloria was very professional and there was nothing that raised a red flag. I am the first to admit that if I had done more research I would not have taken that position. Having just returned from China I wanted to spend some time with my family.... Gloria was insistent that she needed me as soon as I could get there.....I did ask her about living arrangements and she assured me that was not a problem, the school had rented several apartments and the fee was minimal.

Upon arrival to Loja after a ten hour bus ride, I arrived and was not meet by anyone.... Gloria was out of town and the other contact I had told me to take a cab to the school the next day. He had family visiting and was also out of town at that time. After spending the night at a hotel, I took a cab to the school. Upon arrival I meet with the owners, Diego and Michelle. My luggage was lost and I did not know how long it would take to locate. Diego drove me to the supermarket to buy some personal items and then took me to the other school downtown. I had no clue what kind of town Loja was and if it was safe or not.(it is relatively safe but I did not know that) They left my bag of items I had bought and drew me a rough map on how to get back to my apartment.... it took me over two hours to find my way in a strange town.(in the dark) I also had to find bedding before i got back as they supplied nothing. The apartment was furnished only with a bed.. the mattress was a box spring, not a regular mattress. No curtains, no dresser, no closet, no shelves, the bathroom did not even have a plunger and the toilet would not flush.

No one showed me around the school, no one gave me a buddy(as they state on their website) to help me get around in a new place... I was left on my own and except for the other teachers who were very kind I would have been lost.

I have years of experience and a degree, I was appalled at the way these people treated professionals.... steer clear of this place.....almost all the teachers were working on illegal visas, not by choice but because this school will not spend a dime on doing things right. They treat the teachers as indentured servants and charge for everything! When I questioned why I had to pay for a taxi to the school I would have been teaching at in the mornings, they said they would give me an extra 5 dollars a month, just the cab fare one way was a dollar, for one week it would have been ten dollars, so a month would have been forty dollars..... they really wanted me to pay them for working for them.... after taking out for the dismal apartment which had no furnishings, nothing.... they also wanted to take out for a deposit..... also they tried to get me on the cell phone plan which they happened to own, and yes, that would be taken out of my check too! I would be lucky to clear 200.00 dollars a month. Ecuador is not that cheap either.... food is and so is some housing compared to the US but at that rate of pay you would not make enough to do anything but live pay check to pay check. I found the owners to be very cold, unfriendly and uncaring..... they are in it to make money, which by the way there is nothing wrong with that(making money)
but most people realize that the people who work for you are your most valuable resource and treat them with respect. I guess I am lucky to have lived my whole life and never had such a horrible experience... my ESL teaching days are over..... I will never get myself in a situation such as that again....

The owners were very two faced with each other and openly argued with each other in front of the teachers and other employees.... they also talked about other teachers making very insulting comments, these people had absolutely no respect for the people working for them. Please proceed with caution.... these people need to be shut down.....By the way.... according to their book, Michelle was working as a professor of English when she decided to open the school... I am pretty sure she just has a BS, so I am wondering if you can work as a Professor in Ecuador with just a Bachelor degree or if she maybe embellished that a bit.......

Irish_10 - 2010-03-04
Canadian House Centre, Loja, Ecuador

I've just returned from teaching at Canadian House. I taught there for 5 months.

On 1st arrival it seemed like a pretty professional set up and all teachers were warmly received. Over the 5 months that I was there though, relations between management and teachers reduced to a point where they point blankly refused to have staff meetings with us in order to address the problems we were having.

There were many problems with the school - including having to submit lesson plans to management and not being paid for this extra work, not being paid for marking tests or exams or writing out report cards (some teachers had upwards of 70 cards to write).

Most teachers were there on tourist visa's and at first this wasn't a problem and there wasn't an issue getting the 3 month visa extended to a 6 month visa. The school even helped those that needed this to be done. However, if you were on a 6 month visa or once your 6 month tourist visa expired the school then started advising teachers they needed to get a working visa which would cost them $230, plus the cost of the trip to Peru to get the visa, then to Guayaquil to activate the visa. The school refused to help with the cost.
We were all lied to on several times about the visa situation. I was told that if I left the country and re-entered after my 6 month tourist visa had expired, I would be given another tourist visa. Or if I left before the visa expired the days I was out of the country would carry over... I knew this would not be the case as I've travelled to many countries and no country allows you to carry over days. I left Ecuador and tried to re-enter a week later and was told at the border that I couldn't as I'd already been in the country over 90 days that year. I had no choice but to enter the country illegally (my flight home was in 3 days). When I went back to the school to ask them what had happened and to ask for help, I was told that as I didn't work there any more, wasn't housed in any of their apartments and had chosen to stop working at the end of January that I wasn't their responsibility any more. Which shocked me as when we 1st all arrived we were told that "Canadian House is a family, and we are you're family here and if you have any problems we will help you".

There were also numerous problems with the accomadation that the school provided. Apart from over charging on rent ($65 dollars a month per room) the apartments were basic - bed, gas stove top and fridge (although one house with 5 teachers living in it didn't have a stove top or fridge for the first 6-8 weeks) There was no table, chairs or electrical goods. Teachers also had to buy all their own bedding including curtains (i had a $10 dollar blanket as a curtain for 6 months) and all their own kitchen goods, including utensils, crockery, pots and pans. These items are not cheap in Loja and you can expect to pay out at least $100 to make sure you can live when you 1st arrive. We also did not have a bin in our house - we couldn't afford to buy one and the school refused to buy us one, so we had to dump our rubbish in litter bins in the locality.

The directors of the company also do not seemed to concerned about whether the students are learning English or not. I had one class that I could not connect with and was struggling to teach, I approached them twice to ask for help which I did not receive. After the third test, I went to the directors and asked for the parents of the children who were failing to be called so that they would be aware of the problem and perhaps start ensuring the children were studying at home. My request was refused and it was insinuated that it was my fault the children were failing and it was up to me to make sure they all passed. After the children sat the final exam, 8 of my students had failed. So the pass rate was lowered. When I still had 3 fails and asked that one of the directors spoke with the childrens parents to explain I was told "Well, we'll see, maybe if the parents are really upset and want to send their kids back for level 2, we'll just pass them".

Payment for teachers - $4 an hour is enough to live on in Loja if you work 5 hours or more a day. Payment is usually into a bank account but more often than not in cheque form and not always on time.

There are 3 directors of the school. An English lady called Gloria, a Canadian called Michelle and a Lojano called Diego. He is unreliable and not trustworthy. He threatened to kill one teacher and was constantly making moves on the female teachers (even though he is married to Michelle) He would regularly use your image without asking you for adverts in local papers to promote the school. Michelle is more concerned with writing her thesis than helping any teacher. And Gloria is a yes woman and blames everything on the other 2. The working relationship between all 3 seems to have totally disintergrated to nothing and you will never get a straight answer from any of them. And if you manage to get something that resembles the truth, one of the other directors will veto it.

It seems to me, and to many other teachers that taught there at the same time as me, that CHC is purely about making money. It's not about teaching English.

There are some positives about the school - it's recently been given a big facelift (the reason why CHC can't afford to help teachers with their visas) and class rooms all have white boards and enough chairs and tables for students. The 2 secretaries working at the school who are brilliant and the school would fall apart without them, but they are seriously under appreciated. The students at the school are great and really keen to learn English and are really dedicated. It's such a pity that the staff and students are being let down by incompetent management.

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