Return to Index › Looking for TESL job in China!
#1 Parent foxy - 2012-11-22
Re: Looking for TESL job in China!

I can recommend Yuncheng IELTS 'School' :

mavis_1 - 2012-11-22
Looking for TESL job in China!

Hi, I am currently looking for a TESL job in China. I have a college diploma and a certificate from Oxford Seminars. So far I've set up interviews with Best Learning, Aston, and Expertise. (I also got a message from EF but avoided them). However, reading through posts on this website makes me very scared. Lots of people have very negative things to say about these schools. I would like to know if there are some good companies that people can recommend?? I'd like to start teaching soon but want to be safe!

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