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#1 Parent juanisaac - 2012-12-19
Re: Nonsicle/Beijing

Once in a while you run into an honest recruiter, albeit as rare as pandas, that has seen the light. I once used a recruiter a few years back and every thing she told about what school I had and where it was turned out to be 100% true. Personally, she found out that in being honest she could get more schools as clients and more teachers to recommend her as a recruiter. I used her again a few years back and again all that she promised she delivered. From what I have seen, foreign teachers have done a bait and switch on her. I once met a foreign teacher who she sent to a university in Nanjing to teach French. A couple of months later he was offered higher pay at another school and just picked up and left. He was a real scum-bag.

As to what school I would recommend. It would be my old middle school in Jiangsu. I know the people there, the town, and the actual apartment that said teacher would live in. I have been at my present middle school two years now without having a go between. I have flatly told English Centre owners that I will not work for them because of all the horror stories I have seen with my own eyes and read on this forum. In this case the teacher would deal directly with the school and F.A.O that I dealt with in the past. I can attest that he is a good Chinese English teacher that does care about the foreign teacher and whose English skills are very good. In this case, a teacher would not need a recruiter. In fact I have former students of mine with good English skills in that town that I have asked to help teachers out when they need help.

#2 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-18
Re: Nonsicle/Beijing

Mostly negatives on recruiters. Many do a bait and switch tactic, or they exploit you as a slave. Once in a while, you find a good and honest one who has figured out that one content FT who has been giving the truth might just bring them more people looking for work. But you are rolling the dice basically and these dice are stacked against you. Your best bet is to contact the school's directly or ask other foreign teachers directly. If you can't find a lead, give me an e-mail and I will recommend a public school for you. Good luck.

Hello again
When did sales people start telling the truth, in USA, The United Kingdom or anywhere; recruiters are salespeople are they not, and they wouldn't make much of a living by being as honest as the day was long? It is up to the customer to have had a degree of discernment built into his education/upbringing. Of course recruiters are dishonest, it goes with the territory; and doesn't bear worthy discussion.

What manner of public school(that you can recommend) do you have in mind? It's going to have to be a university or an English Centre, is it not, because in the main, state middle schools can't employ you directly? You will have to be employed by an agency, a recruitment agency, or by any other colour, a private 'school' which will hire you out to Middle Schools.

It would be far more useful for the seasoned FT's in the know to advise newbies on how to handle recruiters or agents, than suggest to them the ridiculous notion that there is no need to use one. If you are so street-wise that you don't need a recruiter or employment agency, then bully for you; but I'm afraid others need to avail themselves of these undesirables.

#3 Parent juanisaac - 2012-12-17
Re: Nonsicle/Beijing

Mostly negatives on recruiters. Many do a bait and switch tactic, or they exploit you as a slave. Once in a while, you find a good and honest one who has figured out that one content FT who has been giving the truth might just bring them more people looking for work. But you are rolling the dice basically and these dice are stacked against you. Your best bet is to contact the school's directly or ask other foreign teachers directly. If you can't find a lead, give me an e-mail and I will recommend a public school for you. Good luck.

#4 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-15
Re: Nonsicle/Beijing

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it is wise or not to use recruiters to seek employment as teachers in China?? Thanks for your advice...
Point of debate: Although I have posted nonpositive thoughts here, it is only to attempt to weed out the bad and seek the good as seeking teaching position in China is a goal as well...Thanks...

Undoubtedly, the average bloke should use recruiters, if he wants a job any time soon in China; that's why one puts ones profile on a site and waits for the work to come to him or her. There are a few(or maybe only one, not sure) posters on this forum who perhaps do not need a middle-man, on account of being fluent in Mandarin, and possessing vast experience in China; and is/are able to identify possible schools which he/they could give a tinkle, and speak to them directly. However, Chinese schools tend to prefer to use a recruiter, not wanting to spend hours and hours themselves collecting all the necessaries, like degrees, pictures, et ceteras. et ceteras. You do of course also get recruiter-employers who serve the middle schools and some universities. If you end up teaching in a middle schools, a private agency(they like to call themselves schools) will almost certainly be your real employer, who will pay your wages and send you to said middle school. One may as well work for an English Centre and earn more, because you will hardly ever work for a state school but are merely sent to a state school every day to teach. It is possible that a school will contact you directly, but you may be waiting until the cows come home. The important thing is this, never pay for anybody to get you a job, the recruiter gets his slice of the cake from the school. But I rather suspect you know all this already. cheers&beers

The Responder/Punisher/TheOpinionedOne - 2012-12-15

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it is wise or not to use recruiters to seek employment as teachers in China?? Thanks for your advice...

Point of debate: Although I have posted nonpositive thoughts here, it is only to attempt to weed out the bad and seek the good as seeking teaching position in China is a goal as well...Thanks...

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