Return to Index › Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-12-30
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

But these days, when 'gay' is used, it means Lesbie or Homos...!

You are right, but unlike China, and perhaps Iran, which choose to sweep under the carpet that any of their youth are so inclined, it is no longer considered wrong to be that way inclined in the west, at least not in the eyes of the law.

#2 Parent Aubrey - 2012-12-30
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

The movie you're on about is "Waterloo Bridge", the 1940 version. It's a classic tearjerker starring Vivian Leigh.

#3 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-30
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

Good stuff, Mancunian! Keep it up, but I'd refrain from using the word 'gay' in any of your other posts, just a passing observation. I do know that there's a black'n white flick that probably still is viewed by some students in China, in which a married man fails to start an affair with a lovestruck woman. She says 'I'm feeling gay' in the flick. There's a scene on London Bridge. But these days, when 'gay' is used, it means Lesbie or Homos...!
Plse correct me if I'm wrong.

PS - forgotten the picture's name, Strangers.....? or London Bridge sth?

Thanks for your advice, Fox, I know what you are saying. Gay is a really good word, and at Christmas time, it's used in many of our favourite Christmas songs. It doesn't really have a replacement if we allow it to be completely stolen for other things. Take a gaily coloured frock; how do we replace the gay without depriving it of it's true meaning? Another thing is this, using the word gay for homosexuals implies that they are always, bright ,happy, cheerful, colourful people, when in reality, apart from sexual preference, homosexuals are no different from the rest of us, so some of them can be miserable and not gay. We would have to often involve silly contradictions, like, 'The gay(happy cheerful) man sat crying on the cold wet steps, because his boyfriend had been hit by a truck'

Happy Hogmanay, Foxy.

#4 Parent foxy - 2012-12-30
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

Good stuff, Mancunian! Keep it up, but I'd refrain from using the word 'gay' in any of your other posts, just a passing observation. I do know that there's a black'n white flick that probably still is viewed by some students in China, in which a married man fails to start an affair with a lovestruck woman. She says 'I'm feeling gay' in the flick. There's a scene on London Bridge. But these days, when 'gay' is used, it means Lesbie or Homos...!

Plse correct me if I'm wrong.

PS - forgotten the picture's name, Strangers.....? or London Bridge sth?

#5 Parent foxy - 2012-12-29
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

Gainful employment in China (in the right job, in a city/town where you feel comfortable) is better than being on the dole in the west. But not at some TC or kindergarten where you are a slave to a boss who is out to maximise profits.

Absolutely, it's vital we practise due diligence before deciding upon a new employer. But sadly year upon year there are too many FTs who do not do so, most of them being newbies!

Happy New Year to you when it comes!


#6 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-29
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

Still, you makes your choice and takes your chance! Gainful employment in China beats loafing around on the dole in the west.

Not disputing what you say, nor did I mean to imply in any way that you have a fake degree.

Gainful employment in China (in the right job, in a city/town where you feel comfortable) is better than being on the dole in the west. But not at some TC or kindergarten where you are a slave to a boss who is out to maximise profits.

Happy 2013,
San Migs

Very well said, San Mig, a well reasoned good proviso.

I didn't read from what you said that you suggested Foxy poster has a fake degree, I am sure he hasn't, he writes too well. But it wouldn't matter if he had, because you don't need a degree to teach oral English, you only need to be a Native born English speaker; and you can even sound like a yokel from Devonshire, because students should get to learn that not all native speakers speak in the same accent. That Chinese student taught by Devonshire yokel will be able to understand the local people when he goes to Devon to sorce pigs ears for the Chinese consumer(they are buying a lot of British pigs ears from the UK I read on the Internet.)

#7 Parent San Migs - 2012-12-29
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

Still, you makes your choice and takes your chance! Gainful employment in China beats loafing around on the dole in the west.

Not disputing what you say, nor did I mean to imply in any way that you have a fake degree.

Gainful employment in China (in the right job, in a city/town where you feel comfortable) is better than being on the dole in the west. But not at some TC or kindergarten where you are a slave to a boss who is out to maximise profits.

Happy 2013,
San Migs

#8 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-29
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

If you have a bonafide degree, you needn't work for Owen Buckland and the like if you don't want to. You're absolutely right, but rightly or wrongly those without bachelor's degrees have limited choices, and some may end up working for Owen's agency. I believe Buckland is a mean outfit compared to other agents here. Still, you makes your choice and takes your chance! Gainful employment in China beats loafing around on the dole in the west.

I'm going to have to disagree with you, Foxy
..........but only because of your understatement;ha ha ha; it doesn't merely beat loafing around on the dole in the West, it beats it hands down. Working as an FT in China also beats the pants off of doing a mundane fairly well paid job in the West. Look at the advantages, the girls are ravishing, cheap to maintain and exeedingly compliant, the work is easy and you don't have to be an academic to do oral English, the food is(and I must use a euphemism here, en fin pour moi) hen hao chi(which I think means cheap,) the people are easy enough to get on with. God, what more can you ask for?
#9 Parent foxy - 2012-12-29
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

If you have a bonafide degree, you needn't work for Owen Buckland and the like if you don't want to. You're absolutely right, but rightly or wrongly those without bachelor's degrees have limited choices, and some may end up working for Owen's agency. I believe Buckland is a mean outfit compared to other agents here. Still, you makes your choice and takes your chance! Gainful employment in China beats loafing around on the dole in the west.

#10 Parent San Migs - 2012-12-28
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

but they haven't the necessary academic qualifications to get Z visas to do so legally.

As long as you have a bonafide degree, no worries on this score surely?

#11 Parent foxy - 2012-12-28
Re: chinese visas, Owen Buckland, Buckland Group, Yangshuo China

IMO, working for 'Buckie' and the like is much preferable to working for Chinese training centres. It's all a matter of degrees. I mean that I can envisage scenarios where literate western oldtimers with some bucks want to work in the public sector for a walk in the park, relatively speaking, but they haven't the necessary academic qualifications to get Z visas to do so legally. There will also be others who wanna buck China's suppressive visa regs, and can do so if they're adventurous enough, 'specially if they've a Chinese relative to 'use' to let them take the piss out of the lousy visa regs here. 'Buckie' is their vehicle to do same, but perhaps not the best one, though that situation is miles better than slaving for EF and the like.

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