Return to Index › Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, takecare, warning!
#1 Parent El Abogado - 2012-12-28
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, takecare, warning!

Hongtao wu works, or used to work, for helen tefl.

I have actually been to this companys offices in hangzhou.

#2 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-28
Re: China Tefl Network Helen Group, Hangzhou, takecare, warning!

Hongtao Wu is Helen's right hand and cannot be trusted. Avoid him and this entire shitty company

Sounds like some James Bond villain this Hongtao Wu; how come you know all these desperados of the teaching world. Do you mind me asking, do you you teach Mandarin to the Chinese? just wondering on...

I was thinking about you last night actually(not in a bad way, don't worry) I have been fiddling, I clicked something with the mouse, thinking it might enable me to see the applications and icons in Chinese ,at will, when I wanted to; sod all happened; however, I turned the machine off; later, I booted up again, and lo and behold everything was in Chinese characters; the trouble is I can't switch it back to English, and am operating my computer in the dark a bit, as I can't understand much more that a few dozen unrelated characters. I was thinking, if I was that Turnoi, I'd just click click click...job done. I spose the moral is, don't try and run before you can walk.

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