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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-02
Re: Recruiters for China

Hi Manuel I will tell you that if you have never been to china and you absolutely need a job at this point then only go for it if you can't find alternatives. I would say try Taiwan or South Korea first because although those places aren't the best to work at either they are certainly better than china. At least in Korea you get a cleaner environment and better internet. In Taiwan people respect your personal boundaries more.

You deserve a clean environment with good breathable air. You also need food that isn't cooked in leftover cooking oil that was collected from the sewers. Find a place where more qualified teachers go.

Lastly, no matter where you go avoid hanging out with folks that see the world as made up of nothing but the country that they're working in. Don't change your values no matter what. You already grew up in a superior educational system and have better moral values. Think critically about what people say to you when you are overseas and don't let other jealous folks bring you down.

Good luck, if you need to ask me anything you are always free to email me.

#2 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-01
Re: Recruiters for China


Heil River! He sounds German this Heir River hahaha. German or not, I've heard he's a nice bloke with a gay disposition. Yes indeed, as I said before, I've had glowing reports about Yuncheng IELTS. If you want to work for a private school(they send you out to state schools) Yuncheng IELTS is a jolly good starter school, and will co-operate with the FT, and pop him on a F Visa, if that's what he needs.

#3 Parent foxy - 2013-01-01
Re: Recruiters for China

Happy New Year, Manuel.

IMO, your English is good enough to teach in China. I'll suggest an agent, not a recruiter. The difference is that an agent sends you to a school and pays you, whereas a recruiter gets a one-time payment from a school. Thereafter, the school pays you.

The agent is in Yuncheng of Shanxi. I can assure you if you're accepted, you'll be earning enough to eat well there, not just rice and noodles, while being able to save up enough money to repay your parents the cost of your air ticket. As it's holiday time here in China, I suggest you contact the headmaster, Mr River, direct. His e-mail is below. You can also check out the agent's website by googling Yuncheng IELTS School to find the link. But try the link below first, you may be required to be in Yuncheng in early February, so look sharp!


#4 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-01
Re: Recruiters for China

I feel I owe it to them to find a position that I can bear and at the same time pays me enough so that I can return home after a few years and be able to repay my air fare to them. I wouldn't mind living poor in China to be able to do so, noodles and rice as my major diet would be fine.

Manuel, have you considered teaching Spanish, there must be somewhere you could do that?

It is good you want to repay the airfare to them, lord knows, the job situation in spain is very bad, I feel your pain on that.

But living poor in China is no life mi amigo. Noodles are ok perhaps for lunch, but noodles and rice everyday....I think you would soon get bored, especially coming from spain which has such a wonderful culinary heritage.

Good luck either way

Manuel - 2012-12-31
Recruiters for China

I've been living jobless in my parents' home here in a poor outskirt of a Spanish city since I graduated from a Madrid university. I hate depending on my parents for my money needs. So, I've been looking abroad for jobs. As my mom is American, my English is good, I think good enough to teach in China. My attempts at getting a job there have been fruitless so far. What is needed may be a change in my jobseeking strategy. I've been applying directly to public schools and colleges without success.
I'm not interested in teaching in a language mill, but now I'd like to try recruiters. Can anyone advice me which ones are honest and good at placing Europeans in public EFL jobs in China?
My parents have agreed to come up with my air fare to China if I can get a job there. I feel I owe it to them to find a position that I can bear and at the same time pays me enough so that I can return home after a few years and be able to repay my air fare to them. I wouldn't mind living poor in China to be able to do so, noodles and rice as my major diet would be fine.

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