#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-08

Sure, you're entitled to your beliefs. I wouldn't think I could take your right to have your own opinion away from you, after all you are sure it's your opinion and I would not try to mess around with other people's values unless they're the ones that invaded my space and comfort zone.

I am a firm believer in minding each other's own businesses. No two people are completely alike. You have made your idea known and I have made mine known as well. We both now know how we feel about things, so that's that for now.

#2 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-08

I have to say, you don't make yourself very understandable sometimes. I talked to asdf about considering government aid but decided against it, and I was using it as an example that even if you had to depend on government aid you shouldn't give up your own principles which for me is America is still a better place to be than China due to a variety of reasons. You seem to have twisted my words around and ran away with your own assumptions behind my comment, of course the other poster I was arguing against more did it even worse but I decided to stop wasting time as I already proved my point.
I have to say right now that you do not come across as a very honest sometimes. You have something to hide? Certainly with your vague remarks you don't seem endearing. I am not in the mood to make another "frienemy" as I have met enough folks like those during my time abroad. Who said anything about coming back btw?

If you still don't know what my agenda is, I will try and be more clear to you. Some places are better than others, and no matter where you go if you lose sight of that then you're just screwing yourself over. Westerners who have a hard time finding a job could come to china, but if they had enough common sense they wouldn't be sucked into the China kool-aid machine. In fact it wouldn't matter where you go in the world, be it china or any other country. If you feel against this then I think you've had enough to drink. Maybe you shouldn't live just to please others, try and find your own value within yourself.

I don't know, Dragonised, a lot depends on how the die fall, as to whether or whether not we have had a good or bad experience in any particular environment. I'm bound to say that I think you are sincere in believing that Chinese women are somewhat lacking. By the same token I feel that you should believe me when I say that I have not got some wicked agenda , and I do believe that Chinese girls compared to Western girls are like a breath of fresh air-perhaps I have been fortunate and have always landed on my feet in China, and have worked at very excellent private schools; and that all the Chinese men I have met have been first class chaps. I even appreciate the government; not easy trying to govern the Chinese in all their variety; I think they try and do their best. Am I wrong or am I wrong? Well, I can only be 99% sure of that unless I am an idiot. Am i right or am I right?

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-07

I have to say, you don't make yourself very understandable sometimes. I talked to asdf about considering government aid but decided against it, and I was using it as an example that even if you had to depend on government aid you shouldn't give up your own principles which for me is America is still a better place to be than China due to a variety of reasons. You seem to have twisted my words around and ran away with your own assumptions behind my comment, of course the other poster I was arguing against more did it even worse but I decided to stop wasting time as I already proved my point.

I have to say right now that you do not come across as a very honest sometimes. You have something to hide? Certainly with your vague remarks you don't seem endearing. I am not in the mood to make another "frienemy" as I have met enough folks like those during my time abroad. Who said anything about coming back btw?

If you still don't know what my agenda is, I will try and be more clear to you. Some places are better than others, and no matter where you go if you lose sight of that then you're just screwing yourself over. Westerners who have a hard time finding a job could come to china, but if they had enough common sense they wouldn't be sucked into the China kool-aid machine. In fact it wouldn't matter where you go in the world, be it china or any other country. If you feel against this then I think you've had enough to drink. Maybe you shouldn't live just to please others, try and find your own value within yourself.

#4 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-07

It sounds like you speak from personal experience. But for me having worked with both at my jobs in china I can honestly say that at least on the surface they are about the same, with chinese women being no better. Both are greedy, narrow minded, susceptible to authority, and can't be considerate enough for others. Although to be fair I have not actually worked in the Philippines so I do not know if the local women there are more friendly, as by some accounts I was told they are less greedy and materialistic.
Other than that, nothing wrong with making extra income via rent. If you for example owned a whole apartment complex in Soho around downtown Manhattan you wouldn't need to work at all.

Hello Dragonized

Yes, I'm not actually saying that filipinas are a thoroughly bad lot; no, not at all, they are nice. Thing is this, Silverboy has a curious way of getting up close and friendly to the mature women he dates; he is a man of financial independence but still expects his potential future wife to pay for her own meals. Unreasonably, the brazen hussies in China were having none of that, so he has growled his way back to the sheep farm, to lick his wounds and recover from the mental harassment he sustained at the hands of these scrounging Chinese cows; before he returns to Asia to try out his charms on filipinas. What I am saying is this, ageing Filipinas are much less likely to be happy about paying for their own noodles than enen the Chinese were; so, he is certainly in for a rude awakening. Am I right or am I right? When are you returning to China by the way? Don't forget that old American expression 'pride comes before a food stamp'

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-07

It sounds like you speak from personal experience. But for me having worked with both at my jobs in china I can honestly say that at least on the surface they are about the same, with chinese women being no better. Both are greedy, narrow minded, susceptible to authority, and can't be considerate enough for others. Although to be fair I have not actually worked in the Philippines so I do not know if the local women there are more friendly, as by some accounts I was told they are less greedy and materialistic.

Other than that, nothing wrong with making extra income via rent. If you for example owned a whole apartment complex in Soho around downtown Manhattan you wouldn't need to work at all.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-07

(spurred on by their families in order to find higher paying work so as to funnel the proceeds back to the family in the Phils), in pretty much that order.

You are dead right here, and know your onions re:the phillipines.

I met many of the females from there, and not a single one ever gave me a good impression, whether in China, or the gulf.

#7 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-07

SB is heading into 'the den of wolves' in the Philippines as all most of the filipinas want is your money and citizenship into your country (spurred on by their families in order to find higher paying work so as to funnel the proceeds back to the family in the Phils), in pretty much that order.
Once they are done with 'using' you,: "she was out the front door the day she got citizenship" you will be dumped (with or without the kids). I've seen this happen to a friend of mine in NZ.
Beware the filipinas, finding one with a kind heart could take most of the rest of your life.

Good luck to you SB. I hope you can find a filipina with integrity!

I know, I know, tell me about it; talk about going from the fat to the fire; let's just hope our rental-income friend departed amicably from his Chinese employer; because once he gets his hands bloody trying to milk those Filipina wolves, he will need to scurry back to China, having realised how friendly and warm the Chinese ladies really are.

#8 Parent asd - 2013-01-07

SB is heading into 'the den of wolves' in the Philippines as all most of the filipinas want is your money and citizenship into your country (spurred on by their families in order to find higher paying work so as to funnel the proceeds back to the family in the Phils), in pretty much that order.

Once they are done with 'using' you,: "she was out the front door the day she got citizenship" you will be dumped (with or without the kids). I've seen this happen to a friend of mine in NZ.
Beware the filipinas, finding one with a kind heart could take most of the rest of your life.

Good luck to you SB. I hope you can find a filipina with integrity!

#9 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-06

You make a fair point. A culture that bound womens feet because it made them look "beautiful" and covers up rapes to save face, can't really argue the moral high ground with the west, not when there is the highest female suicide rate also. To be a woman in China is to be born as an unwanted child, sadly, the preference is still for a son.

#10 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-06

Hmm...I wonder if the obituary section in the local newspaper mentioned that drunk bloke's name the next morning :D?

With the issue regarding rape, let's not forget a couple of years back with the case with Deng YuJiao the TuJia minority girl who was physically assaulted with a thick stack of renminbi's by a drunk government official and then fought off the attempted rape by the same official with a nailclipper. Unfortunately for the hapless official he got an artery clipped and died later. The local court labeled Miss Deng as having "depression" as a way to save some face after the attempted trial caused so much uproar throughout the whole country.

China's history is filled with cases of rape. Let's not forget that this is a country that 100 years ago had no problems arranging marriages between 13 year old girls and 40 year old men. 200 years ago it was legal to have all the males in a family executed and all the females in that family forcefully arrested, imprisoned, and sold off to Brothels for something as "sinister" as "slandering" some government official or a useless relative of the emperor.

#11 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-06

I wonder what happened to that drunken British moron who tried to rape or did rape a Chinese woman after forcing her into a Beijing park during the hours of darkness! That's one thing about the PRC - much less chance of being raped if you're a woman or attacked in a pub by a drunken headcase because he was in the mood to pick a fight.

Here here, Turnoi, women have more freedom in China to walk the streets without being raped or molested?

Yes what did happen to that bloke? My wife who got a good look at him on a Chinese site said he didn't look very British-maybe he just had a British passport and hasn't actually done his time for centuries as a Celt or Anglo-Saxon. Maybe he is innocent-plenty of innocents in British jails I am sure- seems a very curious thing even for a drunk to chance in China.

#12 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-06

I can't see him marrying an aussie woman either, but I also don't think his future is with a chinese woman.

He might get married in the phillipines however.

#13 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-06

That's one thing about the PRC - much less chance of being raped if you're a woman or attacked in a pub by a drunken headcase because he was in the mood to pick a fight.

Not sure I can agree on this one. While the chinese boys may be shy and immature, Chinese men late 20s/30s can be very aggressive and persistent. I have known them to continually go after a younger girl they like, hassling her on qq, nagging her on the phone, then taking her to a bar, getting her drunk, and then taking her back to his hotel and having his way with her. That is like rape in a way, in that they can't accept her refusal, and continue to persist in hassling her. Also as bars open later than the UK and alcohol is cheaper, I've met plenty of drunken nutters in China, both chinese and foreigners, me and a malaysian friend got chased out of one nightclub many many years back because we made some idiot lose face by refusing to drink with him, it so annoyed him he went out and drove his van drunk into a nice shiny new car outside causing some damage, and proceeded to speed off down the road pished as a newt screaming lao waiiiiiii out of his window??????!!!!!!!!

#14 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-06

I don't understand this am I right or am I right?

White skin is elevated in China, therefore for Chinese men, a white girlfriend is prized.

#15 Parent foxy - 2013-01-05

I have spoken with as well as read from more than one person that Chinese women, while pretty do not in general possess enough desirable traits to be considered a woman worth keeping. I do not think every Chinese girl I've met fits this description, but at the same time there are many who do.

I agree, and I think that's a big reason why Silverboy has left China. I wonder where he should go for a decent EFL job and good wife material available locally. I can't see him marrying an Australian woman.

#16 Parent foxy - 2013-01-05

How do they differ from the Chinese girls?

I think the latter have to try harder to attract potential boyfriends because Chinese boys are in the main very shy and immature.

You seem to be using this scantily dressed argument soley to attack Chinese girls. Actually I don't agree with your theory- you have the 'trying to attract attention' bit right, but not sex-that would be a bit of a rapists charter "She was asking for it, My Lord"

No, I'm not attacking Chinese girls. On the contrary, I think it's great that those girls dress as they do. A man can approach them, speak with them, but if things develop from there, that should be solely a woman's prerogative. And there's never any excuse for rape.

I wonder what happened to that drunken British moron who tried to rape or did rape a Chinese woman after forcing her into a Beijing park during the hours of darkness! That's one thing about the PRC - much less chance of being raped if you're a woman or attacked in a pub by a drunken headcase because he was in the mood to pick a fight.

#17 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-05

Most British girls are no match for them in the good looks department.

True, but Chinese guys actually like them.

There may very well be lot of flies on Chinese food....but I couldn't possibly comment; however, no flies on Chinese men at all, they know full well that Western girls are much much easier to get between the sheets(or in the shrubbery) than their more moral Chinese sisters. Am I right or am I right? hahahaha

#18 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-05

Gonna have to disagree with you and Foxy on this one. I actually think it all comes down to the fact that growing up we weren't exposed to the "beauty" of eastern women, hence I idealized the goodness of chinese women in general. I can say after working there that the Chinese women in China are definitely better looking in general than most of the ethnic Asian women in western countries, but it's still relative.

After working in China and being genuinely sick of dealing with the people there, I took a step back and kind of reevaluated. I realized that while there are plenty of pretty women in China, my time spent in Central Asia and the Middle East allowed me to meet plenty of good looking women from other countries. Having a good personality will also bring attraction, which is very important. IMO there are just as many ugly Chinese women as there are ugly people in any other country, and the Chinese in general are definitely not the best looking in any sense.

There is an old saying that comes from China, "Xiang You Xin Sheng". "What comes from the heart shows on the face." The lack of will to think deeply on things and possessing an unhealthy desire and greed certainly corrupts the spirit and distorts a person. I can honestly say that the longer I stayed in China the less attractive I found the women.

I have spoken with as well as read from more than one person that Chinese women, while pretty do not in general possess enough desirable traits to be considered a woman worth keeping. I do not think every Chinese girl I've met fits this description, but at the same time there are many who do.

#19 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-05

It's all to do with female hormones. Generally speaking, young Chinese women who reveal too much of their physical attributes in public by wearing scanty clothes know full well they're beautiful and are seeking love and boyfriends. And there are lots of such dishes to be seen outdoors here. I reckon back in Blighty they would turn the heads of many a young British male if they walked the streets. You can just imagine the wolf whistles such Chinese beauties would instigate back home in public places.
Most British girls are no match for them in the good looks department.
As for 'Blubber Belly', I can understand why he loves China. There are mch worse ways for him to spend his money than on stick insects! And he's contributing to the local economy by doing so. Good luck to him!

Hello Foxy
How long has it been since you touched down in the United Kingdom, because maybe you don't realise that scantily dressed Britons exist as well? If for the sake of argument we say that, they[British Girls] are trying to attract British Beef, how do they differ from the Chinese girls? You seem to be using this scantily dressed argument soley to attack Chinese girls. Actually I don't agree with your theory- you have the 'trying to attract attention' bit right, but not sex-that would be a bit of a rapists charter "She was asking for it, My Lord"

I have nothing against, FT having sex with his gorgeous student if she is willing, and do not regard that purchasing her the odd bowl of noodles in the process, as 'paying for sex' whereas, the likes of big fat Blubber Belly will need directions from Silverboy to find that Pink-roomed establishment and actually go there and agree on a sum of money with eager stick insect. I agree, could be good for the local economy, but don't try and get serious with such fee-demanding insects and then when they financially abuse you, start ranting about all Chinese women as if they are all money-grabbing whores. Now, am I right or am I right?

#20 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-05

Most British girls are no match for them in the good looks department.

True, but Chinese guys actually like them.

#21 Parent foxy - 2013-01-05

It's all to do with female hormones. Generally speaking, young Chinese women who reveal too much of their physical attributes in public by wearing scanty clothes know full well they're beautiful and are seeking love and boyfriends. And there are lots of such dishes to be seen outdoors here. I reckon back in Blighty they would turn the heads of many a young British male if they walked the streets. You can just imagine the wolf whistles such Chinese beauties would instigate back home in public places.
Most British girls are no match for them in the good looks department.
As for 'Blubber Belly', I can understand why he loves China. There are mch worse ways for him to spend his money than on stick insects! And he's contributing to the local economy by doing so. Good luck to him!

#22 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-04

The BS that Chinese women are virgins and "traditional" is also something I find amusing.

You find it amusing, while I'd go so far as to state I find it absolutely hilarious!

When they start wearing clothes that reveal their upper legs, that is a sure sign they're seeking male attention and the bedroom sports that'll accompany that. At least, we western males pick up on that. In contrast, most Chinese males haven't a clue what's going on in those girls' minds. Also absolutely hilarious, though rather sad really!

You would have us believe that young ladies who wear short skirts and revealing tops are all Chinese; it's not true is it, it's not true at all? I wouldn't say, that all girls who wear revealing clothes, and we are talking about girls from the four corners of the earth, are so attired simply to attract men, least of all "Wobbly belly Poster"(whatever his name is)type men, who has openly informed us that he pays for the services of women in China. He says he was incapable of getting any women in his home country; well, perhaps he wasn't visiting pink-roomed establishments at home; perhaps he didn't have the entrance fee as a jobless Englishman, American or whatever. Your attitude to females is not in any way hilarious, but it is warped and it is seriously sad.

#23 Parent foxy - 2013-01-04

The BS that Chinese women are virgins and "traditional" is also something I find amusing.

You find it amusing, while I'd go so far as to state I find it absolutely hilarious!

When they start wearing clothes that reveal their upper legs, that is a sure sign they're seeking male attention and the bedroom sports that'll accompany that. At least, we western males pick up on that. In contrast, most Chinese males haven't a clue what's going on in those girls' minds. Also absolutely hilarious, though rather sad really!


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