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#1 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-28
Re: Aston English School

All of your questions are answered here:

Thank you for that Jacqueline, it does seem to beg many more questions, as opposed to answering the ones I asked.

It does say that you can expect shared housing(for how many?) boasting one single toilet-best not get caught short then.

It does say that utility charges will be taken out of wages, et ceteras, et ceteras.

It does say that there will be a compulsary 'Three Day Certification Course' but It doesn't say if you will be paid for that. As I indicate, any interested FT will have to ask you, maybe fifty questions-because it's unreasonable for any FT to grumble about anything if he has not asked you all he should. Am I right or am I right? Good luck and thank you again.

#2 Parent Informative - 2013-01-28
Re: Aston English School

All of your questions are answered here:

#3 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-26
Re: Aston English School

Hello Jacqueline
I have heard that Aston English school is dear to the hearts of many FT's and has a good reputation.


*Upto 7000 RMB for normal contract.
means what exactly; would you like to give us some examples ?

*Flight Allowance
again means what? Would you like to give more details-how much-when paid et ceteras?

*Free Accommodation
means what-in a compound -in a dorm-who will pay for services-will the FT be responsible for that broken washing machine?

*Free 4 hours Chinese Lessons a week
This is a standard promise, and rarely ever happens?

*2-4 days off per week.
Paid for?

*14 days Annual leave plus Chinese holidays
Paid for-any traveling money?

*Medical Insurance
To what extent-please give details?

*Work visa
Who pays for this-who pays for the medical-who pays for the Experts Certificate-and is that certificate handed over to the FT, or is it kindly left in your safekeeping?

*Arrival Pick-up
At any airport in China?

Thank you for answers in advance.

*Ongoing Teacher & career development
*Inter school transfers available on contract completion
*Management & Teacher Trainer opportunities available after acquired Aston experience

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-25
Re: Aston English School

You have been copying/pasting the same shitty advertisement for the last 6 years it seems. At least try to make an effort and you just might end up conning some naive college grad eager to please.

Jacqueline - 2013-01-16
Aston English School

Flight Allowance + Free Chinese Classes + Free Accommodation + Small Classes of Cute Kids with China's Best Educators ---- Aston English

Posted By: The Aston Educational Group <>
Date: Tuesday, 15 January 2013, at 9:45 a.m.

The Aston Educational Group is one of the largest English Educators in China. We have been in operation since 1996 and have developed a detailed curriculum for beginner, elementary, intermediate and advanced students.

Along with our students, you, the teachers are our priority. We have spent much time and resources on teacher development and foreign teacher support. We have central, territorial and regional offices overseeing all our franchisee and company schools. Most locations have foreign managers and a line of support to promote fairness and clear communication to break through cultural barriers and reduce misunderstandings. We understand the dynamics of working within a multicultural environment and do our best to make your time in china as comfortable as possible and your experience enjoyable and extraordinary.

8 Reasons to Teach with Aston
1. China's largest American-managed English school group
2. Ongoing training and support to help you realize your full potential as a teacher
3. Schools in 7 of the top 20 cities for foreigners to live in in China as voted in International Talent Magazine.
4. More than 100 schools to choose from in 60 cities
5. Opportunities for advancement with Aston, as well as our corporate training, kindergarten, overseas study, and Aston Workshop curriculum design partners.
6. Flexible contracts with 16, 20, or 25 teaching hours per week (with 4, 3,and 2 days off per week respectively).
7. Full work visa and residence permit provided
8. Choice of contract length: 6, 7.5 or 12, 13.5 months starting in January or March. Contracts can be extended.

We are now hiring teachers for March 2013 term start.

*Upto 7000 RMB for normal contract.
*Flight Allowance
*Free Accommodation
*Free 4 hours Chinese Lessons a week
*2-4 days off per week.
*14 days Annual leave plus Chinese holidays
*Medical Insurance
*Work visa
*Arrival Pick-up
*Ongoing Teacher & career development
*Inter school transfers available on contract completion
*Management & Teacher Trainer opportunities available after acquired Aston experience

We require:
*Native speakers of English at least 22 years old
*Nationalities preferred are American, Australian,British,Canadian, Irish and New Zealander
*College degree in any subject
*TEFL Certificate
*Must enjoy the idea of teaching children

If you are interested, please contact the Aston recruiting department directly at: or watch the testimonial videos, learn more about China and Aston, or talk to one of our recruiters now via

Those of you in the UK, or a suitable timezone can also contact Stephen Manning, our UK based recruiter, directly at: +44 (0)7731376033 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)7731376033 免费 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
(Mon-Fri 8.30-17.30 UK time

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