Return to Index › Al-Ghanim Bilingual School (Salwa, Kuwait)
#1 Parent anas alotaibi - 2015-01-22
Re Al-Ghanim Bilingual School (Salwa, Kuwait)

i am a student for GBS and i think what you said is completely false , the learning is great , the teachers are amazing , you clearly know nothing about our school , you apparently made a mistake. :(

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-27
Re: Al-Ghanim Bilingual School (Salwa, Kuwait)

Gross exploitation of foreign teachers by this company means it deserves a blacklisting on any legitimate educational council. May they never get accredited with any western schools, they do not deserve it!

#3 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-27
Re: Al-Ghanim Bilingual School (Salwa, Kuwait)

A lot of these "institutions" are obsessed with accreditation but it is better not to work for them. If you want to live in a container or small flat in the desert and face hell and not trusting your office colleagues who will back bite and back stab all the time, avoid the gulf states!

Fatema - 2013-01-27
Al-Ghanim Bilingual School (Salwa, Kuwait)

Here are more reasons to avoid Al-Ghanim Bilingual School in Salwa, Kuwait:

1. Teachers/staff members are required to work on approximately TEN Saturdays during the school year, without being compensated for this extra time. (The Saturday work is usually related to professional development or the accreditation application process.)

2. Al-Ghanim Bilingual School is currently undergoing the accreditation application process with the Council of International Schools (CIS). This school shouldn’t be accredited by any organization—ever! As part of the accreditation application process, staff members and teachers had to complete self-study reports grading and evaluating various aspects of the school and its administration—policies, infrastructure, transparency, ethical treatment of employees. Originally, the school and its administration were given many poor ratings in the self-study reports. The director, A[edited], threatened staff members and teachers with the loss of summer pay unless the ratings were changed to reflect the school in a more positive light. As a result, the self-study reports were falsified and are now tainted by A[edited]’s need to lie about the state of Al-Ghanim Bilingual School.

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