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#1 Parent rocky road - 2015-03-22
Re: Soong Ching Ling International Kindergarten Chengdu

Really? we must be thinking of different schools. Sure all expensive "prestigious" Chinese kindergartens are privately owned and business comes first, but they didn't even have a business model, just lurched from one crisis to another, most of which could have been averted by open honest communication with staff and parents. If you like paperwork and feeding babies this is the job for you. If you want to teach, go elsewhere. I did not enjoy that experience at all.

#2 Parent Lacey - 2015-03-16
Re: Soong Ching Ling International Kindergarten Chengdu

Yes, the foreign manager left SCL and returned to his home country due to two deaths in his family. This school is otherwise not too bad.

#3 Parent Hehh - 2014-01-11
Re: Soong Ching Ling International Kindergarten Chengdu

Please note that the author of the only positive post had quit as a foreign manager, just like the coordinator, after the previous coordinator was removed.

#4 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-01-30
Re: Soong Ching Ling International Kindergarten Chengdu

In other news, the grass is green and the sun is a little bit warm.

Chengdu has a lot going for it, but it is in China, therefore you may get pollution. At the end of the day, it is your choice.

#5 Parent Darren - 2013-01-28
Re: Soong Ching Ling International Kindergarten Chengdu

Avoid Chengdu. The sun rarely shines there. Air pollution is a major curse of most of China's big cities.

#6 Parent bwez - 2013-01-28
Re: Soong Ching Ling International Kindergarten Chengdu

These comments were written by friends of mine and are completely justified. They were written within the first year of the school opening and the school was in really bad shape from a foreign teachers perspective. They have obviously left the school because of their experience, myself and one of the other teachers from that first year stuck it out and are still working happily at the school.

The school is now half way through it's second year and has improved in every way. The school now has 15 foreign teachers from USA, Canada, Gana, Brazil, Australia, France & Germany.

They have become much better at working with foreigners and have even employed foreign management at the school.

The school is getting better and better and the feedback from the English team id that it is an enjoyable place to work and a good group of friends to spend time with outside of the school.

The reason that I decided to write something on this post was that potential teachers keep searching for SCL International Kindergarten school and finding this post which is now dated and so the information they are getting is what the school used to be like.

skisy - 2012-04-27
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