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#1 Parent Jiayou! - 2013-04-24
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

Agreed - Taiwan is in every respect a much better option

#2 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-28
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

China will continue to have to rely upon a high percentage of backpackers and misfits to fill many of its teaching

Backpackers seem to fit in snugly with misfits on this forum(maybe others too) when in reality most of them are educated young men and women trying to get an affordable exotic holiday. Are you thinking of American war veterans of a certain age who hang about Thailand? Chinese students find them more interesting than us old codgers and they do impart a bit of Oral English and twang their guitars in classroom. Anyway, that's all academic now, what with the new visa regulations-the need for invitees and so forth; so they won't be taking our jobs. As for misfits, I'm bound to say I rank among their numbers, not really fitting in in Blighty.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-28
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

China will continue to have to rely upon a high percentage of backpackers and misfits to fill many of its teaching vacancies.

If China did become like south korea/taiwan, you maybe would not have a job in the public sector as:

1) you would need to return to the UK to get a clean background check from the police, and you have stated you do not intend to return there ever.

2)You would need a verifiable tefl qualification (you mentioned you have no tefl) and related degree in english language/literature, you have a bsc.

This has happened in guangdong, so never say never with regards to China. In the meantime, backpackers, misfits, losers who are happy earning low money for low hours will flock there because there are no standards enforced as yet. You have said yourself you like low class hours and don't care about face, maybe they view you as a "backpacker" or "loser" or "misfit" in their eyes, judge not, lest .......

#4 Parent foxy - 2013-01-28
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

Great for Western coutries and those concerned. But is it also good for China and her students if we want things in their education system to change to the better?

First and foremost, Turnoi I must say it's great to see you back as a regular poster. Your contributions have certanly been missed in this neck of the woods in the recent past.

I'll say here and now that if China wants real foreign TEACHERS it should treat them as teachers deserve to be treated. Teachers shouldn't be lied to and abused. What's more, China expects to get professional teachers from the West on the cheap. That's not on. There's much amiss with the Chinese EFL industry, and, as a qualified and former practising teacher from the West, I think I'm entitled to put my own interests ahead of those of China and its students.

Drastic changes to the EFL industry here in China are needed, and it's China's responsibility to make these changes. Until that is effected, China will continue to have to rely upon a high percentage of backpackers and misfits to fill many of its teaching vacancies.

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