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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-14
Re: Ahil English School-Ulsan

Or is it perhaps a rallying call to the other sniggering hyenas or even an attempt at influencing the mods.

No, we wouldn't need to influence Mancunian, as he is the only other SH on here besides you.

Sniggering Hyena
; Noun, Definition individuals who scavenge the leftover scraps of grovelling weasels due to their own lack of intelligence to conjure up more original ideas of grovelhood on their own. May or may not possess physical traits such as coarse butt hair around the mouth from excessive @$$ kissing, may also have shortened limbs (like that of a real hyena) due to constantly bending over in a hunched position for performing actions of a demeaning, slaving nature.
#2 Parent ASTF - 2013-02-14
Re: Ahil English School-Ulsan

Again, it's amusing that posters feel the need to post they are going to ignore me. Surely the best thing to do would be to just ignore me. Or is it perhaps a rallying call to the other sniggering hyenas or even an attempt at influencing the mods. Is it getting that desperate turnip?

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