Return to Index › Life Foundation Sri Lanka
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-22
Re: Life Foundation Sri Lanka

Chinese are not any better or superior.....

Never have been, and never will be unless they start admitting they're not always the ones who are right...

#2 Parent Mancunian S - 2013-02-21
Re: Life Foundation Sri Lanka

Life Foundation is a non profit organisation and we do charge a fee for our volunteers to cover accommodation and food (as ALL volunteer organisations do!). Clearly you have NO idea about us, as you have NEVER been a volunteer with Life Foundation. So keep your negative "recommendation" to avoid us for yourself.
We are a respected organisation who placed many volunteers here in Sri Lanka.

Hello there
Well, there's one born every minute! So, there's some shady charities, with the cheek of the devil to extract a fee for accommodation and food, having already extracted somebody's services free of charge- glad to hear that you are more generous.

Hobby well-off people can be a nuisance- for every teacher who doesn't charge for his services, a crust of bread is taken out of the mouth of some poor blighter who has to work for a living. It seems at the moment we have FT's in the West, grounded, at home, dossing on people's floors, et ceteras, because, try as they may, they cannot find a position in Asia...I wonder if their jobs have been swallowed up by iffy charities, offering free financially-independent teachers? Can I ask you where you get the money from, to support yourself, as an official of this 'Life Foundation' Do you also work for free?

#3 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-21
Re: Life Foundation Sri Lanka

Your outfit is really one of the lowest of the low, on a par with the absolute worst of the Chinese scumbag recruiters and agents!

have you seen the jobs boards LATELY, very few verified schools at all! Chinese are not any better or superior.....

#4 Parent foxy - 2013-02-21
Re: Life Foundation Sri Lanka

VSO and Peace Corps are bonafide volunteer organisations. So, they don't charge their 'volunteers' a penny for placing them! By contrast, your disgusting outfit is no better than a pretend volunteer organisation that all aspiring and practising foreign teachers should shun and deride. Your outfit is really one of the lowest of the low, on a par with the absolute worst of the Chinese scumbag recruiters and agents! Take a hike into a local jungle, and don't come back!

#5 Parent Casper van der Walt - 2013-02-21
Re: Life Foundation Sri Lanka

Life Foundation is a non profit organisation and we do charge a fee for our volunteers to cover accommodation and food (as ALL volunteer organisations do!). Clearly you have NO idea about us, as you have NEVER been a volunteer with Life Foundation. So keep your negative "recommendation" to avoid us for yourself.

We are a respected organisation who placed many volunteers here in Sri Lanka.

#6 Parent Garilov Bratten - 2012-10-18
Re: Life Foundation Sri Lanka

This is a commercial business operation, and they will charge you money for placing you in one of their "volunteer" programmes, and they will get paid by their "clients" as well for whom you are supposed to work for free. And the the only to lose will be you! Stay away from them!

Napili - 2012-10-17
Life Foundation Sri Lanka

Has anyone volunteered for Life Foundation Sri Lanka? I would like to hear any positive or negative reviews concerning this organization. Thanks!

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