Return to Index › David Huang of Radison Education Guangzhou
#1 Parent Daniel Troy - 2013-06-04
Re: David Huang of Radison Education Guangzhou

Just got an email from "Dora" ( representing David Hawk International English. She sent me a link to I subsequently stumbled across this thread. Could I ask you; does David Hawk International English exist? Is this David Huang pretending to represent this school or what?

#2 Parent Curious - 2013-03-02
Re: David Huang of Radison Education Guangzhou

You provided the website of: David Hawke International English. Do you mean that this school belongs to David Huang?

#3 Parent Concerned Foreigner - 2013-03-02
Re: David Huang of Radison Education Guangzhou

I forgot to add other information about David Huang so here it is.

All his cellphone numbers I know of are below and if i find more i will post them.

136 1027 0136
130 6883 4189
180 2634 2088

QQ 871306497


#4 Parent Concerned Foreigner - 2013-03-02
Re: David Huang of Radison Education Guangzhou

He also has another website I found called

Office Number Guangdong 0086 668 2951093/3241891

Zhejiang Office 0086 571 89001636
Cell Phone 0086 13735519968

Skype: hzsesame
Skype: mmdhes

He goes under the name of David Hawk as well as David Huang

#5 Parent Curious - 2013-03-02
Re: David Huang of Radison Education Guangzhou

Could you please provide all the names that he used to use? It would make it easier for teachers who google his many names to find this thread.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-01
Re: David Huang of Radison Education Guangzhou

Thanks for the heads up on this one, amazed he is still able to continue his work as an agent, and I see he has changed his name, One to avoid, thanks for bringing to everyones attention.

Concerned Foreigner - 2013-03-01
David Huang of Radison Education Guangzhou

I am writing this to warn all foreigners in Guangzhou to be very very wary of this man and his company. David Huang of Radison Education in Guangzhou is an agent who does not have the right to hire foreign teachers because his license expired some years back.
He will claim he works for the school in question but in fact he works solely for himself as an agent and makes his money by charging schools for his services.
I had dealings with him recently and he offered me a job in a school promising to get my z visa exchanged for a working permit. Sadly this did not happen and I ended up in a great deal of trouble with the police. He then offered to get me an F visa and told me it is legal to teach in China using an F visa. This is not true and if any foreigners are found to be teaching in Guangzhou using an F visa they will be fined, the school fined and there is a risk of deportation. I was verbally told this by the police.
The contract he will try to sign with you will look ok at first but then he will change it, specifically the part that says there will also be a contract in Chinese which is a legal requirement by labour laws set out by the FEB, foreign Experts Bureau and the Labour bureau. He took this out of my contract and when challenged about it he said I should ask my wife to write it out and he would sign it but not stamp it.
He signs all his contracts under the name David Huang but does not sign them under his Chinese name.
The contract tells you that you will not be paid for any holidays whatsoever and yet he will still demand the holiday pay from the schools and pocket this money himself.
He will tell you he will get you a working permit but will not tell you that YOU have to pay for it. The school applies for the working Visa and not him so remember that if you hear from him you would be well adviced to steer clear. Most schools in China will pay for the working permit but unfortunately not David Huang. I am currently taking legal action against him for fraud with hope he will be stopped from Cheating more foreigners like me. I was lucky to have found a great school and they want me to stay for a long time and I will. Like me they dislike David Huang very much and are looking for any reason to break contacts with him in the not to distant future.

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