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#1 Parent Alternate - 2013-03-14
Re: Dell School or Hell School?

By speaking of Ft's in such an unfavorable fashion therefore getting supposedly what they deserve from their chinese employers, the poster whom you are responding to isn't exactly making his own case favorable. There are some people who care about ft's, and others who don't. It is a good indication of how well the ft takes care of himself based on how he sees the plight of others.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-14
Re: Dell School or Hell School?

there are, believe it or not, [edited] FT's out there (making life difficult for the rest of us) prepared to bring along their own teaching equipment by way of a laptop, because some schools (and I don't blame the Chinese) have cottoned on to the fact that FT's in general are none too bright, so they don't have to do what they should do, to provide the FT with his own PC (for the use of) installed in his flat; and also another one for him to use within the school if there is such a need.

Why does this bother you so much? If John Smith from Hampshire is happy to bring along his latest dell laptop for his own use, but older almost retired FT called Alan Humphries from Doncaster is happy to negotiate with his school and get a pc and printer, vive la difference. Personally I think no Ft should come to china without their own laptop and their own 3g connection, china unicom/china telecom.

#3 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-13
Re: Dell School or Hell School?

If someone puts you down so they can put themselves on equal footing with you, then where did they begin before engaging? Hardly something to lose confidence about I'd say.

Seems a bit deep for ordinary oral English FT's, mate- however, I think I have decyphered what your driving at- looking up greedily at anothers elevated position, axe in hand to chop the buggers legs off??? am I right or am I right?

No, what it was all about is this- there are, believe it or not, [edited] FT's out there (making life difficult for the rest of us) prepared to bring along their own teaching equipment by way of a laptop, because some schools (and I don't blame the Chinese) have cottoned on to the fact that FT's in general are none too bright, so they don't have to do what they should do, to provide the FT with his own PC (for the use of) installed in his flat; and also another one for him to use within the school if there is such a need.

#4 Parent Alternate - 2013-03-13
Re: Dell School or Hell School?

If someone puts you down so they can put themselves on equal footing with you, then where did they begin before engaging? Hardly something to lose confidence about I'd say.

#5 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-13
Re: Dell School or Hell School?

I won't reply if you continue to behave in this way towards me.

I don't care what an FT does with their laptop, if they want to use it for lesson plans, their business, or am I wrong or am I wrong? Well, I am not wrong, so one of us is?

My apologies, San Mig, there was no slight or critisism intended against you personally. It was more a thinly veiled message aimed at 'talking FT's' looking for work, who should be 'active job searchering FT's.' Now, active job searchers do not get diverted from their task; if you examine the feet of an active job searcher he will have calluses on his toes-his knuckles will be bruised from constantly knocking on doors- If you ask this zealous searcher if he'd like to come and share a lamb on a stick and a cold beer- he will almost bite your tongue off "No mate! sorry mate! I am looking for a job mate!- I must return to my hotel room and phone up Yuncheng ielts, mate-and if needs be beg them to take me on , mate"......... Got to go mate ,got to catch that all night bus to Shanxi Province mate, not a moment must be lost mate!" Now, am I right or am I right?

#6 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-13
Re: Dell School or Hell School?

but you should not use it for lesson plans-now, am I right or am I right.

How are you anyway? I hope you are being galvanised in life "he who dares wins" Don't wait until doors open of their own accord-pound on them and prise them open...just a thought for the day.

I won't reply if you continue to behave in this way towards me.

I don't care what an FT does with their laptop, if they want to use it for lesson plans, their business, or am I wrong or am I wrong? Well, I am not wrong, so one of us is?

#7 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-12
Re: Dell School or Hell School?

You are wrong, a computer is not always given. Also, with the newer pcs it may not even be possible to install linux.

Turnoi is right, every FT needs his own laptop and mobile net access within China, nothing more, nothing less. [edited]

The newer the better, San Mig- Linux has ever brought out its own cutting edge PC called 'Mintbox' Of course Linux do cater also for the older PC.

No, if Turnoi said that he's wrong. Of course you would be advised to also have your own laptop-but you should not use it for lesson plans-now, am I right or am I right.

How are you anyway? I hope you are being galvanised in life "he who dares wins" Don't wait until doors open of their own accord-pound on them and prise them open...just a thought for the day.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-12
Re: Dell School or Hell School?

Personally, when I have been given a computer I have reformatted it and installed Linux- you can use it then even for online banking. Am I right or am I right?

You are wrong, a computer is not always given. Also, with the newer pcs it may not even be possible to install linux.

Turnoi is right, every FT needs his own laptop and mobile net access within China, nothing more, nothing less. [edited]

#9 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-10
Re: Dell School or Hell School?

Who are you, and how credible are you?

I'm bound to say that the likes of Turoi, Dragonised, although we don't agree on anything, are pretty stand up guys with a mission and sincere beliefs. However, I think they may well be right about your Dell school...or should we call it Hell School? Four Hundred Yuan a month is less than I started on in China some ten years ago; the fact that it may be located in a cheap area doesn't help when you have to provide your own laptops and stuff- all the time you are using your own laptops you are hastening the time when it gives up the ghost and you have to pay for its replacement out of your own pocket. Even some universities only paying 5,500 yuan will supply you with a computer in your own flat....well, a few do not not, but we wouldn't go to those now would we? Now, you may not wish to use school supplied computewrs for your only personal use because of security risks but they certainly should be used to take the wear and tear of Powerpoints and other lesson plan preparations. Personally, when I have been given a computer I have reformatted it and installed Linux- you can use it then even for online banking. Am I right or am I right?

#10 Parent Rob Hewitt - 2013-03-10
Re: Dell English School, China

All I can do is provide a perspective to a forum which I believe does not reflect the current state of the school.

As for who am I and how am I credible?

I am a teacher at Dell English School as I have said. I provided my email and my name in order to prove who I am. If someone wanted to verify my identity, all they would need to do is email me. Might I ask of you the same question?

Who are you, and how credible are you?

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