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#1 Parent nuggets - 2013-03-10
Re: Longman School

It is the local management of this chain and all efforts have been either blocked from "going up the line" or iced over by the local Chinese management. Pearson or Longman is way to far removed from the "real" situation here that I would have more success drinking myself into oblivion, than trying to get Longman to see the real damage that is happening to their name.

#2 Parent helter skelter - 2013-03-09
Re: Longman School

I believe they are part of the Pearson group, that lovely multinational company. I would contact them about your experience

nuggets - 2013-03-07
Longman School

After recently working for Longman Schools, I honestly do not have much good to say about them at all. Firstly being hired on a tourist visa with the promise of being given a "legal" working visa in 30 days (before my tourist visa expired) did not happen. Being paid the right amount each month, and on time did not happen. Being trained in their materials before teaching them did not happen. Being granted Chinese national holidays off did not happen. Being given international medical insurance did not happen. Being given a stable fixed schedule did not happen. Working only 5 days per week did not happen. working only 40 hours per week did not happen. In fact the only thing that DID happen is it cost me money each month to work for them and live. The salary was over taxed and no salary notice was ever supplied. Western management, HA, where, when, if ever one came along they did not last long enough to ever do anything. I could go on and on but I think that anything else said would depress me more than just shutting up. Oh, how I wish there was a legal recourse that could be taken against them. Anyhow time for me to move on.

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