Return to Index › Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"
#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-25
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

No wonder those banana trees are not faring so well next to that fetid stream, and I use the word stream loosely. Babbling brook it is not!

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-25
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Of course you do not. you are restricted with your limited intelligence, knowledge, experiences, state of your mental and physical health... just like everybody else.

Please post on here more often. I am feeling rather worn out after all this posting. Perhaps you can join in and kick some @$$.

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-25
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Of course you do not. you are restricted with your limited intelligence, knowledge, experiences, state of your mental and physical health... just like everybody else. [edited]

But this is about Huizhou college which fraudulently pretends to be a university, not so much about all too noticeable failures.

Attached: the open air sewer within the campus.

Do you see things that are not really there ,Pal? From your picture i see a pleasant stream with banana plants tastefully positioned around. If fact I am so taken up with your picture that if I can find the loan of a colour inkjet printer I will hang it on my wall to help me and my girlfriend relax. If you don't like this university why don't you get a job with a training centre?

#4 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-24
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I like to think I try and see things the way they truly are-

Of course you do not. you are restricted with your limited intelligence, knowledge, experiences, state of your mental and physical health... just like everybody else. [edited]

But this is about Huizhou college which fraudulently pretends to be a university, not so much about all too noticeable failures.

Attached: the open air sewer within the campus.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-24
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I missed this post and so did not respond to it earlier like I probably would have, but you are spot on with the fact that claiming the territory isn't something to be called arrogant. I read a Chinese article about an American couple who joined the Communist's revolution in the 40's and ended up living in Beijing for the rest of their lives. The husband had passed away within the last few years and the wife may be gone as well now. Nobody anywhere can claim that their family's bloodline has been around for thousands of years and have the documents to back it up, it just isn't that possible to keep such a paper trail for so long.

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-24
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I like to see what truth is too, and I strive for it. [edited]

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-23
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I have seen enough of Chinese society to know that the high class call girls would possess higher levels of education and degrees and can carry conversations on topics too deep for the apologists on here to even comprehend. A typical boy's club for the uppity up in Beijing for example would run you half a million yuan per year just in the membership fee alone. Then you have all sorts of extra stuff you would have to pay for once you get in. Read somewhere that college girls from China working as call girls in Vancouver charge up to several hundred dollars per night, would not think the price to be any lower in the so called "high class" area of prostitution.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-23
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Thanks for that google books link. Looks interesting.

#9 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-22
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I know very little about non-samesex sex, but I would imagine it would be easy to find a good looking young woman to indulge a sagging 50+ y.o. Caucasian "foreign expert" with an unfinished undergraduate degree.

Huizhou not only has plenty undergraduate students from the countryside, but it abounds in girls fleeing their 5/6 children families (ostensibly banned in China, but it is not enforced at all in Guangdong) for the "promised city".


#10 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-22
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

If so, that means you think the majority of men in China are losers.

Most FT's (bar the professors) could not afford the real, high class call girls anyway. Going to a pink room is totally different from what actually goes on amongst the elite, most FT's but not all, would not even get a sniff of the brandy or cigars at the front door of the vip place, they would be booted away from the door for certain.

#11 Parent Alternate - 2013-03-22
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Ah well put indeed! The user becomes the used, and the hunter the hunted. A nice turn on the play at the poker table, for no one could pierce the resolute temperament of your guile. Straight flush!

#12 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-03-22
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

It might actually be better just to leave him alone until he gets bored of the whole pinyin thing.

#13 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-22
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Well I am not wrong, so your tagline is meaningless this time. Go and have a beer with your buddy from north china!

#14 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-22
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

More rot, and incorrect usage of

#15 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I got that but thought "what the heck? it keeps this thread hot, will result in many hits on search engines, and people will probably want to check the initial message with the picture of the sewer infested wall, and perhaps some other pictures, and that's what matters for me, really. ;-)

Otherwise, my feeling of superirity towards 99.9999 of humanity remains as firm as ever, because I do not give a damn about what others think of me -- I know how good I am -- just about how they act towards me. :-D

#16 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Coherent and cuts to the chase indeed!

You wont convince one or two aging posters on these boards of that though. Well said!

I would say in all fairness that he has about as much idea as you do about coherence, San Mig hahaha Only joking, you are both known for your clarity and purpose hahaha - am I right or am I right?

#17 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

One cannot help but think if people such as these cannot find solid interacting coming from mutual trust on a harmless online arena then what resolutions on frolicking along with others in real time can they muster?

Coherent and cuts to the chase indeed!

You wont convince one or two aging posters on these boards of that though. Well said!

#18 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Conversation was fine until you got involved in with your silly ludicrous and untrue claims about XiDa -- the BEST university in Guangxi based on the number of papers by its professors published in international journals, their participation at conferences, the recognition by the federal givernment as the first key university in that province, and the like -- which were of no relevance whatsoever for this discussion which is, as the title says, anout a totally different school, and pushed with them and pushed and pushed...

Only such an uncalled for involvement (as was pointed many times to you, because this is about Huizhou Xueyuan, which falsely calls itself a university whereas it is a college, and the innumerable abuses foreign teachers suffer there, that made the conversation (i.e. the part you contributed to it) what someone could rightfully call stupid.

I didn't call the whole discussion that, but your moment of self-reflection is a kind of a positive turn here/

#19 Parent Alternate - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Some posters would like to make this board a hostile place for those who call it like it is. Then, when you become annoyed and lash back they have their aha moment of believing in their self absorbed moral superiority as being validated. The poster whom you've been fighting with may have felt that his own fancies were threatened by most likely offhand comments made on this board a while ago and conjures the notion that he has those who disagree with him figured out. Trying to talk down others by using crappy middle kingdom employment as the cream of the crop for career choices is certainly a premise built on a cupcake foundation, so is lying about the personal lives of mystery men you have yet to meet. One cannot help but think if people such as these cannot find solid interacting coming from mutual trust on a harmless online arena then what resolutions on frolicking along with others in real time can they muster?

#20 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I reckon SB would agree with me, but did not mean it to get personal. You think it is rubbish, I just cannot agree for reasons based on my own experience. One only needs to look at treatment of minorities, is one example I will give.

#21 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I myself am an immigrant, so I find your claims on who has a right to claim or not claim territory to be a bit offensive. If Maxwell wants to think of himself as a local, he will surely find it fraught with roadblocks and naysayers but it is he ultimately who is the one in charge of his own soul.
As for ordinary Chinese, I don't know what you mean by ordinary. If anything ordinary Chinese are no more the salt of the earth types than ordinary Westerners. I do not find them to be respectful of boundaries and other people's privacy. Getting high blood pressure from dealing with so many intrusive types at a younger age isn't exactly the type of "salt" I am looking for. Just have to agree to disagree.

I like to think I try and see things the way they truly are- you say tomato and I say tomato- you say Maxwell and I say Silverboy- Let's Call the Whole Thing Off! hahaha tra la la

#22 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Guangxi University is NOT a leading university in China anymore, and neither is Wuhan University. I know what is going on at these place, you do not. End of the story. I won't be wasting any more time on arrogant know all teachers like yourself, my last word in this stupid conversation.

#23 Parent Shaggie - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I think anyone who has lived in a certain place for a long time, including Western people in China, do have a right to claim territory. It is not an arrogant attitude. Chinese people who do not accept long-term laowai residents in their city as locals are arrogant and extremely racist IMO.

I have lived in my city for many years. I don't want some racist ignorant Chinese telling me I'm not a local and I don't belong here.

#24 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-21
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I myself am an immigrant, so I find your claims on who has a right to claim or not claim territory to be a bit offensive. If Maxwell wants to think of himself as a local, he will surely find it fraught with roadblocks and naysayers but it is he ultimately who is the one in charge of his own soul.

As for ordinary Chinese, I don't know what you mean by ordinary. If anything ordinary Chinese are no more the salt of the earth types than ordinary Westerners. I do not find them to be respectful of boundaries and other people's privacy. Getting high blood pressure from dealing with so many intrusive types at a younger age isn't exactly the type of "salt" I am looking for. Just have to agree to disagree.

#25 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

If you feel confident enough to believe this, then more power to you. For me, the power to accept someone as who they are is what is most important. Just because you are accepted into the local population doesn't mean you look down on others who are different merely because they haven't been there as long. Not exactly helping things.

I agree with you. I rather think that Silverboy was extending his contempt for the Chinese beyond the education system. Bloody outrageous attitude for an immigrant to claim territorial rights I think.

I have made a point of getting away into the countryside and talking to the locals- I found the ordinary Chinese to be the salt of the earth.

#26 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

[edited] Some people are arrogant because they are superior. Granted, some are not.

[edited] (Yes, I do think ALL hetero men who have to travel from the Western hemisphere to China to "pick" a prostitute are losers; I NEVER did that, I certainyl didn't go to places where people smoke, I went out only for dinners with the faculty of the school four times a year in order to be polite; otherwise I lived my gay life with gay men and the straight world was an ugly scenography I ignored, so no "Kev's bar" or non-Kev's bar for me.).

Guangxi University (Xi Da) IS, as I said before, the university with the most teachers publishign in international journals and participating at conferences, the oldest university in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and the first that was a Key University in that province accorinding to the federal government.

The fact that someone feels jealous towards that, incompetent, inadequate, inferior, or what have you, doesn't change that fact.

But this is about Huizhou College (which calls itself a university, even though it is not).

It is about that school, as can be evidenced by the title of the post and the pictures, as well as the first comment.

It has nothing to do with Guangxi University (the best university in Guangxi Autonomous province), but with Huzihou Xueyuan.

#27 Parent 2 - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I will treat them as blow-ins and outsiders cuse that's what they are.

What does your treatment of blow-ins and outsiders entail? Do you also treat newly-arrived foreign teachers so?

#28 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

If you feel confident enough to believe this, then more power to you. For me, the power to accept someone as who they are is what is most important. Just because you are accepted into the local population doesn't mean you look down on others who are different merely because they haven't been there as long. Not exactly helping things.

#29 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Yes, he was right to say that. If you have lived in a Chinese city for a long timne you are a local. I have lived in some Chinese cities much longer that any Chinese have. Therefore, I am local, they are not. I will treat them as blow-ins and outsiders cuse that's what they are.

#30 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I would hardly call people who hang out in smoky bars with prostitutes "losers". If so, that means you think the majority of men in China are losers.

#31 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

You are an evader who can't directly answer qustions. Therefore, yes, you are a liar in my opinion. And I do not believe you are an "educated" individual. Go back to your dumb and arrogant friends at Kev's bar and eat a pie.

#32 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I warn people not to listen to the Huizhou University poster. Guangxi University is not the best place to work and live in Nanning. The worst and most arrogant foreign teachers work there, I know this for a fact. I have observed their behaviour at both the Secret Bar and Kev's Bar in Nanning. Most decent ex-pats in Nanning hate the teachers at XiDa. And if GM is still there (Gene) that is even more reason to stay well clear. End of the story!

#33 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

And, for the 5th or so time, your opinion on ecerything is immaterial, XiDa is by far the best school in Guangxi, and your need to be humbled for your lies has nothing to do with me.

Back to the topic: Huizhou Xueyuan (so-called University) is a horrible place to work, and a bunch of cheatres and thieves.

#34 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Not at all.

I just do know that XiDa is the best university in Guangxi province, according to innumerable reports and the number of its teaching staff publishing in international journals and participating in conferences, as well as for being the oldest university in the province and for a long time the only key university there (now there are 3).

I also know Professor Hunag personally because I worked with him and went to dinner at his place with my fellow workers where his wife had to entertain our weird tatses of one not eating meat, the other's girlfriend being alergic to fish, and the third converting to Judaism and not eating shellfish by cooking in different pans.

Otherwise, my life in Guangxi focussed on sexual escapades with local men and men who would travelled from Guangdong, Yunnan, Hong Kong, etc. to meet me and our frolicking at sea around Beihai Silver Beach.

I certainly never claimed I knew anything about Nanning sad Western loosers hetero life at smoky bars with prostitutes or Guangxi province in terms of economy or anything loike that.

#35 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

That is rubbish. If you have lived in a place for ten years you are a local, you are not thinking logically. For you silly people who think I'm Silverboy, well I bet he would be much more direct and abrasive then I am. I think SB is probably to busy having fun to post here, even under an alias.

#36 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Frankly , I could not care less if you are gay or anyone else. I feel bad for you about the rubbish university, but you just seem to be a bit of a know-it-all, especially regarding Guangxi.

#37 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I met an American who asserted that because he lived for 10 years in one city he was now a "local" and accorded the same respect, I told him to pull the other one, it had bells on, he didn't get my brit expression.

Hahaha! Brass or Bronze would be my question? Quite a few foreigners walking around funny I presume.

#38 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Once again you are being evasive. I know who Mr Huang is . I have met some of his students. It is laughable to suggest that Xi Da is the only place worth working at in Nanning. TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine University ) GTEU or GXTEU ( Guangxi Shi Fan Xue Yuan ) and also Guangxi University ogf Nationalities are all good.

Once again, you are just a foreign teacher in China, you are nothing important or special. I have two degrees, big deal, I don't go around tooting my horn like you.

Time for a bit of humility from you IMO!

#39 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Don't try to test me out in regard to Nanning, I know every square inch of that place.

Problem is mate to the locals you are the eternal outsider, you're not even from another province, I met an American who asserted that because he lived for 10 years in one city he was now a "local" and accorded the same respect, I told him to pull the other one, it had bells on, he didn't get my brit expression.

#40 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-20
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Dear Boy is also rude, are you incapable of seeing this?

#41 Parent foxy - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

You've been wound up by a troll. He is one of a pair of such posters on the board. As for 'Maxwell', I reckon he is Silverboy. G M? I recall the old guy's first name is George, and he's an American. Silverboy mentioned him to me a few years ago. That's all I can tell you about G M.

#42 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

The only reason why you keep insisting that gayness bothers you is because you are a [edited] homophobe.

Now now. Hello again. Gaiety, I think you meant; and it doesn't bother me at all; in fact I welcome myself and others to feel bright and happy. Sometimes I feel gay and other times I get 'the black dog' and feel depressed; and then I don't feel gay at all. Times of parties and gaiety bring back happy memories.

As for homosexuality..well, it's a good thing if you are so inclined, and all people should be allowed to express their love as they please...anyway, more delicious Chinese gals left for the rest of us-that's what I say. I don't often say I will discontinue discussion about a topic but I will do with this one- you seem to have a problem which has nothing to do with your sexuality, since I have met some very reasonable homosexuals and you do not appear to be one of I right or am I right/

#43 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

his initials are GM ( sure you know him, lol ) Most ex-pats in Nanning know to steer well clear of him. Once again, I know I'm right, don't lie, you will be found out!

I do not know what the hell is wrong with you, but the fact that you lie doesn't mean that others do so too, so that you would have the right to warn others not to lie.

Moreover I do not know who you are talking about under whatever initials (and by the way, there are periods after each initial in a name, not just letters) either, as in 2005-2008, the Xingjian and the International colleges were both run by Professor Emeritus Dr. Huang who left for a Western country after that to join his family, and the only foreign teachers there in 2005-2007 were two young Britons full time and myself part-time (I worked at the Foreign Language College too), therefore no one from the US. In 2008 they got 2 more teachers, one from the US but with different initials and she mosst certainly did not run the place.

XiDa is the olddest and by far the best university in Guangxi, not only Nanning, and this is ascertained by several federal and local governments' evaluation reports, and the number of professors who participate in international conferences and such and receive awards globally. No one's inferiority complex is going to change that fact.

I don't care if you have an MA, whatever, anyone can make such claims. I lived in Guangxi for three years, that is how I know the Silverboy poster. Don't try to test me out in regard to Nanning, I know every square inch of that place.

As for your own failures which prevent you from believing that others do have higher degrees, that is your own problem. I _do_ have a European combined B.Ed./M.A. in Modern Languages and Language Teaching (K-12), a North American M.A. in Social Sciences, a European M.Phil (that is three altogether, not one), and am working on my Ph.D. thesis. It took me 9 years of university studies so far to acquire those degrees. Whether you believe or not is immaterial, because I do not need your recognition, I have it from people who matter.

Finally, I have no interest whatsoever whether you know about Nanning or not. Nanning is an interesting place, but the only place worth working at there is XiDa (Guangxi University) in every single respect. Bu this discussion is not about XiDa (which no one in their right mind has EVER called a "GU"), ir is about Huizhou Xueyuan which falsely represents itself as a university.

#44 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

The only reason why you keep insisting that gayness bothers you is because you are a [edited] homophobe. Otherwise you would not push that topic so adamantly in a thread which is about the abuse by Huizhou "University" as it likes to call itself although it is a college.

Namely, you wouldn't see it as a red flag calling for your bullish, bullying bullsh.t. In other words: you would have dropped it long time ago.

I did explain very clearly why I had to make that reference -- because in your heteronormative privilege you automatically assumed that I was heterosexual too and could therefore flirt with women, and I said that not only this assumption was morally abhorrent (which it could be to gays and straights), but it was also an extremely revolting thought to a gay man, so DOUBLY offensive on your part.

I am not even going to address that nonsense about first language and stuff.

#45 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

You are wrong again. Guangxi University is called GU ( an acronymn by laowai ) also Xi Da, also Guangxi Da Xue. It is called many things. I don't care what the government says, if you believe what they say you ain't very smart IMO. GU is second rate. As I said there are two universities nearby that have better students: One is TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine University ) and also GTEU, both in Mingxiu Lu. GTEU ( Guangxi Shi Fan Shi Yuan ) GTEU has the best forerign language department in Guangxi, also the best qulified FT's and Chinese teachers ( no, I don't work there )

I don't care if you have an MA, whatever, anyone can make such claims. I lived in Guangxi for three years, that is how I know the Silverboy poster. Don't try to test me out in regard to Nanning, I know every square inch of that place.

#46 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I will also add that the private programs at GU are rubbish: At one stage they were being run by a well-known ESL crook in Nanning from the USA, his initials are GM ( sure you know him, lol ) Most ex-pats in Nanning know to steer well clear of him. Once again, I know I'm right, don't lie, you will be found out!

#47 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Mancunian, [edited]
Can't you see that adding that extended pinyin tagline to all of your posts is annoying, why not just say what you want to say in english, instead of chinese?

No No, San Mig, you're a charming chap, and it's always good to hear from you, but you're leveling up to the wrong poster today- the vocal taunts and challenges to you came from the Hadrian Wall; I myself spotted a fist being shaken at you above a fort parapet- it had a fag clenched between the second and third finger, if you know any-body like that? You have enough to deal with, Dear Boy, without worrying about me- wo shi dui de hai shi wo shi dui de?-hahaha

#48 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Mancunian, [edited]

Can't you see that adding that extended pinyin tagline to all of your posts is annoying, why not just say what you want to say in english, instead of chinese?

#49 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I left the public school I worked at before my contract was up due to being in an eerily similar environment. Although it was in another province I can see that the bad parts of the public sector are still universal.

#50 Parent Alternate - 2013-03-19
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

In China, you will run across people who have disassociated themselves from reality for far too long. Realize that they beg to be laughed at. Would any wealthy, affluent Chinese want to live in the type of place you had the misfortune of staying in? I think not!

#51 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-18
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

The use of the term "boy" for a gay man by a presumably heterosexual man is also extremely condescending and offensive. So what is it that makes you a man and me a boy? The fact that you indulge in sex with the "weaker sex"? Well, obviously, because any gay men could topple you and _bugger_ that vain feeling of being the centre of the world and all people being measured as valuable as much as they are close to you or different from you from your thick skull.
I do not have a problem with "the Chinese" or "the Westerners". I have a problem with morons. Especially morons in power, though I do not really particularly fancy much powerless morons either, when they imagine that they are extermely important and that theoir opinion is absolute and advise people what to do when not asked, or tell them that they (those other people) are wrong based on irrational and indeed very stupid presumptiuons -- like the one that a crumbling rusty piece of metal can be "cleaned" .

Eventually, what doi you think I should give you for your purported supprpot of some "homosexuals", whatever that clinical construct means? Who are you that anyone, including gay men who accept to be called with a condescending name like that, should look for your acknowledgement and support? How dare you suppose that you are the one who is superior and who is there to condone or condemn others?

And if you are used to living in a pigsty, not everyone is. Most people agree that they would not live in an apartment like the oen I stayed in to carry out the conditions of the contract which the other party was breaking all the time. So cut the crap, already. No one asked you anything, I posted a photo and this is not meant to be a discussion with you. I have much better things to do than chit chat, and if I do something so irrelevant as chit chat, I have a better company than you for that.

Hello once more
Forgive me, but you are not a native born English speaker, now are you? All of those speakers know full well that some British people like to say 'Dear Boy' and it doesn't signify any disrespect. Also I did notice the 'I have a better company than you for that.'

Now listen here, please, it was you who launched this homosexual topic on me, seemingly apropos of nothing and for reasons best known to yourself. I will say it again, I have nothing against's you who seems to have a problem somehow with I right or am I right?

Before you came to China(unless you were already here) you should have done your research, and you would have discovered that you might have to rough it a bit, and that your flat may not be of the same quality as you suggest you are used to. If you didn't do your research and it all came to you as a shock..well, hard luck. Now try and lighten up, and if you occasion a Chinaman, try smiling and not snarling-now you know it makes sense..

#52 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-18
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

The use of the term "boy" for a gay man by a presumably heterosexual man is also extremely condescending and offensive. So what is it that makes you a man and me a boy? The fact that you indulge in sex with the "weaker sex"? Well, obviously, because any gay men could topple you and _bugger_ that vain feeling of being the centre of the world and all people being measured as valuable as much as they are close to you or different from you from your thick skull.

I do not have a problem with "the Chinese" or "the Westerners". I have a problem with morons. Especially morons in power, though I do not really particularly fancy much powerless morons either, when they imagine that they are extermely important and that theoir opinion is absolute and advise people what to do when not asked, or tell them that they (those other people) are wrong based on irrational and indeed very stupid presumptiuons -- like the one that a crumbling rusty piece of metal can be "cleaned" .

Eventually, what doi you think I should give you for your purported supprpot of some "homosexuals", whatever that clinical construct means? Who are you that anyone, including gay men who accept to be called with a condescending name like that, should look for your acknowledgement and support? How dare you suppose that you are the one who is superior and who is there to condone or condemn others?

And if you are used to living in a pigsty, not everyone is. Most people agree that they would not live in an apartment like the oen I stayed in to carry out the conditions of the contract which the other party was breaking all the time. So cut the crap, already. No one asked you anything, I posted a photo and this is not meant to be a discussion with you. I have much better things to do than chit chat, and if I do something so irrelevant as chit chat, I have a better company than you for that.

#53 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-18
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Obviously we haven't lived in the same circumstances. In my house (as I was growing up, and also my own since I lived on my own) it was/is more improtant to have objects that are not decomposing (rusty in the case of blinds that were crumbling during the time I took a shower there), if a new one of a similar quality and the same function is easily affordable for a reasonable price (say, under RMB 100.

As for gayness, it is interesting that you mind it so much being slapped on the wrist for the nonchalance with which you promulgated compulsive heteronormativity.

To wit: I couldn't flirt with a woman to have her do something I want done even if I didn't find the concept of abusing people thus morally offensive, because the wholly idea of male/female coupling is also extremely repulsive. I guess like your friends -- to whom you bravely stand when they are too homophobic for your taste, but you still have to insist on the fact someone mentions his/her orientation as an issue -- [edited]

It wouldn't have been an issue unless you had made it one. I am free to say whatever I want about myself and in a cultured society, one should just hear that and keep it in mind, not push for clarifications.


Hello again, Dear Boy....well, the trouble is is that you have confused the issue so much with 'too much information' that I've forgotten what the issue was and why you attacked me hahaha. Not too worry, I recall your blinds and they were dirty- why the Dickens didn't you clean them? Spoiled Western attitude maybe?

Why do you tell us that you find relationships between(sexual ones I assume) as extremely repulsive? I think, like a lot of FT's who come to China, you have a knack of not really getting on with people,and insulting them; whether they are fellow Westerners or Chinese. By the way I do not finfd the acts between homosexuals as repulsive, I don't even think about it-that's their business; you should search into earlier posts(I can't be bothered) wheree I support marriage between homosexuals and full parity and equality for all benefits. I think you should take a leaf out of my book and stop criticising others; especially the Chinese if you want to live and work in China.

I do have a problem with the word GAY because I do not like hijacked English words, which are taken out of use for their original meanings. Any way as I said in another post, not all homosexuals are gay-like the rest of us, some sadly can be miserable. For example, how do you say 'The gay man sat on the wall in floods of tears following the tragic death of his husband?' Now would he be gay?-certainly not! wo shi dui de hai shi wo shi dui de?

#54 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-18
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Well, your assumptions about me are even sillier than your unsubstantiated claims about Guangxi University (XiDa, because GU doesn't mean anything with several hundred thousand words starting with a "g" and a "u" in Chinese).

Namely, Guangxi University is acknowledged as the key university and the best university in Guangxi Province by the government of China (including its Xingjian and International "private" colleges, 94% owned by XiDa). Whether there are some (but certainly not all) students at some other universities in Nanning who are better than some (but certainly not all) students at XiDa -- and I have no doubt that there are, why wouldn't there be? but individual, not a total of them -- is irrelevant in defining universities as a whole.


#55 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-18
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Right back to what it was about- That picture of the blinds- they don't seem too bad to me-what are you complaining about? Have a gay day.

Obviously we haven't lived in the same circumstances. In my house (as I was growing up, and also my own since I lived on my own) it was/is more improtant to have objects that are not decomposing (rusty in the case of blinds that were crumbling during the time I took a shower there), if a new one of a similar quality and the same function is easily affordable for a reasonable price (say, under RMB 100.

As for gayness, it is interesting that you mind it so much being slapped on the wrist for the nonchalance with which you promulgated compulsive heteronormativity.

To wit: I couldn't flirt with a woman to have her do something I want done even if I didn't find the concept of abusing people thus morally offensive, because the wholly idea of male/female coupling is also extremely repulsive. I guess like your friends -- to whom you bravely stand when they are too homophobic for your taste, but you still have to insist on the fact someone mentions his/her orientation as an issue -- [edited]

It wouldn't have been an issue unless you had made it one. I am free to say whatever I want about myself and in a cultured society, one should just hear that and keep it in mind, not push for clarifications.


#56 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-18
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I find the suggestion that one should flirt with Chinese women in order to get them to do their job extremely offensive -- both as a gay man and as a human being.

Hahaha, that's the spirit.

I fail to see what your being homosexual has to do with anything- sufficient to say is that as a thinking individual you found my remarks offensive; well, so did San Mig, and he is dicidedly heterosexual. I suspect that you are just using my post as a vehicle to announce your sexuality; for some reason you feel the need! And please bear in mind that I am down on record on this forum for supporting homosexual rights. Right back to what it was about- That picture of the blinds- they don't seem too bad to me-what are you complaining about? Have a gay day.

#57 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-18
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I find the suggestion that one should flirt with Chinese women in order to get them to do their job extremely offensive

Seconded, and with the laws what they are in western countries, that could be considered sexual harrasment also.

#58 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-18
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

Well, you certainly have a high opinion of yourself, don't you? First, who cares if foreigners in China flirt with Chinese women. that is normal, and natural.

Your assertion that Guangxi University is of high standard is a matter of opinion. It is no worse or better than most other universities in China. There are much better universities in Nanning. I know, I lived there for many years. The quality of education at GU has been in decline for some time, especially in regard to languages. There are two universities down the road in Mingxiu lu that have better students.

I'll bet you are one of those snobbish stuck up FT's from GU who used to hang out at the Secret Bar, and later migrated to Kev's ( yeah, that place inbetween the two pink rooms)

Better to do some research first beore you spout your credentials on here.

#59 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-17
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

What a rotten place to be in!

#60 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-17
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I find the suggestion that one should flirt with Chinese women in order to get them to do their job extremely offensive -- both as a gay man and as a human being.

Moreover, as someone who has worked at Guangxi University of Nanning (the best in Guangxi) for 3 years and a college in Macau for half a year before Huizhou (and I now work at Sun Yat-sen University of Guangzhou, probably the best in Guangdong), I know your suggestion is wrong on many aspects.

It appears to me as a strategy of losers, not suitable for people like myself, with a B.Ed. and M.A. in Modern Languages from Europe, M.A. in Gender Studies from North America, and an M.Phil in Anthropology as the first step of my doctoral thesis (in progress), I should never have to recourse to something so outrageously debased and phoney as you suggest.

As for the apartment, there were two bedrooms, a spacious hall, a kitchenette and a bathroom there, and luckily my bedroom was at the other end from the ruined room (which was nect to my bathroom, obviously, as that leak is from a sewer in the bathroom usptairs). But that doesn't mean I could hermetically seal that sewage infested room for good.

Eventually, Lin Hong is a woman, though she is from Hunan, which makes her definitely more masculine (but not in a sexy way for a gay man).

Attached: the rusty, ruined blinds in the bathroom (were like that when I moved in, I got new ones).

#61 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-17
Further pics of Huizhou University (as the college calls itself in English)

Window latch

#62 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-17
And the klitchen tap

Primitive, dirt cheap, broken and dripping, for weeks before they fixed it.

#63 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-17
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

That picture is grim, and I have heard of other FT's suffering because of poor quality accomodation.

#64 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-16
Re: Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I worked at this horrible place for 12 months (Feb 2012-Jan 2013) and lived in an apartment with sewage leaking into one of the rooms of my apartment from the brathroom above. Of course I kept that room locked, but I had to enter occasionally and the mere inhalation of the foetid vapours was detrimental to my health.
But because I frequently complained about that, and called 李宗菊 (she uses the English name Daisy Li), nominally a minor bureaucrat there in charge of iaising with maintenance, and her supervisor Lin Hong (who uses an English monnicker Lucy -- that is Lucy, not Lucifer, though the latter would be more appurtenant), decided to steel my 20000 RMB bonus that the city paid to each of the teachers for our work at the English Salon of Huizhou Science Museum. They said I was unccoperative and didn't qualify for the bonus because I got 79.4 points. This happened because I had 96 from the students (which counted for 20%), 80+ from the department (30%) and 70 from the two of them for "cooperation with the FAO work".

So, do not complain about the sewage atop your head, take your bronchial infection with poisonous mold in stride and you might get the bonus because the juizli and Lin Hong have the power to screw the decision of the Dean of Huizhou College and the City Hall who sent them money for me, which they have not paid me, while all the other teachers have been paid.

I call that highway brigandry.

BTW, thanks, David, for posting the first comment just based on your short visit.

(Attachment: the ceiling about which I complained "too often" during 12 months in which nothing was done about it, and therefore didn't get my bonus -- which had been paid for me by the City Hall, but 李宗菊 and Lin Hong robbed me of it)

That's quite a dramatic picture, complete with mini stalactite. Forgive me but I'm an old skeptic; pictures like that can be misleading and hide the real truth- you said, one of the rooms in your apartment; just how many did you have; especially as you didn't find the need to enter it very often, it sounds to me that that Chinese school kitted you out with a veritable palace of an apartment with many rooms? Did you have to search your estate to find the best pic?

Now this, Li Zong Ju- did you try and charm her at all, or did you just use the SH approach of grumbling and arguing the toss? You can get more out of Chinese women, by being charming- I myself have even used a few well placed leers where appropriate. Did you share a bottle of baijiu with Lin Hong- although, Hong can also be a woman- in which case, two maybe to choose from to try the manly charms-am I right or am I right?

Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-03-16
Previously mentioned Huizhou "university"

I worked at this horrible place for 12 months (Feb 2012-Jan 2013) and lived in an apartment with sewage leaking into one of the rooms of my apartment from the brathroom above. Of course I kept that room locked, but I had to enter occasionally and the mere inhalation of the foetid vapours was detrimental to my health.

But because I frequently complained about that, and called 李宗菊 (she uses the English name Daisy Li), nominally a minor bureaucrat there in charge of iaising with maintenance, and her supervisor Lin Hong (who uses an English monnicker Lucy -- that is Lucy, not Lucifer, though the latter would be more appurtenant), decided to steel my 20000 RMB bonus that the city paid to each of the teachers for our work at the English Salon of Huizhou Science Museum. They said I was unccoperative and didn't qualify for the bonus because I got 79.4 points. This happened because I had 96 from the students (which counted for 20%), 80+ from the department (30%) and 70 from the two of them for "cooperation with the FAO work".

So, do not complain about the sewage atop your head, take your bronchial infection with poisonous mold in stride and you might get the bonus because the juizli and Lin Hong have the power to screw the decision of the Dean of Huizhou College and the City Hall who sent them money for me, which they have not paid me, while all the other teachers have been paid.

I call that highway brigandry.

BTW, thanks, David, for posting the first comment just based on your short visit.

(Attachment: the ceiling about which I complained "too often" during 12 months in which nothing was done about it, and therefore didn't get my bonus -- which had been paid for me by the City Hall, but 李宗菊 and Lin Hong robbed me of it)

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