Return to Index › Mr Mora vs Royal English School - ESL school review
#1 Parent Choatle - 2007-12-06
Re: Mr Mora vs Royal English School - ESL school review

John, I have the same view of this company. She is a thief and a liar. My command of English is considerable better then Mr. Mora, and I am saying the same thing, as do most of the people who worked for her. Stay away.

John - 2006-07-29
Mr Mora vs Royal English School - ESL school review

Are you REALLY an English teacher, Mr Mora? Or is your posting written in that way as some kind of joke?

If it is seriously an example of what you believe to be good English, then I'm not surprised you were fired after such a short time.

Quite honestly, I would imagine that many of the students you were employed to teach could probably show a better command of English than you do.

I need say no more.


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