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#1 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-21

There is one way to prove once and for all if Maxwell really is Silverboy ( we have no tangible proof he really is ) the mods on here can do an IP search next time he posts: If the IP address is in China we know it's not SB. I don't know SB personally, but I lived in the same city as him ( still there ) and several people told me they have not seen him for most of the last few months, except for a week when he came back to Nanning, late Feb I think.
He is definitely not in China at the present time, that is for sure.

Cor blimey- another poster creeps out of the woodwork laying claim to have known him or heard of his spending power and wise words on China.

I would say that Silverboy is definitely in China right now-am I right or am I right?

#2 Parent Shaggie - 2013-03-21

There is one way to prove once and for all if Maxwell really is Silverboy ( we have no tangible proof he really is ) the mods on here can do an IP search next time he posts: If the IP address is in China we know it's not SB. I don't know SB personally, but I lived in the same city as him ( still there ) and several people told me they have not seen him for most of the last few months, except for a week when he came back to Nanning, late Feb I think.

He is definitely not in China at the present time, that is for sure.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-21

Maxwell missed that post, and you helped prove how "wrong" he was about how he wasn't Maxwell and how he really "is" silverboy. By doing you basically acknowledged that you may be talking to someone who is NOT silverboy, thank you for proving yourself wrong.

#4 Parent Spartacus - 2013-03-21

Bro, I think that our rad friend silverboy did use the term 'dude'.

You just need to use the gnarly function at the top of the page to perform a wicked fast search in't!

Look see;read=79594

Does the dude protest too much?

Peace out man ...........

#5 Parent Spartacus - 2013-03-21

But I wonder why if as you say he has provided such invaluable advice across the years he now feels the need to change his name and blow his own trumpet? Hmmm

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-21

Why are you so worried about who this poster is? I found Silverboy's advice to be of value and useful in real life, and I enjoyed many of his posts even if I disagreed with many of the opinions on morals that he said. In a Dungeons and Dragons type of Game where you choose to build a character his personality would be one that can be called "Chaotic Good". I haven't seen you post anything useful on here before, have you done so under another name? You seem to have it out for this poster. As long as posters provide real advice they should be given respect, and your agenda to go on a witchhunt doesn't help anyone.

#7 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-21

Well, you will believe what you want to believe. Some really funny people on here. For your information, I have discovered SB is currently in Australia. If you read my posts carefully you will realize my writing style is nothing remotely similar to SB's. Good try dude! (Silverboy never says "dude", hehe! )

#8 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-21

Does this remind you of a scene from a classic movie? Only perhaps in reverse
I'm not silverboy.

For any Monty python fans out there neither is my wife. Haha

Haha, good one. I think our Silverboy is trying to repackage himself.

#9 Parent Spartacus - 2013-03-20

Pull the other one.

My bet is you were so tired you forgot to change your name that appears by default in the 'your name' field. Never mind you can always switch identity again to become another one of silverboy's old chums from the glory days of wuhan or nanning. I've no doubt they'll all be coming out of the woodwork to tell us what a stand up bloke he really is. Haha

#10 Parent Spartacus - 2013-03-20

Does this remind you of a scene from a classic movie? Only perhaps in reverse

I'm not silverboy.

For any Monty python fans out there neither is my wife. Haha

#11 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-20

Sorry dude, I have never been to Inner Mongolia, and I don't smoke, but the person you are referring to posts on this board. I have not much in common wth Foxy or SB, apart from liking a few beers and visting ladies of the night occasionally. I am certain SB is in Phillipines, I have some good intelligence in regard to that, I'd say it's 95 per cent accurate.

#12 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-19

Sorry, but I am not Silverboy. I was very tired yesterday and typed his name instead of mine. I hope he comes back soon also, but he is in the Philippines as far as I know.

All seems a bit iffy to me. Are you sure you are not Silverboy? Silverboy suffered a humiliating thrashing at the hands of the GW's before he disappeared. I have another theory- you left in a hurry to hide in Inner Mongolia- you took refuge with a retired FT-you got drunk on whisky and tinnies- you fell and hit your head-you went into a deep coma but was force-fed porridge oats and made to smoke cheap Chinese fags, while your nurse droned on endlessly about CityBank and pension payments. When you came around, it was either the blow to the head you sustained, or the nursing care you received, but you had no memory hahaha. Maybe you are Silverboy, with only flashes of pink rooms and stuff which return like nightmares. Am I right or am I right? don't know do you?

#13 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-19

Sorry, but I am not Silverboy. I was very tired yesterday and typed his name instead of mine. I hope he comes back soon also, but he is in the Philippines as far as I know.

#14 Parent foxy - 2013-03-18

Glad to welcome you back. I feel the board will improve whenever you start posting regularly again.

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