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#1 Parent gorfrey - 2013-04-24
Re: Sniggering Hyenas

Lovely wine bottle. Certainly suits China

#2 Parent Shaggie - 2013-03-24
Re: Sniggering Hyenas

I have been going over some old posts from last year: Missed this one. That post by San Mig and added photo is hillarious. The response is also funny.

#3 Parent Mary Ann - 2012-04-25
Re: Sniggering Hyenas

And is what you are doing so high and mighty and moral?

You two are both old curtain twitching women much like this:

Very kind of you to send me that picture. A less charitable person would day you were being cruel and anti-women. If the two ladies in the bus were from your family album, I do hope you have asked permission from your younger sisters to use their picture.

I see from your name you like a beer or two. Take my advice please, at your age the prostate can start rebelling with all that liquid(you don't want to keep waking up the student you are currently bonking, trailing to the closet all night. I have a suggestion, a nice little red wine. Good for elderly sniggering hyenas. Are you a SNIGGERING HYENA?

#4 Parent Mary Ann - 2012-04-25
Sniggering Hyenas

Fiddle Faddle, stuff & nonsense. I too have read many of his posts. It wasn't in just one e-mail that he's suggested that bonking students is a good thing to do. He also refers to "Chinese earning ladies" i bet he has a real winning way with them, the charming manner in which he reveals a big bunch of bank notes from his back pocket must really make her knees go weak. However, he doesn't appear to be the only dirty old man on this site, does he; although you appear to want me to describe them as poor foreign teachers with emotional problems. You lot throw accusations at all who disagree and relish in referring to them as GW's and other names which make "dirty old men" sound quite mild. I have been savaged on this site by cruel words and pictures for merely pointing out an obvious, a teach should be a teacher and not some opportunist demon wanting to divest his students of their pants, before the chalk has been erased from the board if possible. SH's! Are you an SH too?

Mary Ann, maybe you took some things a little too personally. I don't think this person posting is a "dirty old man". I have been reading his posts for a couple of years now and this person has been consistent with his stand on things. On the other hand, if you knew him to be someone who is a dirty old man, wouldn't you at least deduce that maybe this was a result of self esteem or emotional problems coming from possible abuse in this person's past? Yet you come on here and attack without questioning or reading earlier threads possibly, so you are the one who just committed the abuse.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-24
Re: Sniggering Hyenas

I have now read many of their posts and it is evident that they do not possess an ounce of intelligent argument between them and need to resort to downright nastiness.

And is what you are doing so high and mighty and moral?

You two are both old curtain twitching women much like this:

#6 Parent Mary Ann - 2012-04-24
Sniggering Hyenas

Hi there
You are so right right, he certainly isn't good Hubby material. What is more is that the female population of China appear to agree with you; after reading his posts going back years on this site, this has become obvious to me. Furthermore and more importantly he is not good man material which is why women are not interested in him and he feels that preying on his innocent students(he probably likes to lure them to his apartment with candy) is his only recourse. He is an [edited] and [edited]. He seems to belong to a pack of sniggering hyenas. Take a look at this dismissive idiotic support he received from one of his pals. I have now read many of their posts and it is evident that they do not possess an ounce of intelligent argument between them and need to resort to downright nastiness. I am talking about a small group of Sniggering Hyenas which cannot represent the many good men in this world(or good contributors to this site.)

ou western women are too funny at times, like a bunch of clucking hens with nothing better to do but complain about the behaviour of white guys in China.

Let's face it, which women look better in their mid 30s, Chinese or western women? Most western guys in China know the answer to that one ,sorry to say::)

#7 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-23
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

Thankfully, his kind of 'foreign teacher' is rare in China. I guess he'll be in his mid forties and divorced ithout children. He is not good husband material, that's for sure!

There you come across as arrogant, and wrong.

To Chinese women in their mid-late 30s who have never known real love, Silverboy would be a good husband.

You western women are too funny at times, like a bunch of clucking hens with nothing better to do but complain about the behaviour of white guys in China.

Let's face it, which women look better in their mid 30s, Chinese or western women? Most western guys in China know the answer to that one ,sorry to say::)

#8 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-24
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

You call yourself a teacher? You are an absolute disgrace to the profession, and the kind of dirty old men(how old are you, ancient?) who gets all of the hard-working teachers in China a bad name.

Hahaha, got to laugh at you western GW women here. Teaching in China is NOT a profession. One rare thing I do agree with bxjp on. Hard working teachers go to somewhere like Saudi arabia to earn and save money, or even stay in their home countries. Teaching english in china is not, and should not be, hard work. I certainly didn't come here to break my back!!!

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2012-04-24
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

Of course, without ever having met this guy, you are already in the know of what kind of a person he really is. Of course this is because you are a good wife, a decent person, and you just know exactly what he is about. I haven't seen you give any advice to any man on how to be a good husband or a good person. Randomly posting a thread to attack others goes to show just how ungraceful and possibly narcissistic you really are.

#10 Parent Dragonized - 2012-04-24
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

Mary Ann, maybe you took some things a little too personally. I don't think this person posting is a "dirty old man". I have been reading his posts for a couple of years now and this person has been consistent with his stand on things. On the other hand, if you knew him to be someone who is a dirty old man, wouldn't you at least deduce that maybe this was a result of self esteem or emotional problems coming from possible abuse in this person's past? Yet you come on here and attack without questioning or reading earlier threads possibly, so you are the one who just committed the abuse.

I doubt that you yourself have made students' lives better in terms of raising their consciousness, esteem, and character. If you really have taught before in China and other countries around China you should at least know about the problems caused by a lack of honesty by both parents and teachers towards their children and the emotional turmoil it can lead to later after they grow up. I don't think you take other people's opinions too seriously, only the ones you agree with. At worst, you are just another narcissist who could not care less about changing for the better the mindsets of the locals that you work with and only pretend to be a good person just because you are a teacher. Time to get off that high pedastal.

#11 Parent Elly - 2012-04-23
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

You call yourself a teacher? You are an absolute disgrace to the profession, and the kind of dirty old men(how old are you, ancient?) who gets all of the hard-working teachers in China a bad name.

Thanks for saying what needed to be said. Thankfully, his kind of 'foreign teacher' is rare in China. I guess he'll be in his mid forties and divorced ithout children. He is not good husband material, that's for sure!

#12 Parent Mary Ann - 2012-04-23
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

For sexual freedom? For the freedom to spread contagious diseases, don't you mean?

You call yourself a teacher? You are an absolute disgrace to the profession, and the kind of dirty old men(how old are you, ancient?) who gets all of the hard-working teachers in China a bad name.

It is why I know many students want to move out of the dormitories. For privacy reasons, and also for sexual freedom. A bit hard to have a bonk when there are guards at the doors and six to eight people per dorm.

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