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#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-31
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

Guffaw guffaw, heehaw heehaw

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-31
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

There's a principle at stake here, don't twist the truth to prove an argument.

Beelzebub is Mancunian.

None of us can be sure that we have written a post, such an argument winning post, that no-body would ever dare venture to answer it. We may think we have gotten away with it at the time; unfortunately, forgotten in the mists of time mean nothing to San Mig because he likes to skulk about in the back-editions searching for little bits of incriminating evidence. Shouldn't you be pursuing Inner Mongolian pensioners rather than picking on an innocent country boy from Devon? guffaw guffaw

#3 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-31
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

There's a principle at stake here, don't twist the truth to prove an argument.

Beelzebub is Mancunian.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-30
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

I remember those two. Yup, trying to take the "moral high ground" in regard to teaching and sleeping with students. They were both fools, and a waste of space to boot!

It's okay to sleep with one student if she's your girlfriend. Apart from that I agree with those two caring posters.

#5 Parent Protestor - 2013-03-30
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

I remember those two. Yup, trying to take the "moral high ground" in regard to teaching and sleeping with students. They were both fools, and a waste of space to boot!

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-28
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

It does look a bit spooky indeed. Probably where the Knights of Nee camp out!

#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-27
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

Wow...clear skies and a 5000 feet distance in view. This is a luxury that isn't available even in upper tier cities in China, including tropical or warm climate ones like Xiamen and Hainan. But I can imagine being bored. The picture reminds me of a place that Wordsworth or Blake would like to go off to so they can write poetry in an area where they won't be bothered much.

Me and my girlfriend (or my student friend) we stayed in a hotel half way up The Three Gorges in China. The stars were so bright that they hurt our eyes.There was absolutely no polution and hardly any people around. Not like in the North where you can get half a million people all humping up the same mountain together.

The moors in Devon are very nice but they are man made. We used to cut down the oak forests to build ships when Britain used to sail around the world helping people out. A minature oak forest remains where centuries old trees remain stunted at a few feet high on account of the exposure-bit spooky, don't you think? Stuff of poems.

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-27
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

Wow...clear skies and a 5000 feet distance in view. This is a luxury that isn't available even in upper tier cities in China, including tropical or warm climate ones like Xiamen and Hainan. But I can imagine being bored. The picture reminds me of a place that Wordsworth or Blake would like to go off to so they can write poetry in an area where they won't be bothered much.

#9 Parent juanisaac - 2013-03-27
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

From what I have witnessed Chinese women also do their fair share or exploitation- until the money runs out. The Chinese are not so innocent.
I was once had the disctinction of meeting a man's wife and girlfriend in the same week. He had no shame after he present to me his other-other half.

#10 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-27
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

Sniggering Hyenas
By:Mary Ann
Date: 25 April 2012
In Response To: Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble. (Dragonized)

Fiddle Faddle, stuff & nonsense. I too have read many of his posts. It wasn't in just one e-mail that he's suggested that bonking students is a good thing to do. He also refers to "Chinese earning ladies" i bet he has a real winning way with them, the charming manner in which he reveals a big bunch of bank notes from his back pocket must really make her knees go weak. However, he doesn't appear to be the only dirty old man on this site, does he; although you appear to want me to describe them as poor foreign teachers with emotional problems. You lot throw accusations at all who disagree and relish in referring to them as GW's and other names which make "dirty old men" sound quite mild. I have been savaged on this site by cruel words and pictures for merely pointing out an obvious, a teach should be a teacher and not some opportunist demon wanting to divest his students of their pants, before the chalk has been erased from the board if possible. SH's! Are you an SH to

As you all seem to be getting all nostalgic about 'infamous' posters, I thought I'd have a delve into the not so distant past. I was surprised what you guys get up to. It doesn't make you bad teachers of course; just a bit different I suppose. My lodger thought you were quite funny when I sent him the link. Good old boys, he said. He lived in Exeter for a year or two but I suppose I had too much of a sheltered life on Exmoor and Dartmoor. This is my home.

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-26
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

Umm...maybe you should take a look at the issue that is being actually discussed. It's obvious you didn't take a look at the posts on both sides from top to bottom and just got the first "assertive" post from a person disagreeing with me as well as others to prove how right you are.

The woman was trying to slander someone whom she didn't know to defend her point that Chinese female students are innocent souls who are being exploited by sex tourists whom she is accusing Silverboy the person whom she is arguing with of being. Grovelling weasels and old hyenas can get mighty defensive about their stupidity. Don't be one of them.

#12 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-26
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

I tried looking at the old threads that Londongirl had made but many of them were already deleted. Londongirl was most active on here back in June of 2012 so it probably wasn't. But with the internet you never know if it was the same poster writing under a different alias. There could also have been a man involved as there was a "Clyde" poster who appeared and pretended he was all about criticizing China when in fact this poster had an agenda against some of the regulars on here.

#13 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-03-26
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

Was this originally the London Girl and Dalian EF thread?

#14 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-26
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

For sexual freedom? For the freedom to spread contagious diseases, don't you mean?

You call yourself a teacher? You are an absolute disgrace to the profession, and the kind of dirty old men(how old are you, ancient?) who gets all of the hard-working teachers in China a bad name.

Here is a pst from the poster to whom you refer and it says nothing to me that suggests that this person would want to appease anybody. I think you mean that the poster suggested that it would be a good idea to learn Chinese to get on better with the Chinese; and that seems sensible to enough to me. Certain amount of rewriting of history going on here. A lot of you are more Chinese than you think. I am not saying that I agree with the woman at all. There's a principle at stake here, don't twist the truth to prove an argument.

#15 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-26
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

One of the posters on this thread who grovels mentioned learning how to speak Chinese to appease your Chinese bosses was a good idea, then this hapless individual got metaphorically spat on by just about anyone with a half decent sense of anything. Hilarity ensued with said hapless poster as well as her cohort being shot down...into metaphorical pieces.

#16 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-03-25
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

So many people talk about the sleazy behaviour of foreign teachers towards female students in China, but maybe Male Chinese university students need to step up their game? Oh wait, that would interfere with their marathon W.O.W sessions and basketball, wouldn't it?

I think that it is not just the ladies that need to sexually liberated, some of those guys could do with private dormitories/apartments so that they can at least bash one out at their own convenience, never mind getting laid. Just imagine how much more laid back and relaxed they would be. The poor little buggers study hard enough as it is, they need to release some of that stress and tension. If they are more relaxed, they might not seem so desperate and creepy when trying to impress girls too.

I feel sorry for some of them, there's so much pressure for them to find a wife after university, yet they haven't really played the teenage dating game like western people usually do, hence struggle a little, due to their lack of experience. However, their awful attempts to impress girls can sometimes prove to be very entertaining for bystanders like me.

Anyway, what does this thread actually have to do with learning Chinese?

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