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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-05
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Now, my advice to you is.... piss upon shitty Chinese bosses, like I do!

You're not listening to me, Foxy. Poor old me, I can't find any 'shitty Chinese bosses to urinate over. I have tried, searching far and wide, crossing my legs to hold it all in as I ask one person after another 'can you tell me where the nearest shitty Chinese school boss is ,please?... but I just get baffled looks, and, mei you, mei you? guffaw guffaw.

#2 Parent foxy - 2013-04-05
Re: GOOD or Bad?

China gives me what I want, and more. But I know it won't give many other Westerners what they want.
Yes it won't because they have bad attitudes. What's more they are often lazy good for nothing complainers. They can't find wives in China because they can't attract decent Chinese women and have to fish for prostitutes. I don't mean to insult, and there is hope for them, if they follow my good advice and wise up.

What advice is that, pray divulge it?

Now, my advice to you is.... piss upon shitty Chinese bosses, like I do!

#3 Parent foxy - 2013-04-05
Re: GOOD or Bad?

You will know now that I'm not playing silly mind games, and I mean it when I say your posts will wise up many of those who would come to China in good faith to teach, only to be horrified by the way they will be cheated and treated if their Chinese bosses do not value their teaching.
Even so, China is a good place for some expats to live and work.
I'm not flying any country's flag. Just because it's my best option doesn't mean I'll praise it up. Like everwhere in this world, the culture has things I like, but also things I dislike. I'm not a patriotic person.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-04
Re: GOOD or Bad?

China gives me what I want, and more. But I know it won't give many other Westerners what they want.

Yes it won't because they have bad attitudes. What's more they are often lazy good for nothing complainers. They can't find wives in China because they can't attract decent Chinese women and have to fish for prostitutes. I don't mean to insult, and there is hope for them, if they follow my good advice and wise up.

#5 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-04
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Ok, you are entitled to your opinion. Just remember that we are also not in China to fly the flag of Chinese culture. We are not here to do what they want or improve their society. They are a greedy and self-serving race of people. Therefore, it is our duty to use them to get what we want ( eg, money, sex ) etc.

With respect, if Foxy wants to fly the flag of his adopted country, that's up to him.

I rather think that CityBank is a lot more greedy and self-serving than this worryingly put 'race of people' (has some bad historical connotations that one)

#6 Parent Protestor - 2013-04-04
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Ok, you are entitled to your opinion. Just remember that we are also not in China to fly the flag of Chinese culture. We are not here to do what they want or improve their society. They are a greedy and self-serving race of people. Therefore, it is our duty to use them to get what we want ( eg, money, sex ) etc.

#7 Parent Pazuzu - 2013-04-04
Re: GOOD or Bad?

In fact, I dislike British culture

To each their own....there are a great many who do like it however!

#8 Parent Pazuzu - 2013-04-04
Re: GOOD or Bad?

San mig has nothing against foxy poster, san migs would buy him yang rou chuan and harbin beer and even cigarettes (although sm seldom smokes) if foxy wanted to.

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-04
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Hardly anything I said that could be considered philosophical. I was merely pointing out the facts of what people want, but I won't delve deeper. I just want people to know that so as long as the Chinese and other people keep their ways of cheat and as you said serfdom with their ways of life then my views will not go away, only grow stronger. You do seem to be put off by the fact that some of the things I stated may have invaded your sense of space and maybe ruffled a feather or two, but I did not intend to attack you in such a personal manner. What I have seen is the fact that some older posters want to change the opinions of mine and will go to no ends to discredit me. This board got to where it is by a collaboration of people who are both young and old, and I will not think nicely of those who want to steal the fruits of what was produced. People who don't bother contributing anything useful and still want to lecture to me on how to live life will get nothing but ill will, and justifiably so.

I have worked at the public type gigs that you have mentioned, and I do believe it would suit you well. I have disagreed with your attitude towards a couple of the other posters on here but I didn't argue with you over that. I do believe everyone has a right to live however they want. But at the end of the day anybody who actually feels secure about working at crappy training centers full time would not care to even read our posts nor attack us. But as I have found out there are still plenty of insecure types out there.

#10 Parent foxy - 2013-04-04
Re: GOOD or Bad?

I'm not sure what you mean when you talk about the EFL pie. You're definitely philosophying. But I'm not. No need to explain it!
I would say that living in a cheating society does erode one's morals to some extent. But I can accept that in my case. Some of us always follow our nature in any case, even when it's not good for us to do so. No doubt you know the story of the scorpion and the frog. Halfway across the river the scorpion, on the frog's back, stings his carrier. Both will drown. The frog had trusted the scorpion, and can't understand why the scorpion had stung him. The scorpion replied that it was his nature. You can live by your morals and so will everyone else. But our morals differ. I think I have better morals than many Chinese, but probably you have better morals than me.
I'm not in China to fly the flag of Western culture. In fact, I dislike British culture. And I would surely dislike US culture too, were I to visit your country.

I care not what kind of cheating other FTs do here. All I can say is that I dislike telling lies, though I will do so to achieve my aims. I avoid FTs who come across as grovelling weasels here. I'm happy with my life, and I do not like the bickering and insults that I read on here. I do not wish to participate in lengthy debates. I'll give my take on a subject. If it offends others, that's too bad. I didn't mean it to.

Now, please tell us from your EFL experience abroad, which other foreign country can provide an expat with rent-free unshared accommodation and a salary approx double what its native English teachers earn for around 16 classes/week of 45 minutes each, a salary that allows one to buy beer in quantity, smoke and eat reasonably well. And you also get benefits such as air fare allowance or even air fare reimbursement, plus holiday travel allowance and the services of a native teaching assistant to help you plan your one and only lesson/week, help you teach it 16 times/week by interpreting for you in class, maintaining discipline there, and help you with any daily life problems you will have such as buying necessities.
I RECKON YOU CAN"T NAME ANYWHERE EXCEPT THE PRC! Now, I'm asking you this not for my sake, but on behalf of others who would be eager to accept this kind of deal outside China. My priorities are different from yours, as are those of at least some of the other readers.

I know China has its problems for expat teachers, but I can deal with my problems in this respect here reasonably well. However, I realize that there are many expat teachers who can't. The advantages of teaching here far outweigh the disadvantages in my opinion, but I realize I'm in the minority as regards my opinion. By nature, I'm a loner, an only child whose mother was German. China gives me what I want, and more. But I know it won't give many other Westerners what they want.

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-04
Re: GOOD or Bad?

I think expecting fairness is something anybody should keep their whole lives. The way expats have been cheated would be synonymous to there being an ESL Pie, divided up into 10 slices. The Chinese have already taken up 5, and have stolen 3 from us expats. There shouldn't be a discussion amongst us on how to "fairly" divide up the remaining 2 between Chinese business owners and foreign teachers. We keep what is ours and take back what belongs to us. That is the same anywhere you go in this world. No matter where you go the locals of whatever country you go to like to tell you how much "culture" they have which is almost the same thing as Virtue with the way it is used. It is only logical to expect standards, and reasonable to expect fellow human beings to strive and live up to a certain amount of decency that can be called competently human. If they can't do it, the onus is on them and not us. They deserve all the ridicule, bad publicity, bad karma, and shame they can get.


#12 Parent foxy - 2013-04-03
Re: GOOD or Bad?

As for cut-short local Chinese, they haven't urinated in my direction to date-be pretty cross if they did, guffaw guffaw. How's your chum, San Mig, by the way?

Yep, I've been praised for my teaching and treated well in some places, whereas in other places I've disappointed my employers, resulting in them treating me badly. The trouble with teaching in China is that the playing field in terms of FT evaluation is not level. Chinese staff tend to sook up to their bosses, even the crappiest bosses among the latter. Rotten serfdom culture inherited from past generations. Anyways, I've no complaints - I've learned how to piss in their direction if required to do so by my sense of fairplay having been offended. I suppose it's the lying and backbiting that I look down on most, and will cause me to piss on them.
You mention SM - I don't think he would consider himself as my chum! I dunno how he is these days. Presumably, he's fine. As for Mancunian, he seems to have deserted the board, or else he is still posting under a new moniker. Hopefully he's fine too.
Exeter, yes a nice part of England. I drove down there all the way from Edinburgh to visit a haulier/warehouser on company business on one occasion. I remember drinking loads of lager in a local hotel there with my colleague, where we lodged for the night.

#13 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-03
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Good teachers should not come to China to teach. When I say good, I don't just mean people with fancy degrees but rather folks with principle and a good head on their shoulders. They deserve better than to have their good will pissed on by expats and local chinese alike. I hope this clarifies some things.

Well said. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

I'm proud to say I printed my degree off in the rest room at Barnstaple Crematorium, and when I got home, my lodger, put the final potato stamp seal of approval on it on behalf of Exeter University; not fancy but hopefully Dragonized concedes that I have a good head on my shoulders.

As for cut-short local Chinese, they haven't urinated in my direction to date-be pretty cross if they did, guffaw guffaw. How's your chum, San Mig, by the way?

#14 Parent foxy - 2013-04-03
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Yeah, it's much easier for FTs already in China to get new jobs than it is for westerners applying for jobs from outside China. Another positive is if you're white. But of course oldtimers have more difficulty finding teaching jobs. To be 55 or older makes jobhunting more difficult.
Anyways, I'm glad you're enjoying your teaching while able to shrug off the inevitable cheating from the Chinese side that will accompany it. I know that many new FTs here cannot put up with that, especially young, headstrong types who still expect fairness in this world. However, I think we have a duty to reveal the various ways in which Chinese bosses cheat their FTs on this board so as to forewarn our fellow FTs what to look out for. It's kind of like being neighbourly, don't you think?

#15 Parent foxy - 2013-04-03
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Good teachers should not come to China to teach. When I say good, I don't just mean people with fancy degrees but rather folks with principle and a good head on their shoulders. They deserve better than to have their good will pissed on by expats and local chinese alike. I hope this clarifies some things.

Well said. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

#16 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-03
Re: GOOD or Bad?

You're doing a fine and necessary job, dragonized. I hope that your posts will prevent many good folks coming to China to teach EFL as best they can, only to be subsequently screwed over financially and treated badly in every other respect. Well done, sir!

Be good for us actually; a real shortage of FT's eh?-MY God, the Mayor might dish out gold embossed 5 year long L visas for the likes of us. Even free degrees for those of us a bit challenged in that direction- Can I change sides?

#17 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-03
Re: GOOD or Bad?

I don't know what to make of your response. Quite frankly I have done as much as I can to not create any animosity between the two of us. I was not pointing the finger at you with the post I made. I will be honest and say that I have disagreed with you in the past but I left you well enough alone because you haven't tried to mislead intentionally, just saying what you did from your own experience. My post was more or less directed at the more recent posters who want to attack teachers of a younger age based on more groundless reasons.

Good teachers should not come to China to teach. When I say good, I don't just mean people with fancy degrees but rather folks with principle and a good head on their shoulders. They deserve better than to have their good will pissed on by expats and local chinese alike. I hope this clarifies some things.

#18 Parent foxy - 2013-04-03
Re: GOOD or Bad?

You're doing a fine and necessary job, dragonized. I hope that your posts will prevent many good folks coming to China to teach EFL as best they can, only to be subsequently screwed over financially and treated badly in every other respect. Well done, sir!

#19 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-03
Re: GOOD or Bad?

The best research won't cover the numerous lies that plenty of sellout expats such as the one you're responding to will tell you. The first job I had in China my soon to be manager who was a middle aged american told me all sorts of things about how my life would be when I went to China. This was Aston, and back in 2007 you would not have found too much bad news about this company on the internet without a considerable amount of liars telling you how good it really is. Of course, going there I found out the hard way how I was duped. They still owe me money.

What I have found working in China is that the older expat teachers are mostly not too caring nor do they know anything about the inner workings of how the Chinese do business and how they plan as well as execute their methods of exercising control over you. However when the shit hits the fan and a few expat teachers speak out they get irritated at the others for disturbing the nest so to speak. What they want is to be taken care of, and they don't really see themselves as having any control over their own lives. You really want to ask yourself, is this who I want to become when I get older? I can certainly draw some useful life lessons from them, and it motivates me all the more to take the stand that I am taking. One most notably is to always stand up for yourself.

#20 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-03
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Good-willed folks are always in doubt of many things, except for the truly virtuous and truly unjustified things that they believe strongly in. You truly believe in the idea that the poster whom you are responding to as well as my opinions have flaws in them and need changing. I can tell you right now that if you can only accept anything we say as good will hinges on us compromising then you should just give up. The courtesy and tolerance has already been given to you. You certainly are not changing my opinion, if anything you are showing why it's a bad idea to work in China. You will be drawn to some of the worst expats around.

#21 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-02
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Not sure I can agree wholeheartedly.

Ah good-means you agree with some niggling doubts, and that's a step in the right direction for forum harmony, and ever across the border goodwill?

#22 Parent San Migs - 2013-04-02
Re: GOOD or Bad?

I feel a lot of them agree to it at the offset and then find it does not suit them-well, hard luck I say.

Not sure I can agree wholeheartedly. Even with the best prior research some schools may try to sneak in young learners classes, due dilligence can't always guarantee anything in the middle kingdom.

Making sure the job is just a college or high or middle school is the safest bet.

#23 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-01
Re: GOOD or Bad?

Working with Chinese kids at kindergarten level can be quite stressful and annoying for certain FTs (you have to play the role of a white monkey in a muppet show which makes you lose your own self-respect), and I would hate to take such a job, also knowing that I wouldn't be able to give these kids what I may owe them. Therefore, I would never accept such a job in the first instance. I am just wondering all the time about the stupidity of many Chinese school or "school" operators who just think that a Western FT can teach all age groups. Well, I cannot - I would consider myself a relatively good teacher for students at uni and college level, but I am absolutely useless in a kindergarten environment or at Primary School level.

I did know a great big bloke of an FT who taught nippers and loved it and they loved him. He had a special gift for it and didn't look at all like a white monkey; although other FT's I witnessed teaching did look stupid. I agree with you, I couldn't handle the little shits. You personally would be wasted doing it because of your education-as for me, my disposition is totally wrong- even the 16 year olds go green when i tell them a bit about myself, because they have asked. Still it's all valuable work for some FT's and you can't blame the Chinese for milking a few bob out of it. When I applied for jobs in China I would tell them I do not in any circumstances whatsoever teach young children. Ft's have only themselves to blame for finding themselves in a position where they have to entertain toddlers and they don't want to. I feel a lot of them agree to it at the offset and then find it does not suit them-well, hard luck I say.

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