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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-04-21
Re: Best Learning Shenyang

Accept all the cultural differences. Never make trouble. Go with the flow and smile, smile, smile! Keep your head down at work. Get along with all Chinese folks. Your director will love you for this and treat you preferrentially. Everybody will be happy.

  • Warning: a strange mix of truth and sarcasm
  • Nah, it's a face thing. Don't be a loud trouble causer, but secretly stir things up if needed, develop relationships with the right people and f**k with things behind the scenes. Give the impression that all is good, no matter what. Pretend to be friendly with the Chinese people that you don't actually like, but be genuinely friendly with the few good people, However, realise that you can not even trust them 100%, as everybody wants something out of somebody here. The Chinese concept of friendship is slightly different to a Western one. Also, be flirty (if they are female, like mine) and pleasant with your director, pretend to be impressed with everything that they do. They know that you aren't really impressed, but the fact that you pretended to be, shows a great deal of respect.

    #2 Parent Ian - 2013-04-20
    Re: Best Learning Shenyang

    Attributing management malfeasance to cultural differences is taking advantage not only of the employee, but every honest Chinese manager (they exist). You're harming those people in your effort to either take advantage of or enable others to exploit another group of people.

    It's possible the Shenyang franchise isn't a viper's nest. I don't know anyone who worked there. But Beile corporate is, and the Jinan franchise is.

    #3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-19
    Re: Best Learning Shenyang

    Accept all the cultural differences. Never make trouble. Go with the flow and smile, smile, smile! Keep your head down at work. Get along with all Chinese folks. Your director will love you for this and treat you preferrentially. Everybody will be happy.

    Another sensible FT- well said.

    #4 Parent foxy - 2013-04-19
    Re: Best Learning Shenyang

    Accept all the cultural differences. Never make trouble. Go with the flow and smile, smile, smile! Keep your head down at work. Get along with all Chinese folks. Your director will love you for this and treat you preferrentially. Everybody will be happy.

    Being too obliging in China is inviting use and abuse. You're asking to be taken a loan of, and you will be, no doubt about it!

    #5 Parent haapy teacher - 2013-04-18
    Re: Best Learning Shenyang

    You are quite right of course, major cultural differences; an FT should teach and have a good time, not to arrive in China, throwing his weight around and telling them how wrong they are.

    Accept all the cultural differences. Never make trouble. Go with the flow and smile, smile, smile! Keep your head down at work. Get along with all Chinese folks. Your director will love you for this and treat you preferrentially. Everybody will be happy.

    #6 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-18
    Re: Best Learning Shenyang

    In a recent interview, someone brought up this posting, so I thought I would check it out. I came to Shenyang to help open this franchise and changed a lot of the ways management runs things, concerning foreigners and teaching. It is true that when you work for Best Learning in Beijing, it is really easy to get pissed off by the way they run things, but what you need to remember is that this is China, and not the USA. We have major culture differences that you must consider. However, what some people say can be true. If you want to know the real opinion about Best Learning in Shenyang (because it is not the same as in other cities, at least while I work here), you can check out the Facebook page and I invite you to contact ANY of our teachers to get their opinion of our school. They will tell you the truth, both what they believe is good and bad. Every teacher is listed on our page, and we have nothing to hide. So instead of reading this blog post from others who have never been to our school nor met us (except Marcus! thanks!), check it out yourself and get your own opinion.

    P.S. This facebook page is not management produced. It is a page that all of our teachers administer and build together. Thanks for checking us out and good luck in your searching/coming to China.


    You are quite right of course, major cultural differences; an FT should teach and have a good time, not to arrive in China, throwing his weight around and telling them how wrong they are. I like to remain aloof from facebook and other similars, otherwise I'd use your link, but thank you.
    #7 Parent Aaron - 2013-04-16
    Re: Best Learning Shenyang

    In a recent interview, someone brought up this posting, so I thought I would check it out. I came to Shenyang to help open this franchise and changed a lot of the ways management runs things, concerning foreigners and teaching. It is true that when you work for Best Learning in Beijing, it is really easy to get pissed off by the way they run things, but what you need to remember is that this is China, and not the USA. We have major culture differences that you must consider. However, what some people say can be true. If you want to know the real opinion about Best Learning in Shenyang (because it is not the same as in other cities, at least while I work here), you can check out the Facebook page and I invite you to contact ANY of our teachers to get their opinion of our school. They will tell you the truth, both what they believe is good and bad. Every teacher is listed on our page, and we have nothing to hide. So instead of reading this blog post from others who have never been to our school nor met us (except Marcus! thanks!), check it out yourself and get your own opinion.

    P.S. This facebook page is not management produced. It is a page that all of our teachers administer and build together. Thanks for checking us out and good luck in your searching/coming to China.


    #8 Parent Koko - 2012-09-01
    Re: Best Learning Shenyang

    I heard some cool things about them from my coworkers at my school talk about them doing really well and I was in training with one of their teachers who was pretty cool and fun.

    Dave - 2012-09-01
    Best Learning Shenyang

    I have been thinking about going to China and was wondering does anyone know anything about Best Learning???

    I had an interview with someone in Shenyang. It's up north and I was leaning more to Beijing.

    The interview was much more than expected though and it sounds legit, but I wanted to make sure. The guy said he is really choosey with who he hires though but said they have around 200 students after 8 months. Is this good for this type of school? Any feedback would be helpful.

    Thank you,


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