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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-26
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider


#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-25
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider

No, sweetie I am not Londongirl.

No, you can't be accused of that; I'm sorry I must have answered the wrong poster. But are you Woodbine Willie? hahaha-only joking.

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-25
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider

You seem to have a selective memory dear boy. I was arguing with Londongirl over the issue of whether EF was being a decent place to work at. Never tried to objectify her in a sexist way on my part.

In view of the fact that the whole cackle was nipping at her; if you didn't take the opportunity to support her on the sexual issue, one assumes that you gave full support to all the other SH's, no matter what they were saying like 'bonk that student ASAP?' Now I am not saying that the student in question should not have been bonked, but neither did you.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-25
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider

No, sweetie I am not Londongirl.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-25
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider

You seem to have a selective memory dear boy. I was arguing with Londongirl over the issue of whether EF was being a decent place to work at. Never tried to objectify her in a sexist way on my part.

#6 Parent San Migs Pale - 2013-04-23
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider

To be honest, many seem to leave their morals at the door when they go overseas,,,,this is not just limited to China of course.

I met many in the gulf region who seem to think they can behave as they want, just because they earn a higher salary than the locals, yet at the same time will play off according to ethnic groups. Some people should not be allowed to travel abroad imho, if they can't behave appropriately at home or abroad.

#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-23
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider

In truth, there are always good people out there who actually see women as more than objects. I myself would like to meet empathetic people who work in the ESL field, but there is a general lack in quantity.

No disrespect-in fact none at all I assure you--- are you LondonGirl?

#8 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-23
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider

In truth, there are always good people out there who actually see women as more than objects. I myself would like to meet empathetic people who work in the ESL field, but there is a general lack in quantity.

I seem to recall you were at loggerheads with LondonGirl when she was airing the same views as Stella(a beer) and M....well could be another beer...who knows a beer or part of a beer beginning with m? hahaha all good fun- no harm meant.

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-23
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider

It just takes an IQ of 90 and a vaguely sane brain to feel a little empathy beyond sexual arousal, but I guess it is too much to ask of average male ESL teachers on this board.

In truth, there are always good people out there who actually see women as more than objects. I myself would like to meet empathetic people who work in the ESL field, but there is a general lack in quantity.

#10 Parent Stella M - 2013-04-22
Re: Sex slavery - and all that: some points to consider

Thanks so much, Turnoi for defining me as "or appears to be a woman". It's hard deciding if men who ostensibly support us are better opr worse than the open enemy who blabbers about how it is OK to abuse "girlfriends" who happen to also be your students.

It just takes an IQ of 90 and a vaguely sane brain to feel a little empathy beyond sexual arousal, but I guess it is too much to ask of average male ESL teachers on this board.

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