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#1 Parent San Migs Draft - 2013-04-25
Re: Huizhou University

we shouldn't mind if these degrees could be written on a fag packet?

I can agree about fake degrees and teachers partly, but not whole heartedly.

Fake pilots is another matter altogether though. I suppose you condone the cheat and deceit that is so prevalent, don't you?!

Get your TEFL cert honestly, get grafting, you are getting flabby my lad.

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-25
Re: Huizhou University

We are talking about a country where a BA or MA theses might only be two pages long. And that is just one example of the stupidity and incompetence!

What is all this to us; we shouldn't mind if these degrees could be written on a fag packet? The things we should be concerned about is our own abilities to get on with the Chinese people warts and all. Some of us are sadly lacking, and have arrogant ways about us. Since you continue to write about China, Silverboy, I suppose it's only logical to assume that you are back in China as an FT?

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